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ISPRS e-Bulletin
Issue No 4 - 2011
ISPRS Council makes landmark improvement to
management of ISPRS sponsored events
By Orhan Altan
ISPRS President
ISPRS Council has made a landmark improvement to the management of ISPRS sponsored events with the signing by President Orhan Altan of a contract with Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH on 4 May 2011 which defines two new conference management packages. The contract is a major new venture for ISPRS and reflects the wishes of many Technical Commission Presidents who stated during the ISPRS Centenary Celebrations in Vienna in July last year that ISPRS should provide improved conference management services for ISPRS officers. The contract will assist ISPRS event organizers to facilitate the management of their event through service Packages A and B. Service Package A will include management of Abstracts, Full Papers while Service Package B will be optional and provide for registrations of delegates, names badges etc.
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The XXII ISPRS Congress
Melbourne Congress to debut Electronic Posters
The ISPRS 2012 Congress in Melbourne, Australia, (25 August – 1 September) will introduce
the use of electronic poster sessions to the ISPRS community. No longer will participants
need to travel the world with cardboard tubes containing their paper poster.
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ISPRS Society
Minutes of the ISPRS Council Meeting
Orlando, 16-17 and 20 November 2010
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Facilitating the management of ISPRS sponsored events
Dear friends,
As one of the oldest international societies in the field of geo-sciences, ISPRS has a very good reputation on organizing a number of scientific events with high level standards each year, which promotes the understanding the role of imagery and the utilization of geo-spatial information for all society. However, ISPRS does not provide infrastructure and organizational support to most of the meeting organizers, except the guidelines and electronic advertisements (ISPRS calendar and e-bulletin). Every organizer of an ISPRS workshop or symposium has to learn about and take care of all aspects relevant to the organization of the meeting. After some discussion during the opening business meeting during ISPRS centenary in Vienna and a number of meetings with Technical Commission Presidents and Woking Group officers, ISPRS council decided to introduce a conference management service provided by Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH.
The major purpose of the conference management service is to assist ISPRS event organizers to facilitate the management of their event. With the professional conference organizational support, scientists from academia or governmental organizations will be able to be focused on their academic works or scientific programs. Another motivation of using such a conference management service is to raise the academic standards of ISPRS sponsored events. Having the publications of ISPRS events included in the important scientific publication databases will be the next step to follow. ISPRS council will work together with Copernicus to achieve this in the near future.
Prof. Chen Jun
Secretary General
Quick Links
53rd Photogrammetric Week
5-9 September 2011, Stuttgart, Germany
This regular event was initiated by Carl Pulfrich as a "vacation course in photogrammetry" in 1909; since 1973 it has been held at University of Stuttgart. Today, the Photogrammetric Week enjoys international recognition as an upgrading seminar and a platform for the exchange of experience.
Due to their close connection with photogrammetry, the aspects of geoinformatics have firmly established themselves among the topics of this event which has been directed by Professor Dieter Fritsch, Stuttgart, since 1992.
The lectures by experts from Germany and abroad will be focused on the following topics:
- Digital Mapping Camera Evolution
- Point Cloud Generation and Processing
- Towards 3D Augmented Worlds
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Call for Papers: PIA11 - Photogrammetric Image Analysis
5-7 October 2011, Munich, Germany
Joint Conference of ISPRS working groups I/2, III/1, III/4 and III/5
Automated extraction of objects from remotely sensed data is an important topic of research in Computer Vision, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Geoinformation Science. PIA11 is a joint conference of ISPRS working groups I/2, III/1, III/4 and III/5 and discusses recent developments, the potential of various data sources, and future trends in automatic object extraction both with respect to sensors and processing techniques. The focus of the conference lies on methodological research. The workshop site is located at Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM), close to the museum district, and in walking distance to the main station and center of Munich.
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United Nations/Vietnam Workshop on
Space Technology Applications for Socio-Economic Benefits
10-14 October 2011, Hanoi, Vietnam
The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (OOSA), with the support of the Government of Vietnam and the European Space Agency, is organizing the second Workshop to promote the use of space technology and its applications for socio-economic benefits, in cooperation with the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
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Reports of ISPRS Events
Joint International Workshop on Climate Change and Ocean
April 3-6, 2011, at Xiamen University, Xiamen China
By W. Timothy Liu
This is a workshop is a continuation of two international programs - the Ocean and Climate Changes Observed from Space (OCCOS) and Carbon Cycling in China Seas – Budget, Controls and Ocean Acidification (CHOIC-C). It is co-sponsored by ISPRS.
The workshop coincides with the celebration of the 90 Anniversary of Xiamen University.
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3S-Summer Students Seminar
21-25 September 2010, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
By by Ammatzia Peled, ISPRS Second Vice President
The first Summer Students Seminar (3S) was held in Novosibirsk, Russian federation. The seminar was hosted of the Siberia State Academy for Geodesy (SSGA). This was the culmination of the cooperation MoU signed between SSGA (Novosibirsk), MIIGAiK (Moscow) and the Wuhan University (China). These are the three internationally leading Universities in the fields of mapping, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, remote sensing, cartography, cadaster, GIS and LIS, sustainable environment, natural resources and disaster management and mitigation. The basic idea is that the 3S will rotate between these three institutes every summer. Other institutes may join under the discretion of the host university.
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LARS-Latin American Remote Sensing Conference
4-8 October 2010, Santiago de Chile, Chile
By by Ian Dowman, ISPRS First Vice President
ISPRS is increasing its involvement in Latin America. Our Regional Member SELPER (The Latin American Society of Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Systems) has always been active and this year Treasurer Mike Renslow attended the SELPER Symposium and General Assembly in Guanajuato, Mexico. Myriam Ardila, the ISPRS Regional Representative in Latin America is active in promoting ISPRS in the Region. The highlight activity in 2010 was LARS - the Latin American Remote Sensing Conference held in Santiago de Chile, 4 – 8 October. This was the first event of its kind and was organised by the Chilean Servicio Aerofotogramétrico (SAF) with a view to this being the first of a series of conferences modelled on the Photogrammetric Week held in Stuttgart every two years.
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ISPRS Pre- CODIST Workshop
Exploiting Global Geospatial Data Resources for Planning in Africa
2nd May 2011, Addiss Ababa, Ethiopia
The main objective of the workshop is to show how global data sets can be used in Africa
and to explore the requirements for using geospatial data for planning purposes, and the
resources available to generate the required products and services.
The workshop was attended by over 70 CODIST delegates of African member states and
observers drawn from different African countries and the rest of the world.
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Member News
Application Criterion of Carl Pulfrich Award 2011
The Carl Pulfrich Award was established to promote outstanding scientific, application-oriented design and/or manufacturing activities in the field of photogrammetry and remote sensing, including earth imaging applications. The biennial award and donation honors the memory of Dr. Carl Pulfrich, a member of the scientific staff at Carl Zeiss from 1890 to 1927, during which time he directed the design of the first stereo photogrammetric and surveying instruments from Zeiss.
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Coalition of Geospatial Organizations Selects Leader
for 2011
BETHESDA, MD - The current Chair of the Coalition of Geospatial Organizations (COGO) announced today that the Coalition has selected as the 2012 Coalition Chair Dr. Carolyn J. Merry, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Delegate to COGO. Ms. Geney Terry, 2011 Chair of COGO indicated that Dr. Merry's selection was made by unanimous consent of the Coalition.
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New Events
4-8 Sep 2011
Workshop on Innovative Technologies for efficient Geospatial Management of Earth resources
Organized by FIG Commissions 5 & 6, Siberian State Academy fior Geodesy 9SSGA) and the Mongolian Association for Geodesy, Cartography and Photogrammetry
Co-Organized by ISPRS ICWG IV/VIII
Ulaanbaatar, MONGOLIA
8 Nov 2011
WG VIII/6, VIII/8 & ISRS Joint International Workshop on "Earth Observation for Terrestrial Ecosystems"
Bhopal, INDIA
29 Nov - 2 Dec 2011
5th International Conference "Earth from Space - the Most Effective Solutions"
Moscow Region Vatutinki, RUSSIA
8-9 Dec 2011
WG V/5 Special Session about 3D Object Recognition & Tracking
Updated Events
11-14 Sep 2011
WG VIII/2 Symposium on "Advances in Geospatial Technologies for Health"
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Job Opportunities
18-Apr-2011: |
Director, Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center and Space Policy Advisor. The Director is responsible for providing leadership over the staff and resources of the center and serves as the USGS space |
27-Apr-2011: |
Assistant Professor in Geomatics Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada |
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New publications on the website
International Calibration and Orientation Workshop EuroCOW 2010, 10–12 Feb 2010, Castelldefels, Spain
Eurocow 2010 |
Gi4DM 2011: GeoInformation For Disaster Management, 3-8 May 2011, Antalya, Turkey
Gi4DM 2011 |
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More Announcements
Call for Papers: Workshop on Sensor Web Enablement 2011 (SWE 2011)
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