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ISPRS Monthly E-Bulletin
Issue No 2 - 2011
President's Report
The year 2010 has seen the completion of all eight midterm Symposia, which Technical
Commissions are required to hold. All Symposia were successful and all Technical Commission
Presidents deserve congratulations for their major contributions to the scientific work of ISPRS.
Council was very pleased with the conduct of the Symposia, and I am sure that they have led to good
preparations for the Congress in Melbourne in August 2012. In July 2010, the Society celebrated the
Centenary of its founding and the major contributions of the many professionals who have played a
role in its development over the past 100years, at its birthplace, Vienna University of Technology.
A series of events marked the historic occasion.
The year 2011 is an important one for the preparations for the Congress. The Second Announcement
document will be distributed early this year. Other documentation for the Commercial and Scientific
Exhibits has already been circulated. Presenters of papers at the technical sessions must submit
their papers by 24 October 2011. This commences the process for the selection of papers for the
technical sessions and interactive sessions. The Congress Director Professor Cliff Ogleby and his
team are taking great care in the preparation of the Congress and excellent technical and social
programs are guaranteed. The year 2011 will also be a big year for ISPRS events, with many Working
Groups planning workshops. I hope to meet with many of you in 2011.
ISPRS President
» Read more
Annual Reports of ISPRS Technical Commissions
Annual Reports of ISPRS Regional Representatives
ISPRS VIII/5 Workshop Report
By Dr Thomas Cudahy, Chair ISPRS WG VIII/5, Energy and Solid Earth
A group of 28 primarily government geoscientists from five countries met up in Alice Springs
in September as part of the 15th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference
( to
discuss the possibility of generating global-scale, web-accessible
geoscience maps from current and future remote sensing imagery. This discussion was led by
the ISPRS Working Group VIII/5, Energy and Solid Earth. Two invited papers provided catalyst
for the discussion, including one by Trude King from the USGS who presented the first
country-scale hyperspectral imaging survey. This survey was conducted over Afghanistan
with the data, products and software to soon be released publicly. The second invited paper
was by Matilda Thomas from Geoscience Australia who showed how the current archive of ASTER
satellite imagery can be processed to yield country (global) scale geoscience maps.
One of the outcomes of this meeting was that development of a coordinated plan was agreed
by those Australian geosurveys present to generate an
ASTER geoscience map of Australia which could serve as a demonstration for a
similar suite of products at a global-scale.
» Read more
ISPRS Workshop on Digital Preservation of Archaeological Heritage
By Dr. Bharat Lohani, Co-Chair WG-V/2
The Workshop on Digital Preservation of Archaeological Heritage was jointly organized by IIT
Kanpur, ISPRS WG V-2 and University of Allahabad during 18 – 19 October 2010 at IIT Kanpur, India.
The workshop attracted participants from India and neighbouring countries. In total there were
around 40 participants. The workshop was structured on the line of presentations by experts
so the participants can learn new technologies and their use for archaeological investigation,
documentation and preservation. Currently, in India not many archaeologists are employing
modern tools in their work and, therefore, this mode of workshop fitted well to the need of
the country.
» Read more
Member News
2011 ASPRS Fellow Award Winners
Paul D. Brooks and Kass Green have been named the 2011
ASPRS Fellow Award winners. The ASPRS designation of Fellow is conferred on active Society
members who have performed excep-tional service in advancing the science and use of the
mapping sciences (photogrammetry, remote sensing, surveying, geographic information systems,
and related disciplines). The designation of Fellow is awarded for pro¬fessional excellence
and for service to the Society. Candidates are nominated by other active members, recommended to
the Fellows Committee, and elected by the ASPRS Board of Directors. Up to 0.3 percent of the
Society's active members may be elected as Fellows in any one year. The nominees must have
made outstanding contributions in a recognized Society specialization whether in practice,
research, development, administration, or education in the mapping sciences. Members of the
Fellows Committee and the Executive Committee are ineligible for nomination. This year's
awards will be given in May at the ASPRS 2011 Annual Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
» Read more
1st Announcement of Joint-WG workshop on
′Geospatial Data Infrastructure: from data acquisition and updating to smarter services′
The ISPRS joint-WG workshop on 'Geospatial Data Infrastructure: from data acquisition and
updating to smarter services' will be held during October 20-21, 2011 in Guilin China. The
workshop is co-organized by ISPRS WG IV/1, IV/2, IV/4, IV/5, IV/7, ICWG IV/VIII. The workshop
will focus on hot topics of recent achievements and trends of SDI, such as data acquisition
and updating, database creation and maintenance, smarter geo-spatial services and applications,
standards and liaison, etc. The extra-attraction of the workshop is the beautiful city Guilin,
whose name means "forest of Sweet Osmanthus", owing to the large number of fragrant sweet
osmanthus trees blooming in October every year. For detail information please visit the
workshop website at
» Workshop flyer
Dear friends of GeoImagary,
At the XVII Congress in Vienna during the general Assembly it was decided to launch a timely
news bulletin. The first issue of the ISPRS Highlights has been published on October 1996
in a printed media. During the coming years, until the March 2006 Highlights was issued
in printed version and distributed to several readers in the world. In 2006 Council has
decided to publish it in electronic form in order to reach a wider reader community. With
this issue the Highlight will be replaced by Monthly Newsletter in order to disseminate
information more frequently. This aim can only be fulfilled with contributions from all of
In the last years we are experiencing different platforms of information exchange and sharing
especially regarding Social Platforms. ISPRS will launch in near future a Blog to share
different experiences and information. You will be informed very shortly.
I am confident that we will achieve, like we have done in the past, all goals we have set for
the decision and hope that this platform will be a good opportunity to have a media, which
reaches a wider reader community and please do not hesitate to send your critics on this
ISPRS President
Quick Links
New Events
18-21 April 2011
EuroSDR/AGILE/OGC Workshop on Persistent Test Bed at 14th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science
Utrecht, The Netherlands
15-16 May 2011
WG II/4+7 joint International Conference & exhibitions on Geomatics-2011 & ISPRS Conference on Data Handling & Modeling of GeoSpatial Information for Management of Resources
Tehran, IRAN
10-12 Aug 2011
WG IV/5 2nd International Workshop on Pervasive Web Mapping, Geoprocessing & Services, in conjunction with 4th ICA Workshop on Geospatial
Analysis & Modeling (ICA GAM 2011)
Burnaby, CANADA
4-6 Oct 2011
WG VI/1+2 Workshop on E-Learning 2011 in conjunction with ACRS 2011
Taipei, TAIWAN
Job Opportunities
27-Jan-2011: |
9 Doctoral Positions at the Doctoral College (DK-GIScience), University of Salzburg, Austria |
09-Feb-2011: |
We are seeking to appoint 14 Fully Funded PhD (Early Stage Research) Fellows in Earth Observation to the Marie Curie Initial Training Network ″GMES Initial Operations - Network for Earth Observation Research Training″ (GIONET) |
23-Feb-2011: |
Academic and Research Positions at Tongji University, Shanghai, China |
» See more
New publications on the website
GEOBIA 2010 Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis 29 June - 2 July, Ghent, Belgium,
ISPRS Commission IV Mid-Term Symposium ′Geodatabases & Digital Mapping′, 16-18 Nov 2010, Orlando, USA,
XXXVIII-part4 |
WG IV/8: 5th International Conference on 3D GeoInformation 3-4 November 2010, Berlin, Germany,
» See more
More News
ISPRS Workshop Laser Scanning 2011
29-31 August 2011, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The conference website ( has been updated and the Second Call for Papers is available there.
» See more
Uwe Möller has accepted to be Keynote Speaker at Gi4DM
Uwe Möller, former Director of HAUS RISSEN – International Institute for Politics and
Economics in Hamburg, has accepted to be the Keynote Speaker at the Geoinformation for
Disaster Management Symposium to be held in Antalya, on the 3-8th of May. For further
information and other Plenary Speakers, abstract submission please refer to the website
of the event
» Read more about Uwe Möller
International Conference UAV-g 2011, September 14 – 16, 2011 at ETH Zurich
Dear colleague,
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the International Conference UAV-g 2011, the largest meeting
dedicated entirely to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the field of Geomatics, that will take place from
September 14 – 16, 2011 at ETH Zurich (with demonstrations at the Airfield Birrfeld on Thursday, September 15).
Using UAVs as data acquisition platform and as measurement instrument has become attractive for many emerging applications.
However, there is no overall and easy solution. Therefore, UAV-g 2011 brings together experts in photogrammetry,
surveying, robotics, computer vision, artificial intelligence and aerospace engineering.
If you are a researchers, a developer, a service or system provider or a user we encourage you to contribute with
presentations, posters, exhibitions, demonstrations and discussions to create synergies between research and applications
using UAVs in Geomatics. The official language for presentations is English.
Visit our homepage to get more detailed
information about the planned sessions, demonstrations and exhibitions.
Please submit your abstract until April 15, 2011.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us in English or German under
UAV-g Workshop Organizing Committee
» Event flyer
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