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ISPRS e-Bulletin
Issue No 4 - 2014
First ISPRS Proceedings accepted for Web of Science
by Christian Heipke
ISPRS Secretary General
After what can only be described as a very long and arduous process, the first ISPRS Proceedings have now been approved for inclusion into the Thomson Reuters' Conference Citation Proceedings Index (CPCI), one of the indices of the Web of Science.
ISPRS initiated the evaluation procedure for The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences with the help of its publisher, Copernicus GmbH, in January 2013. According to the rules of CPCI, all proceedings from the preceding four years, in this case those for the years 2010-13, were subject to the evaluation procedure. In the future, the proceedings from each event are then individually evaluated by Thomson Reuters prior to acceptance in the CPCI.
Thomson Reuters has now informed ISPRS that the first three sets of proceedings, those from the 2010 Mid-term Symposia of Commission VI and VIII, as well as the proceedings of the meeting on Core Databases held in Haifa in March 2010, have been accepted for inclusion into the CPCI. This is a tremendous success for the entire ISPRS community and affirms our belief that the Archives indeed contain the state-of-the-art in research into information from imagery. Council anticipates that those proceedings still currently under evaluation will be approved in the near future. If so, all proceedings published in or post-2010 will become part of the Web of Science.
At the same time, we – the ISPRS community – should take this positive decision as encouragement to continue the excellent work undertaken in the past. This is the best way to ensure that all future proceedings of the Archives will find their way into the CPCI. Council will submit each set for evaluation immediately after publication, and will inform the community of the result as soon as a new set has been evaluated.
Council is also preparing an application for ISPRS’s other proceedings series, the ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, which contains full-peer reviewed papers and was initiated in 2012. In this way, all proceedings of the Annals will be subject to evaluation and will hopefully also be included into the CPCI at some juncture in the future. Council is very optimistic that a positive answer from Thompson Reuters will be somewhat faster this time around!
The ISPRS Foundation
Society News
New call for scientific initiative
Dear all,
as you are probably aware, a call for scientific initiatives was launched in autumn 2013, and based on your submissions a number of projects were funded by ISPRS – see also
Council has decided to launch one such call in all odd years in the future, provided that the society has enough funds to support the initiative. This year’s call is again addressed at all Working Group Officers (
see attached). We are looking forward to your submissions – please note that the deadline is Nov. 7, 2014.
All the best, Christian.
New benefit for sustaining members: free digital copy of ISPRS Journal
New benefit for Sustaining Members: free digital copy of ISPRS Journal
In discussions with the editor of the ISPRS Journal for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Elsevier Publishers, a new benefit for sustaining members was reached: as of summer 2014 sustaining members can obtain a free digital copy of the journal. All sustaining members who have paid their membership fees up until the previous year have been informed about this new service.
The journal can be downloaded from the ISPRS web site with account name and password at Further information is available from the secretary general at
ISPRS Commission restructuring: consolidated draft available for comment
In the 2/2014 ISPRS eBulletin Council reported on its activities with respect to revising the Commission structure of the society. As mentioned in that editorial, ISPRS has initiated a blog to solicit comments about the ideas expressed in the revision document which can be reached at and is still open for contributions.
Discussion over the last several months has resulted in a consolidated draft for the restructuring, suggesting five new commissions as of 2016. The consolidated draft is available from the blog web site. Comments via the blog.
Qihao Weng new Co-Editor-in-Chief of ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
The ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing has been a great success story in the recent past, resulting in a significantly increased number of submissions. In order to retain the high quality of editorial service provided to the community, ISPRS in conjunction with Elsevier Publishing has opened a position as Co-Editor-in-Chief to work along with Editor-in-Chief, Derek Lichti, from Calgary University.
We have received a number of applications from highly qualified candidates. After which can only be described as a difficult decision, Prof. Qihao Weng from Indiana State University was chosen as the new Co-Editor-in-Chief of the ISPRS Journal. His CV can be found here.
We welcome Quihao Weng to the team and wish him all the success we are all looking for in this new position.
New possibilities to publish ISPRS Proceedings
A new framework contract was signed with the ISPRS Proceedings publisher Copernicus of Göttingen.
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AGILE is new Regional Member of ISPRS
ISPRS is proud to announce a new regional member, AGILE – the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe, see
This membership comes after signing a Memorandum of Understanding between AGILE and ISPRS last summer.
We very much welcome AGILE to the ISPRS family and hope to increase cooperation for the benefit of all in the near future.
The International Council for Science – ICSU,, held its 2014 General Assembly in Auckland, New Zealand, this September. ISPRS, as an ICSU member, was present at the meeting.
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Society News
Visit of the Secretary General at the Secretariat of the Pacific Communities
While in the Southern Hemisphere to attend the ICSU General Assembly in Auckland, the ISPRS Secretary General took advantage of the situation to visit ISPRS regional member SPC - The Secretariat of Pacific Communities in Suva, Fiji Islands.
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Quick Links
General Announcements
The Congress Director's Column
Czech Traces in the world development
Research results bring progress to human society. Our present state is a continuation of the constructing ideas of our predecessors. Inventions in Czech Lands have also added to the process. I already mentioned one of them – the sugar cube in one of my previous editorials. It was help of a husband to his wife to make her work with sugar easier at home.
The area of the Czech Republic has not reached the sea coasts since the 14 century. The country is situated in the center of Europe and the only place for ships are rivers with a relatively small size as most of them have their springs here. In spite of this fact, it was Josef Ressel in 1827 who invented the screw propeller.
This year was fruitful. The Veverka brothers invented the plough which was a break in the tilling work.
The Kaplan turbine, a propeller-type water turbine with adjustable blades, is also of Czech origin. The research took place in Brno in 1910-1912.
The history of inventions shows that there were more people who invented the same thing in different countries in the same time knowing nothing about each other. The lightning rod is such an example. It happened in 1754 when Prokop Diviš, a Moravian priest, built the first one, while 6 years later Benjamin Franklin built another one.
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ICSU opening for Executive Director
ICSU is looking for a new Executive Director, see here for the job description or visit the ICSU web site at
Barbara Ryan reappointed as GEO Secretariat Director
ISPRS wholeheartedly congratulates Barbara Ryan to the re-appointment as GEO Secretariat Director, see here and
Over the past years, GEO and ISPRS have had a lot of contact and have successfully worked together on numerous occasions. ISPRS is looking forward to a continuation of this excellent cooperation.
A Milestone in Earth Observation and Open Access Geo-spatial Information
by Yifang Ban
The world’s first 30-meter resolution global land cover (GLC) dataset, GlobeLand30, has been donated by China to the United Nations (Fig. 1). UN Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon praised this timely donation during the donation Ceremony on the 22nd September 2014. He said “The World needs solid, science-based informationU for making wise decisions for sustainable development. This donation is very timely and precious. Tomorrow, global leaders will gather at the United Nations to participate in the Climate Change Summit and to confirm their commitments to action. These detailed data sets will help us to better understand, monitor and manage changes in land cover and land use all over our planet. I commend you for this laudable example of information sharing”. This global dataset will be freely available to Member States and the international community to assist in their scientific decision-making, and to measure and monitor critical environmental components of the SDGs and post-2015 development agenda, as reported by UN Statistics Division (
» Find here more information
Announcements of Scientific Meetings
(see also
ISPRS Calendar)
Joint ISPRS Conference on Photogrammetric Image Analysis (PIA) and High-Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information (HRIGI)
Munich, Germany
March 25-27, 2015
In order to discuss recent developments and future trends in research in automatic object extraction and their influence on sensors and processing techniques, the two well known ISPRS workshops "Photogrammetric Image Analysis" (PIA) and "High Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information" (HRIGI, also known as the ISPRS-Hannover Workshop) will be held as a common event for the first time. The location of the event will be Munich, Germany.
For more information, visit, the Call for Papers can be found here.
The deadline for paper submission: Nov. 30, 2014
The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE)
entitled Observing the Earth, Monitoring the Change, Sharing the Knowledge
Berlin, Germany
May 11-15, 2015
Note that the deadline for submission was extended to Oct. 25, 2014.
The 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies (RAST)
Istanbul, Turkey
June 16-19, 2015
ISPRS is proud to support the event.
Read more ... or visit the RAST web site at
ICA/ISPRS Joint Sessions – Call for Papers
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Aug 23-28, 2015
ICA 2015 Joint sessions on Web/cloud-based mapping for connecting the world.
27th International Cartographic Conference, 23-28 August 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The joint sessions of the ICA and ISPRS will provide a forum at the ICC 2015 conference for presenting papers that advance the knowledge and techniques of web and cloud based mapping to connect the world. The sessions are co-organized by the ISPRS working group IV/5 Web and Cloud Based Geospatial Services and Applications and ICA Commission on Geovisualization in conjunction with the ICA 2015 Conference.
» Find here more information.
2D semantic labeling benchmark by ISPRS working group III/4: what is the state-of-the-art in urban scene classification?
The ISPRS working group III/4 is happy to announce the release of the 2D semantic labeling benchmark, which is an extension to the ongoing object detection and 3D building reconstruction challenge. The aim is to foster research in urban image classification using state-of-the-art airborne remote sensing images. We provide 33 true ortho image and DSM tiles of very high resolution and quality, and in addition deliver reference classification (labeling) for 16 of those tiles. Participants are encouraged to deliver their classification for the remaining 17 tiles.
The evaluation results will be published on our website. See the link for details.
The datasets can be downloaded after registration at
Special issue of ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information around the EuroSDR/ISPRS workshop in Southampton, UK, Nov 26-28, 2014
Southampton, UK
Nov 26-28, 2014
Efficient Capturing of 3D Objects at a National Level: With a Focus on Buildings and Infrastructure
Guest Editors
Prof. Dr. Jantien Stoter, Prof. Dr. Franz Rottensteiner, Dr. Fabio Remondino, Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfeifer
Attendees who present an abstract for the EuroSDR/ISPRS workshop are automatically invited to submit full papers for review to a special issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-information on this topic. Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 March 2015
» Find here more information.
International Conference on Location-based Social Media – Call for Abstracts
Athens, Georgia, USA
March 5-7, 2015
In the era of big data, increasingly sizeable datasets come from social media, particularly location-based social media, in the form that is widely known as user-generated contents. Many social media datasets are made available at the finest spatial and temporal scales. The availability of such data creates unprecedented opportunities for researchers to uncover what were previously hidden in the era of small data. What kind of new research questions may be addressed with the available social media data? What are the social, ethical, and political implications of the wide use of social media platforms and the availability of such data? Particularly, what can geographers, GIScientists, and social scientists in general, contribute in response to the unique research opportunities and challenges with social media data?
This conference is designed to bring together researchers from various fields and perspectives to share ideas and findings of their research related to social media data. The aim is to provide a forum for participants to reflect upon what has been accomplished and to discuss what can be pursued in the future. We look forward to your participation!
» Find here more information.
Event Reports
Report, ISPRS Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing
in conjunction with the IAPR - the International Association of Pattern Recognition
Stockholm, Sweden
Aug 24, 2014
» Report
Report, IGSM - International Geodetic Student Meeting
Istanbul, Turkey
June 25 - July 1, 2014
by Lena Halounová,
» Report
Report on ISPRS TC V Symposium
Close-range imaging, ranging & application
Riva del Garda, Italy
23-25 June 2014
by Takashi Fuse, University of Tokyo, Japan
» Report
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 95 (September 2014)
Surface reconstruction and landslide displacement measurements with Pléiades satellite images
A. Stumpf, J.-P. Malet, P. Allemand, P. Ulrich
Pages: 1-12
Remote spectral imaging with simultaneous extraction of 3D topography for historical wall paintings
Haida Liang, Andrei Lucian, Rebecca Lange, Chi Shing Cheung, Bomin Su
Pages: 13-22
Comparison of airborne laser scanning methods for estimating forest structure indicators based on Lorenz curves
Rubén Valbuena, Jari Vauhkonen, Petteri Packalen, Juho Pitkänen, Matti Maltamo
Pages: 23-33
Evaluating the impact of red-edge band from Rapideye image for classifying insect defoliation levels
Samuel Adelabu, Onisimo Mutanga, Elhadi Adam
Pages: 34-41
The effect of short ground vegetation on terrestrial laser scans at a local scale
Lei Fan, William Powrie, Joel Smethurst, Peter M. Atkinson, Herbert Einstein
Pages: 42-52
Co-polarization channel imbalance determination by the use of bare soil
Lei Shi, Jie Yang, Pingxiang Li
Pages: 53-67
Remote quantification of phycocyanin in potable water sources through an adaptive model
Kaishan Song, Lin Li, Lenore P Tedesco, Shuai Li, Bob E Hall, Jia Du
Pages: 68-80
An accurate and computationally efficient algorithm for ground peak identification in large footprint waveform LiDAR data
Wei Zhuang, Giorgos Mountrakis
Pages: 81-92
Tensor-Cuts: A simultaneous multi-type feature extractor and classifier and its application to road extraction from satellite images
Charalambos Poullis
Pages: 93-108
Automated registration of dense terrestrial laser-scanning point clouds using curves
Bisheng Yang, Yufu Zang
Pages: 109-121
Direct georeferencing of oblique and vertical imagery in different coordinate systems
Haitao Zhao, Bing Zhang, Changshan Wu, Zhengli Zuo, Zhengchao Chen, Jiantao Bi
Pages: 122-133
Assessing the potential for leaf-off LiDAR data to model canopy closure in temperate deciduous forests
Jason R. Parent, John C. Volin
Pages: 134-145
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 96 (October 2014)
Accurate mapping of forest types using dense seasonal Landsat time-series
Xiaolin Zhu, Desheng Liu
Pages: 1-11
An improved geopositioning model of QuickBird high resolution satellite imagery by compensating spatial correlated errors
Chuang Li, Yunzhong Shen, Bofeng Li, Gang Qiao, Shijie Liu, Weian Wang, Xiaohua Tong
Pages: 12-19
Geostatistical estimation of signal-to-noise ratios for spectral vegetation indices
Lei Ji, Li Zhang, Jennifer Rover, Bruce K. Wylie, Xuexia Chen
Pages: 20-27
An automated approach to vertical road characterisation using mobile LiDAR systems: Longitudinal profiles and cross-sections
Alberto Holgado-Barco, Diego Gonzalez-Aguilera, Pedro Arias-Sanchez, Joaquín Martinez-Sanchez
Pages: 28-37
Object-oriented crop mapping and monitoring using multi-temporal polarimetric RADARSAT-2 data
Xianfeng Jiao, John M. Kovacs, Jiali Shang, Heather McNairn, Dan Walters, Baoluo Ma, Xiaoyuan Geng
Pages: 38-46
Automatic 3D modelling of metal frame connections from LiDAR data for structural engineering purposes
M. Cabaleiro, B. Riveiro, P. Arias, J.C. Caamaño, J.A. Vilán
Pages: 47-56
Deriving airborne laser scanning based computational canopy volume for forest biomass and allometry studies
Jari Vauhkonen, Erik Næsset, Terje Gobakken
Pages: 57-66
Comparing supervised and unsupervised multiresolution segmentation approaches for extracting buildings from very high resolution imagery
Mariana Belgiu, Lucian Drǎguţ
Pages: 67-75
Hyperspectral imagery for disaggregation of land surface temperature with selected regression algorithms over different land use land cover scenes
Aniruddha Ghosh, P.K. Joshi
Pages: 76-93
A sun–crown–sensor model and adapted C-correction logic for topographic correction of high resolution forest imagery
Yuanchao Fan, Tatjana Koukal, Peter J. Weisberg
Pages: 94-105
Robust statistical approaches for local planar surface fitting in 3D laser scanning data
Abdul Nurunnabi, David Belton, Geoff West
Pages: 106-122
A new landscape metric for the identification of terraced sites: The Slope Local Length of Auto-Correlation (SLLAC)
Giulia Sofia, Francesco Marinello, Paolo Tarolli
Pages: 123-133
Adaptive MAP sub-pixel mapping model based on regularization curve for multiple shifted hyperspectral imagery
Yanfei Zhong, Yunyun Wu, Liangpei Zhang, Xiong Xu
Pages: 134-148
Keypoint-based 4-Points Congruent Sets – Automated marker-less registration of laser scans
Pascal Willy Theiler, Jan Dirk Wegner, Konrad Schindler
Pages: 149-163
Automated retrieval of forest structure variables based on multi-scale texture analysis of VHR satellite imagery
Benoit Beguet, Dominique Guyon, Samia Boukir, Nesrine Chehata
Pages: 164-178
Change detection on LOD 2 building models with very high resolution spaceborne stereo imagery
Rongjun Qin
Pages: 179-192
Detecting blind building façades from highly overlapping wide angle aerial imagery
Jean-Pascal Burochin, Bruno Vallet, Mathieu Brédif, Clément Mallet, Thomas Brosset, Nicolas Paparoditis
Pages: 193-209
Roughness measurements over an agricultural soil surface with Structure from Motion
B. Snapir, S. Hobbs, T.W. Waine
Pages: 210-223
An effective thin cloud removal procedure for visible remote sensing images
Huanfeng Shen, Huifang Li, Yan Qian, Liangpei Zhang, Qiangqiang Yuan
Pages: 224-235
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information — Open Access Journal
New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 3, Issue 3 (September 2014), Pages 868-1156
GIS and Public Health
Bertazzon, Stefania
Pages: 868-870
Rapid Prototyping — A Tool for Presenting 3-Dimensional Digital Models Produced by Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Virtanen, Juho-Pekka, Hyyppä, Hannu, Kurkela, Matti, Vaaja, Matti, Alho, Petteri, Hyyppä, Juha
Pages: 871-890
Dasymetric Mapping and Spatial Modeling of Mosquito Vector Exposure, Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
Cleckner, Haley, Allen, Thomas R.
Pages: 891-913
Vertical Measurements in Oblique Aerial Imagery
Molinari, Massimiliano, Medda, Stefano, Villani, Samir
Pages: 914-928
Design of a GIS-Based Web Application for Simulating Biofuel Feedstock Yields
Prilepova, Olga, Hart, Quinn, Merz, Justin, Parker, Nathan, Bandaru, Varaprasad, Jenkins, Bryan
Pages: 929-941
Determination of Suitable Areas for the Generation of Wind Energy in Germany: Potential Areas of the Present and Future
Blankenhorn, Valerie, Resch, Bernd
Pages: 942-967
A Geospatial Approach for Prioritizing Wind Farm Development in Northeast Nebraska, USA
Miller, Adam, Li, Ruopu
Pages: 968-979
A Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Planning and Management Based on Earth Observation
Chrysoulakis, Nektarios, Feigenwinter, Christian, Triantakonstantis, Dimitrios, Penyevskiy, Igor, Tal, Abraham, Parlow, Eberhard, Fleishman, Guy, Düzgün, Sebnem, Esch, Thomas, Marconcini, Mattia
Pages: 980-1002
Field Spectroscopy Metadata System Based on ISO and OGC Standards
Jiménez, Marcos, González, Magdalena, Amaro, Alberto, Fernández-Renau, Alix
Pages: 1003-1022
Holistics 3.0 for Health
Lary, David John, Woolf, Steven, Faruque, Fazlay, LePage, James P.
Pages: 1023-1038
Geographical Variation of Incidence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Manitoba, Canada
Torabi, Mahmoud, Galloway, Katie
Pages: 1039-1057
Where 2.0 Australia’s Environment? Crowdsourcing, Volunteered Geographic Information, and Citizens Acting as Sensors for Environmental Sustainability
Clark, Alister
Pages: 1058-1076
Spatial Representation of Coastal Risk: A Fuzzy Approach to Deal with Uncertainty
Jadidi, Amaneh, Mostafavi, Mir Abolfazl, Bédard, Yvan, Shahriari, Kyarash
Pages: 1077-1100
The Potential of Urban Agriculture in Montréal: A Quantitative Assessment
Haberman, Daniel, Gillies, Laura, Canter, Aryeh, Rinner, Valentine, Pancrazi, Laetitia, Martellozzo, Federico
Pages: 1101-1117
Introduction to the Special Issue: Coastal GIS
Nyerges, Timothy
Pages: 1118-1121
A Concept for Uncertainty-Aware Analysis of Land Cover Change Using Geovisual Analytics
Kinkeldey, Christoph
Pages: 1122-1138
The Relationship between an Invasive Shrub and Soil Moisture: Seasonal Interactions and Spatially Covarying Relations
He, Yuhong
Pages: 1139-1153
Correction: Brodzik, M.J., et al. EASE-Grid 2.0: Incremental but Significant Improvements for Earth-Gridded Data Sets. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2012, 1, 32–45
Brodzik, Mary J., Billingsley, Brendan, Haran, Terry, Raup, Bruce, Savoie, Matthew H.
Pages: 1154-1156
New Events
01-05 Nov 2014
12th ISPRS Student Consortium and WG VI/5 Summer School
Nay Pyi Taw, MYANMAR
05-07 Nov 2014
AGSE 2014
Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment
Continuing Geospatial Education
Stuttgart, Germany
26-28 Nov 2014
EuroSDR/ISPRS workshop
Efficient capturing of 3D objects at a national level: with a focus on buildings and infrastructure
Southampton, UK
19-21 Jan 2015
Defence Geospatial Intelligence Conference
London, UK
10-12 Feb 2015
India Geospatial Forum
Hyderabad, India
25-27 Feb 2015
3D-ARCH International Workshop on
3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
Avila, Spain
05-07 Mar 2015
International Conference on Location-based Social Media
Athens, Georgia, USA
25-27 Mar 2015
Photogrammetric Image Analysis
High resolution earth imaging for geospatial information
Munich, Germany
13-16 Apr 2015
SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2015
SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics Exhibition 2015
14–15 April 2015
Prague, Czech Republic
20-25 Apr 2015
SPIE DSS Expo: 21–23 Apr 2015
SPIE Defense + Security
SPIE Sensing Technology + Applications
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
26-30 Apr 2015
MMT 2015 Summer School
The Third International Summer School
on Mobile Mapping Technology
Xiamen, China
18-20 May 2015
IF&GIS’ 2015
7th International Workshop on Information Fusion and
Geographic Information Systems
Deep Virtualization for Mobile GIS
Grenoble, France
21-22 May 2015
Joint Workshop
ISPRS WG IV/7 and WG V/4
Indoor-Outdoor Seamless Modelling, Mapping and Navigation
website not yet available
Tokyo, Japan
27-28 May 2015
GEO Business 2015
London, UK
18-19 Jun 2015
Advances in Web-based Education Services
Potsdam, Germany
22-25 Jun 2015
Videometrics, Range Imaging, and Applications
Munich, Germany
01-03 Jul 2015
4th ISPRS International Workshop on Web Mapping and Geoprocessing Services
website not yet available
Sardinia, Italy
05-11 Jul 2015
WG V/3
Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2015
Close Range Sensing Techniques in Alpine Terrain
Obergurgl, Austria
23-28 Aug 2015
27th International Cartographic Conference
Joint session with WG IV/5
Web/cloud based mapping environments,
design and applications
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
28 Sep - 03 Oct 2015
ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015
La Grande Motte, France
25-27 Nov 2015
International Workshop on Strengthening Opportunities for Professional Education and Spatial Data Infrastructure Development
website not yet available
Kathmandu, Nepal
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Updated Events
31 Aug - 05 Sep 2015
XXVth CIPA Heritage Documentation Symposium
Taipei, Taiwan
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Job Opportunities
22-Jul-2014 |
Full Time Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher Position (ESR) in the field of New techniques for data storage and archiving of massive and complex amounts of 2D/3D/4D Cultural assets.
Digital Heritage Research Lab of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT)
Deadline: 15-Oct-2014
27-Jul-2014 |
W3-Full Professorship for Image Processing in the Environmental Sciences
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), Heidelberg University, Germany
Deadline: 30-Nov-2014
28-Jul-2014 |
Postdoctoral Fellow Position
The Geospatial Intelligence Lab, University of Calgary, Canada
5-Aug-2014 |
Professor (W3) of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science (successor of Prof. Dr. Dieter Fritsch)
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and Geodesy of the University of Stuttgart, Germany
Deadline: 19-Oct-2014
15-Aug-2014 |
Tenure-track and Research Faculty Positions
School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
Deadline: 26-Oct-2014
18-Aug-2014 |
Full Professorship (W3) in Experimental Physics (Environmental Physics)
Department of Physics and Astronomy at Heidelberg University
Deadline: 15-Oct-2014
26-Aug-2014 |
Researcher/Postdoc 3D/4D modeling of South Pacific Islands
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
15-Sep-2014 |
Tenure-track or Project Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Microwave and Radar Remote Sensing
Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research (CSRSR) at National Central University, Taiwan
Deadline: 15-Nov-2014
» See more
New Publications in the ISPRS Archives & Annals
Archives 2014, TC III
ISPRS Technical Commission III Symposium, 5-7 Sep
Zurich, Switzerland
XL-3 |
Archives 2014, TC VII
ISPRS Technical Commission VII Symposium, 29 Sep - 2 Oct
Istanbul, Turkey
XL-7 |
Annals 2014, TC III
ISPRS Technical Commission III Symposium, 5-7 Sep
Zurich, Switzerland
II-3 |
Annals 2014, TC VII
ISPRS Technical Commission VII Symposium, 29 Sep - 2 Oct
Istanbul, Turkey
II-7 |
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