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ISPRS Monthly E-Bulletin
Issue No 3 - 2011
How is Japan managing the disaster of this magnitude?
By Shunji Murai
Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo, Japan
I was given the title of this article by the Editor-in-chief of the magazine "Coordinates"
but I dare to say that Japan is not yet managing the disaster but suffering from the hardships.
Though all Japanese people are in mourning over the horror of this event, I feel it is my duty as an
old scholar to report to the rest of the world on the worst earthquake and Tsunami in living memory
to hit Japan. I hope that my report will be useful to prevent the similar misery for others.
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ISPRS test on urban object detection and 3D building
reconstruction will be carried out
The working group III/4, 'Complex scene analysis and 3D reconstruction', will carry out an
international test on urban object detection and 3D building reconstruction from airborne
image and lasers canning data. Two data sets will be distributed to the participants,
who may carry out one of two tasks:
- Urban object detection: a variety of objects, including buildings, roads, cars,
and trees can be extracted. Participants may choose one or more object classes.
- 3D building reconstruction: detailed building roof models according to LoD2 of the
CityGML standard are to be extracted.
The working group will test submitted results against reference data. Results submitted before
September 30, 2012 can be published in one or two special sessions on the benchmark at the
ISPRS congress in Melbourne in September 2012.
More information about the test and about the procedure for obtaining the test data can be
found at
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ISPRS StM won the Belgian agency for Innovation
by Science and Technology IWT award for 2011
Gatewing has won the IWT award 2011The IWT (Belgian agency for Innovation
by Science and Technology) distributes each year a large amount of
subsidies to innovative businesses and for the second year in a row the
agency organized the IWT awards.
On March 17 the award ceremony took place at the Flemish Parliament and we are
proud to announce that Gatewing has won the prestigious IWT award in the category of
most innovative starters project.
» Watch the video
Dear friends of GeoImagary,
This is the third time that you receive the E-bulletin or E- newsletter. I hope you enjoy it
through your reading. With this we want to draw your attention to the last month's big
earthquake and Tsunami in Japan.
A paper prepared by Shunji Murai, former president and Honorary Member of ISPRS has prepared an
interesting report which you are going to read in this issue. These are conditions where even
the most advanced EWS cannot make a big difference. So most of the potential to mitigate such
a disaster in the future would have to be in the field of vulnerability reduction by adaptation,
e.g. in urban planning and construction, based on risk and vulnerability maps.
Another question is the quality and coordination of disaster mapping activities to support
response measures. Here we have to coordinate all efforts globally as most of the disasters
nowadays affect Trans boundaries. So the Geoinformation technologies will and better
expressed should help in all facets of Disaster Management. An international effort
in this direction is the Gi4DM series of Conferences, which was held for the first
time in 2005 in Delft after the Indian Ocean Tsunami and repeated every year in
almost all parts of the world. The upcoming conference in next May will demonstrate
the last international advances in Geoinformation regarding the Disaster Management.
Lastly we all people in the world have to learn from the Japanese Society, how they
have behaved after the devastating event, silently without losing the well know manner
of discipline.
ISPRS President
Quick Links
The 7th ISPRS Student Consortium and WG VI/5 Summer School
8-12 October at National Central University, Jhongli, Chinese Taipei
directly after the 32nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing.
The Summer School will continue the very successful tradition of the previous summer schools since
2005. It includes lectures, practical labs but also social events, a field trip and much fun.
Apart from acquiring new knowledge in an informal environment, this is an excellent opportunity to
meet lecturers and young people and strengthen your network.
The topics of the school are:
- Automated DSM generation by matching of aerial and spaceborne images
- Terrestrial laser scanning and model reconstruction
- Ocean remote sensing
- Agriculture monitoring using multi-temporal MODIS data
- UAV-based real-time aerial monitoring system
- Quality assessment techniques for high resolution remote sensing images
- In-situ study of natural hazards (field trip)
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ISPRS workshop on Dynamic and Multi-dimensional GIS 2011
17-18 October, 2011
Tongji University, Shanghai, P.R. China.
Jointly organized by ISPRS WG II/5, WG VII/5, ICWG IV/VIII.
The workshop on Dynamic and Multi-dimensional GIS is a series of international conference being
sponsored by ISPRS Working Group II/5. The objective of the workshop is to interdisciplinary
forum for leading researchers in related areas to present the latest developments and applications,
to discuss cutting-edge technology, to exchange research ideas and to promote international
collaboration on the future directions of GIS, in particular dynamic GIS and multi-dimensional
GIS. The topics of the workshop include mainly about algorithms and methods for modeling,
analyzing and representing dynamic geospatial processes, as well as the quality assessment.
For more information please consult the workshop website:
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WG VIII/2 Symposium: Advances in Geospatial Technologies for Health
11-14 September 2011, Santa Fe, NM USA
The Mission of ISPRS Commission VIII, Working Group 2 (Health) focuses on applications of remote
sensing and other Earth observing technologies to understand how the natural environment contributes
to environmental (asthma, cholera, meningitis, malaria, yellow fever) and infectious/zoonotic
(AIDS, TB, influenza, gastroenteritis, plague) diseases. One of the areas of interest is identifying
Earth observing data that are used to improve models and to enhance surveillance systems, decision
support tools, and early warning systems.
To this end, Working Group 2 is proud to announce its symposium on Advances in
Geospatial Technologies for Health. This 2-day event focuses on applications
of geospatial technologies for human health and well-being to integrate environment with
health sciences. The venue is the La Fonda Hotel located at the historic plaza in Santa Fe, NM USA.
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Report of ISPRS workshop 3D-ARCH 2011
2-4 March 2011, Trento, Italy
By Alessandro Rizzi
From March 2nd to 4th 2011, the 4th 3D-ARCH international workshop on "3D Virtual Reconstruction
and Visualization of Complex Architectures" was held in Trento, Italy. The workshop was jointly
organized by the 3D Optical Metrology (3DOM) unit of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) Italy
and the Dept. of Architecture, Carleton University, Canada. The conference chairs were Fabio
Remondino (FBK) and Sabry El-Hakim (Carleton Univ.). The event was the fourth in a series,
following the events in Venice 2005, Zurich 2007 and Trento 2009. The workshop was sponsored
by Leica and ShapeQuest, supported by ISPRS and CIPA and held as an event of the ISPRS Working
Group V/4 "Image-based and range-based 3D modeling".
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Report on the 5th ISPRS Student Consortium and WG VI/5 Summer School
6-10 November 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam
By by Urša Kanjir, Student Consortium Secretary
Although this year's Summer School (SS) under the auspices of ISPRS Student Consortium (SC)
and WG VI/5 took place in autumn, its parameters had been set to pure summer and manifested
in the land of conical hats – Vietnam. Given the fact that the SC is an international
organization, it is consistent that its main annual event happens every year at another place
of the globe and thus offers the opportunity to expand knowledge and all the benefits offered
by SS to different groups of young people, in particular to local Geomatics enthusiasts.
After last year's successful SS in Warsaw, the 5th SS saw the light this year in Southeast Asia,
precisely in the capital city of Vietnam, Hanoi, where 54 participants gathered from 6th to
10th of November 2010.
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Member News
IGI mbH - A new ISPRS Sustaining Member
IGI mbH have approved by ISPRS council to become ISPRS Sustaining Member on 31 March, 2011.
IGI mbH was founded in 1978. The primary goal of the company was to manage airborne sensor systems
for flight guidance, sensor control using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and INS
(Inertial Navigation System). Today the portfolio includes additional sensor systems using
LiDAR, digital camera systems and thermal camera systems.
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ASPRS New Officers 2011 selected
Stephen D. DeGloria Elected as ASPRS Vice President;
David Alvarez and Allen Cook Elected as Assistant Division Directors
The results of the 2011 election have been tallied by the American Society for Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Tellers Committee and they reported that Stephen D. DeGloria, a
professor at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, won the election to become ASPRS Vice
President for 2011. With the installation of officers at the ASPRS Annual Conference in May,
Gary Florence moves into the position of President; Roberta (Bobbi) Lenczowski becomes
President-Elect, and Carolyn Merry becomes Past President.
David Alvarez was elected Assistant Division Director of the ASPRS Geographic Information Systems Division (GISD).
Allen Cook was elected Assistant Division Director of the ASPRS Primary Data Acquisition Division (PAD).
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In Memoriam
Ian Harley 1932 – 2011
The death occurred in Brisbane on 25th February, 2011 of Ian Allan Harley. Ian obtained his
PhD at UCL in 1962, under professor E H Thompson and went on to become Reader and Head of
Department of Surveying, University of Queensland. In 1969 he was awarded a research
fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation which enabled him to spend 12 months
with Professor Ackermann at Stuttgart. In 1982 he returned to UCL to take the position of
Head of Department and Professor of Photogrammetry and Surveying. He retired in 1997.
He was Book Review Editor of ISPRS Highlights from 1998 – 2004.
Jadwiga Zarzycki 1926-2011
Jadwiga Zarzycki, wife of George Zarzycki from Canada passed away on Friday March 25 after a
brief illness. Jadwiga regularly accompanied George when he attended ISPRS Council meetings from
1980 to 1988 and became a close friend of the Council and their partners during this period.
She and George attended the ISPRS Centenary Celebrations in Vienna in July 2010, during which
time George was one of the 12 ISPRS Fellows elected during the Centenary General Assembly
on 4 July 2010. The ISPRS family expresses its condolences to George
and his family for their sad loss.
George Zarzycki being congratulated by President Orhan Altan on receiving an ISPRS Fellowship
» More details
New Events
30 Jul - 6 Aug 2011
6th ISPRS Student Consortium and WG VI/5 Summer School
Fayetteville State University, North Carolina, USA
29 Aug 2011
Workshop 'Use of 3D City Models in E-Government for Sustainable Urban Governance' at the IFIP e-government conference (Aug 28 - Sep 2, 2011)
Delft, The Netherlands
13-15 Sep 2011
Middle East Geospatial Summit
19-22 Sep 2011
11th International Scientific & Technical Conference "From imagery to map: digital photogrammetric technologies"
Tossa de Mar, SPAIN
4-6 Oct 2011
WG VI/1+2 Workshop on E-Learning 2011 in conjunction with ACRS 2011
Taipei, TAIWAN
8-12 Oct 2011
7th ISPRS Student Consortium and WG VI/5 Summer School "Spatial Information Sciences for Environmental Monitoring"
National Central University, Jhongli City, TAIWAN
10-14 Oct 2011
Second Workshop on Space Technology Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits
website not ready
12-14 Oct 2011
WG II/4 & ICWG II/IV 7th International Symposium of Spatial Data Quality
16-18 Nov 2011
2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres
Updated Events
22-26 Aug 2011
Council Meeting(22,26) & Council/TCP joint Meeting(23,24,25)
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
4-6 Oct 2011
WG VI/1+2 Workshop on E-Learning 2011 in conjunction with ACRS 2011
Taipei, TAIWAN
17-18 Oct 2011
IC WG II/IV Workshop on Dynamic & Multi-dimensional GIS (DMGIS' 2011)
Shanghai, CHINA
Job Opportunities
25-Feb-2011: |
1. Geospatial Application Lead
2. Geospatial Capacity Building Lead
3. Enterprise GIS / Database Specialist
at International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal |
23-Mar-2011: |
Tenure track position in Geographic Information Science at the assistant or associate professor level, University of Waterloo, Canada |
28-Mar-2011: |
2 Tenure track positions in Mapping and Geo-information Engineering at the Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering, The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa. |
8-Apr-2011: |
Lecturer in Land Surveying and/or Photogrammetry, School of Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Newcastle University, UK. |
13-Apr-2011: |
Postdoctoral researcher to study the optical and benthic properties of
the nearshore environment of Lake Tahoe using field spectroscopy and
remote sensing, The Center for Spatial Technologies and Remote Sensing,
University of California Davis, USA. |
» See more
New publications on the website
WG V/4: 4th ISPRS International Workshop 3D-ARCH 2011: "3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures" Trento, Italy, 2-4 March 2011, XXXVIII-5/W16
» See more
More News
Konrad Schindler is new chair of WG III/3
Hussein Farah is new regional representative in Africa
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