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ISPRS Monthly e-Bulletin
Issue No. 1 - January 2011
Annual Reports of ISPRS Technical Commissions
U. V. Helava Award – Best Paper Volume 64 (2009)
The fourth U.V. Helava Award will be presented at the 22nd ISPRS Congress in Melbourne on
25 August - 1 September 2012. The jury appointed by the ISPRS Council evaluated the 68 papers
of volume 64 (2009) and announced its decision for the Best Paper. The winner of the 2009 Best
Paper Award is: ″SPIRIT. SPOT 5 stereoscopic survey of Polar Ice: Reference Images and
Topographies during the fourth International Polar Year (2007–2009)″ by Jérôme
Korona, Etienne Berthier, Marc Bernard, Frédérique Rémy, Eric Thouvenot.
» Read more
Kickoff of the OBSERVE EU Project
The EU PF7
funded OBSERVE project started with a kickoff meeting 13-14 December, 2010. The Principal
investigators form almost 15 universities and institutes met joined together at the beautiful city of
Thessaloniki Greece. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Petros Patias from the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki. Prof. Patias is a former president of ISPRS TC V (2000 – 2004) and the ISPRS Financial
Committee (2004 – 2008). A former president of CIPA, he is also a member of ISPRS White Elephant Club
and the initiator and director of the close to 1M OBSERVE Project. Three other ISPRS active members
join the project that has surfaced already two new potential members for ISPRS.
» Read more
FOSS4G 2010
By Songnian Li, Bert Veenendaal, Maria A. Brovelli,
Suzana Dragicevic of ISPRS WG IV/5
FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) is the international annual conference of
Open Source Geospatial Software. It is heralded as the international ″gathering of
tribes″ of open source geospatial communities, where developers and users exhibit
their latest software and projects. The FOSS4G2010 Academic Track acts as an inventory of
current research topics, but the major goal is to promote cooperative research between OSGeo
developers and academia. The academic track is the forum that highlights important research
challenges and trends in the domain, and which becomes the basis for an informal OSGeo
research agenda. It fosters interdisciplinary discussions in all aspects of the geospatial
and free and open source domains.
» Read more
ISPRS Joint Workshop on ″Pervasive Web Mapping,
Geoprocessing and Services″
By Songnian Li, Bert Veenendaal, Maria A. Brovelli,
Suzana Dragicevic of ISPRS WG IV/5
FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) is the international annual conference of
Open Source Geospatial Software. It is heralded as the international ″gathering of
tribes″ of open source geospatial communities, where developers and users exhibit
their latest software and projects. The FOSS4G2010 Academic Track acts as an inventory of
current research topics, but the major goal is to promote cooperative research between OSGeo
developers and academia. The academic track is the forum that highlights important research
challenges and trends in the domain, and which becomes the basis for an informal OSGeo
research agenda. It fosters interdisciplinary discussions in all aspects of the geospatial
and free and open source domains.
» Read more
Member News
ASPRS Honorary Members Selected
Alan R. Stevens and Jack Dangermond have been selected as the next Honorary Members of the
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). Their nominations were
recently approved by the ASPRS Board of Directors. This is the highest award bestowed
by ASPRS and there can be only 25 living Honorary Members of the Society at any given time.
» Read more
Obituary Prof. Dr. Ing. Jörg Albertz
On October 28, 2010 Prof. Jörg Albertz of the Technical University Berlin died
unexpectedly after a short but severe illness. He has been Honorary President of the German
Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation. He left us at the age of 74.
We will greatly miss him.
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GEO Beijing Declaration
The GEO Beijing Declaration was released on the occasion of Seventh Plenary Session of the
Group on Earth Observations (GEO-VII) & Beijing Ministerial Summit on 5 November, 2010
in Beijing, China.
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Dear friends of GeoImagary,
At the XVII Congress in Vienna during the general Assembly it was decided to launch a timely
news bulletin. The first issue of the ISPRS Highlights has been published on October 1996
in a printed media. During the coming years, until the March 2006 Highlights was issued
in printed version and distributed to several readers in the world. In 2006 Council has
decided to publish it in electronic form in order to reach a wider reader community. With
this issue the Highlight will be replaced by Monthly Newsletter in order to disseminate
information more frequently. This aim can only be fulfilled with contributions from all of
In the last years we are experiencing different platforms of information exchange and sharing
especially regarding Social Platforms. ISPRS will launch in near future a Blog to share
different experiences and information. You will be informed very shortly.
I am confident that we will achieve, like we have done in the past, all goals we have set for
the decision and hope that this platform will be a good opportunity to have a media, which
reaches a wider reader community and please do not hesitate to send your critics on this
ISPRS President
Quick Links
New Events in the ISPRS Calendar
8-9 Mar 2011
EduServ 9 (2011) - Pre-course Seminar for four e-learning courses from EuroSDR
Champs sur Marne near Paris, FRANCE
21-23 Mar 2011
From Space to Earth – Applications and Interoperability
Venice, ITALY
3-4 Apr 2011
WG VIII/9 Workshop on Climate Change and Ocean Carbon - Field Observation, Remote Sensing and Modeling
Xiamen, CHINA
9-11 May 2011
Global Space and Satellite Forum
ADNEC, Abu Dhabi, UAE
10-13 May 2011
GTC 2011 "Geomatics Technologies in the City"
3-4 Aug 2011
1st Conference on Advances in Geomatics Research (AGRC2011)
Kampala, UGANDA
17-19 Aug 2011
WG V/2 Conference "Cultural heritage data acquisition & processing"quot;
York, UK
23-25 Aug 2011
7th International Symposium on Digital Earth (ISDE7)
17-18 Oct 2011
IC WG II/IV Workshop on Dynamic & Multi-dimensional GIS (DMGIS' 2011)
(web site not ready)
Shanghai, CHINA
Job Opportunities
07-Jan-2011: |
PhD Position in 3D/4D reality-based city modelling Singapore-ETH Zurich Centre for Global Environmental Sustainability (SEC) |
12-Jan-2011: |
Applications are invited for a three year PhD studentship within the Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, UK. Power of digital imagery acquired using advanced information communication technologies |
» See more
More News
Travel Grants
Travel grants are available from The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) to attend the International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the Environment to be held in Sydney, Australia from 10th - 15th April 2011. Applications must be made by 11th February on the application form.
» See more
Prof Polat Gülkan has accepted to be Keynote Speaker at Gi4DM
Prof Polat Gülkan, President of the International Association of Earthquake Engineers
has accepted to be the Keynote Speaker at the Geoinformation for Disaster Management Symposium
to be held in Antalya, on the 3-8th of May. For further information and other Plenary Speakers,
abstract submission please refer to the website of the event
» Read more about Prof. Polat Gülkan
Call for Papers
Call for papers for special issue "Urban Remote Sensing". Deadline for paper submission: 15 March 2011
» See more
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Editor-in-Chief: Chen Jun
General Supervisor: Orhan Altan
© ISPRS, 2011.