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ISPRS e-Bulletin
Issue No 2 - 2015
ISPRS Geospatial Week
September 28th – October 2nd, 2015
La Grande Motte (Montpellier), France
We are inviting you to attend the ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015 ( to discuss recent research developments and future trends on geospatial information acquisition and extraction from remotely sensed imagery and VGI-based sensing, on geospatial quality control, on geospatial information management and BigData processing, on geospatial visualization and service development for innovative applications.
We will propose during a full working week a rich scientific program (more than three hundred high quality papers were submitted) that will enable you to meet and exchange with scientists having the same interests as you and also to cross-fertilize with scientist coming from connex fields. Indeed, this Geospatial Week gathers leading specialists, experts and researchers in the fields of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Spatial Information Sciences coming from universities, research foundations, mapping agencies, public organisations and private companies.
An industrial exhibition (lidar, UAV’s, hyperspectral, etc.) will also take place during the week and will give you an opportunity to get updated in the advances of new geospatial technologies and solutions (Lidar, hyperspectral, BigData, UAVs, visualisation, etc.).
The ISPRS Geospatial Week is organised by SFPT (the French society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), IGN (the French national mapping agency), IRSTEA (the national research institute of science and technology for environment and agriculture).
Nicolas Paproditis,
Organiser of ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015
The ISPRS Foundation
Society News
New ISPRS commission structure
As of 2016, ISPRS will have a new commission structure comprising 5 commissions. The titles read as follows:
Commission I |
Sensor Systems |
Commission II |
Photogrammetry |
Commission III |
Remote Sensing |
Commission IV |
Spatial Information Science |
Commission V |
Education and Outreach |
More details can be found here
Bidding process for Geospatial Week 2017
deadline: August 31, 2105
The ISPRS Geospatial Week was introduced in 2013 and takes place every two years. This year's meeting will take place in September/October in Montpellier, France (see above).
Council has now introduced a bidding process to determine the site of the next Geospatial Week 2017. All groups interested in acting as local organiser are invited to submit an application to the ISPRS Secretary General any time but no later than
August 31, 2015.
More details of the bidding process are available here.
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information indexed in the Web of Science
The International Journal of Geo-Information, the new open-access journal of ISPRS is now also part of the Web of Science, see
This great success is a result of the excellent manuscripts having been published in the journal over the last few years, the dedicated efforts by the editor-in-chief, Prof. Wolfgang Kainz from Vienna University, Austria, and the publisher MDPI of Basel, Switzerland.
Congratulations to all involved – this news further improves possibilities for authors to have their work published through ISPRS and receive appropriate recognition.
New associate editor for ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Editors-in-Chief Derek Lichti and Quihao Weng recently welcomed Dr. Claudia Almeida from INPE, Brazil as new associate editor for the journal. Claudia has a long and successful career in satellite image processing and has agreed to bring her outstanding expertise to the journal. ISPRS is happy for this additional support - welcome to the team, Claudia!
ISPRS Annals and Archives added to the DOAJ
Council is very pleased to announce that the ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences and The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences have now been added to the Directory of Open Access Journals, an international index for scientific literature.
Giuseppina Vacca new SIFET President
Giuseppina Vacca, of Cagliari University is the newly instated president of the ISPRS Italian Ordinary member Societa’ Italiana di Fotogrammetria e Topografia (SIFET), as of January 1st, 2015. On behalf of the ISPRS, President Chen Jun congratulates Prof. Vacca to her new position and looks forward to continued collaboration between SIFET and ISPRS. At the same time he thanks the former SIFET president Alessandro Carpa for his continued support of ISPRS.
Society News
MOMRA is new Sustaining Member of ISPRS
MOMRA, the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is a new sustaining member of ISPRS. MOMRA is responsible for the planning and development of urban and rural areas and the administrative oversight of the management of more than 300 municipalities throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
For further information visit:
Quick Links
General Announcements
Disaster risks research and assessment to promote risk reduction and management paper released
The International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Social Sciences Council (ISSC) have released the paper "Disaster risks research and assessment to promote risk reduction and management" written by an international multidisciplinary group of experts on disaster risk research and practice and reviewed by another group of distinguished experts. The group comprised of representatives of GeoUnions (IAU, IGU, ISPRS, IUGG, IUGS, and URSI), IRDR, ICSU Regional Programs on Disasters, and ISSC and ISCU appointed experts.
The paper was released on the occasion of the U.N. Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) in Sendai (Japan), 14-18 March 2015 and can be downloaded from:
Call for papers, International Journal of Digital Earth
Special Issue on "Supporting Future Earth with Global Geospatial Information" Guest Editors: Jun Chen and Songnian Li
Important deadlines:
Submission of manuscripts: August 1, 2015
Notification of acceptance/rejection: December 31, 2015
Planned publication of special issue: Early 2016
Call for papers
60th Anniversary memorial note.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of an influential paper written by Prof. Michele Caputo, formerly from the university "La Sapienzia" in Rome:
“Studio analitico per l'identificazione di coppie di punti omologhi sulle immagini (fotografiche) di una traiettoria piana.” - "Analytical study for the identification of the corresponding couples of points on the frames of a plane trajectory". The paper was published in 1955 in the Rivista del Catasto e dei Servizi Tecnici Erariali, Nuova Serie Anno X , N. 1, 3- 10.
Readers interested in this paper can download the original version or the one translated by the author into English.
New test data sets available
Two test data sets of China’s first civilian high resolution stereo mapping satellite ZY-3 are now available under:
Thanks to SASMAC (Satellite surveying and mapping application center, NASG).
Announcements of Scientific Meetings
(see also
ISPRS Calendar)
Congress Director's column
"From human history to the future with spatial information"
12th July – 19th July 2016
Prague, Czech Republic
Jan Amos Comenius – Teacher of Nations
(Moravia 1592 – Naarden, the Netherlands 1670)
I would like to present you another famous and important person in Czech history. His name is Jan Ámos Komenský (Jan Amos Comenius).
He was interested in philosophy, pedagogy, didactics, theology and other disciplines. He is the author of many publications, some of which were destroyed due to severe accidents he suffered and no copies exist.
His language manual Janua linguarum reserata (The Door of Languages Unlocked) comprised of a new encyclopedic and linguistic system. The book brought him fame, making him well known to European scholars. Right after being published, the book was widely praised, re-published and translated so that it became the most widespread book of its time in Europe, except for the Bible. The book was translated into twelve European languages and also Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Armenian and Mongolian. He wrote the book originally in Latin and translated it into Czech later on. He explained individual topics such as the human body, crafts, houses and many others and the explanation helped students to remember individual words. It was so popular that it was used by teachers of different religions.
The Great Didactic (Didactica Magna) is one of his main works, which opened the door to Europe to him, along with The Book of the Nursery School Teachers and The Door of Languages Unlocked. Due to his protestant religion, he had to leave Moravia as only the catholic religion was legal there. He spent many years abroad, not as an emigrant but more as an important invited person – in Sweden, England, Poland, Hungary and the Netherlands. A house in Naarden, which is now a museum dedicated to him and his work, was a witness of his last period in life after many private sad moments and professional successes. Rembrandt van Rijn and Dr. Nicolaes Tulp, whose arm operation was imaged by Rembrandt on the Anatomy of Dr. Tulp canvas, were among others his friends there.
His educational recommendations presented in his books are still valid.
There are three targets of children education:
- To get to know oneself and the world – education in sciences, arts and crafts
- To manage oneself – ethic education
- To get closer to God – religious education
He stressed discipline and he refused corporal punishment for ignorance, however, he admitted it in certain cases of discipline.
He proposed the following educational organizational system:
From birth till 6 years – home education (the content is described in the The Book of the Nursery school Teachers.
6 - 12 years – children should attend basic school, which should be in all villages and towns. The school is for boys and girls and comprises of reading, writing, mathematics, education about nature and society, singing and handwork. Teaching takes two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon.
12 -18 years – youth attend a Latin school, which should be in all towns. The basic topics are 7 “free” topics (grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music), natural science, geography, history, mathematics and languages like Latin and Greek and also German to understand our neighbors.
18 - 24 years – study of Academia, which should be in each country. The student should study religion, law, medicine. He uses the name Academia to differentiate between academia and other universities, which were catholic. He wanted to distinguish them from catholic universities.
After finishing their education, people should travel. Comenius stressed that education is an endless process. He stressed that education is permanent and never ends.
He was the first who defined the following terms: School year, school holidays, and school week.
Each class should have its own room, pupils and students should have textbooks, and teachers should have preparation remarks on how to work with the textbooks.
During education he applied these rules:
- Rule of illustrative nature: Direct experience of a pupil
- Rule of systematic nature: To keep systematic educational regime in the entire educational system
- Rule of activity: The pupils should acquire knowledge through their own experience and apply this in practice
- Rule of permanency: It is necessary to repeat schoolwork permanently
- Rule of appropriateness: The teacher should take into account age and individual ability of children
- The education should be amusing.
- The pupil should also be a teacher.
- Education is obligatory for everybody and should be adapted to their ability.
- The teacher and parents should be a suitable example for the child. They should lead him to the right regime. He recommends suitable food, alternating periods of rest and work, sufficient time for sleep (8 hours) and hygienic care.
It was the reason why he was called “Teacher of Nations”.
"We are everybody on the same stage of the big world and everybody is
concerned by anything that happens here" |
Rembrandt van Rijn: Old Man (probably Jan Amos Comenius) |
London, UK
May 27-28, 2015
ISPRS supports this new show on geospatial information and would like to excourage everyone to join!
Geo BUSINESS 2015Visitor Registrations Flood In for GEO Business 2015!
With just under a month to go until GEO Business 2015, taking place at the Business Design Centre in London from 27-28 May 2015, the organisers are anticipating the biggest and most lively event yet with visitor registrations up a remarkable 50% compared to last year's show. With only 2 stands left, space is selling out fast and interested parties are urged to act now and secure their space, joining over 200 of the leading global geospatial companies. To view the current list of exhibitors, please visit
In addition to an international exhibition, the show offers a dynamic two day conference and more than 140 hands on workshops. The exhibition and workshops are all FREE to attend. There will also be a vibrant social programme to maximise possibilities for informal networking, including a gala dinner that was a sell-out at the 2014 show.
To see the full programme of activities at GEO Business 2015, please visit GEO Business 2015 will take place on 27-28 May 2015 at the Business Design Centre in London, UK and registration is now open at
Pacific Countries GIS/RS Users Conference
Bridging information gaps by creating smarter maps
Suva, Fiji Islands
November 16-19, 2015
Read more.
Latin American Remote Sensing Week, LARS – 2016
Santiago de Chile, Chile
29 March – 01 April 2016
Contact: Viviana Barrientos,
Read more.
ACRS 2015: The 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing
Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
October 19-23, 2015
Call for Abstracts
Dear International Colleagues,
This is to invite you to ACRS 2015: The 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing to be organized from 19 to 23 October, 2015 at the Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines.
As you may know, ACRS is one of the largest remote sensing conference in Asia. Last year, more than 400 participants attended ACRS2014 organized in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. We welcome your active participation to ACRS2015.
This year, ACRS 2015 will bring together students, researchers, scientists, engineers, policy makers, professionals and practitioners from developed and developing countries from and around Asia to share insights into the challenges and opportunities of Remote Sensing and related geospatial technologies in building resiliency and encouraging economic growth and development in one, dynamic Asia. The conference takes place at a significant moment when disasters and climate change continues to negatively impact our people and the community. The conference, therefore, will provide an outstanding opportunity to learn and explore how Remote Sensing will help us build resiliency to these disturbances and to strengthen our capability to adapt to stress and change.
Lastly, we are pleased to inform you that 2015 is VISIT THE PHILIPPINES YEAR! Filled with countless things to do, the Philippines is a melting pot of festivities, culture and adventure. So, we invite you to take time and visit many exciting places in the country’s 7,107+ islands before, during and after ACRS 2015. We are hoping that you could join us in Quezon City, Metro Manila this October 2015, have fun and make the conference a success. Truly yours,
Dr. Kohei Cho General Secretary, Asian Association on Remote Sensing |
Dr. Enrico C. Paringit Chair, Local Organizing Committee; Executive Director,PhilGRSS |
» Call for Abstracts
GEOMIR - 3S-2015
6th International Students’ Summer Seminar (3S-2015)
MIIGAiK, Moscow, Russia
August 17-21, 2015
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) invite you to participate in the 6th International SummerStudent Seminar 3S-2015 to be held in MIIGAiK from 17 to 21 August 2015.
Program of "GEOMIR - 3S 2015" includes:
- Lectures and practicals on the following tracks:
- Mobile Laser Scanning (3D modeling);
- Object Recognition and Feature Extraction (Computer Vision).
- Presentation and discussion of participants’ reports.
- Signing of a new MoU, by including one more member of the University consortium.
- Cultural program.
The working language of the "3S-2015" seminar is English.
» See the Announcement
Event Reports
Photogrammetric Image Analysis and High Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information
Munich, Germany
March 25-27, 2015
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 101 (March 2015)
Canonical information analysis
Jacob Schack Vestergaard, Allan Aasbjerg Nielsen
Pages: 1-9
Sub-pixel flood inundation mapping from multispectral remotely sensed images based on discrete particle swarm optimization
Linyi Li, Yun Chen, Xin Yu, Rui Liu, Chang Huang
Pages: 10-21
A comparison of waveform processing algorithms for single-wavelength LiDAR bathymetry
Chisheng Wang, Qingquan Li, Yanxiong Liu, Guofeng Wu, Peng Liu, Xiaoli Ding
Pages: 22-35
Evaluating the utility of the medium-spatial resolution Landsat 8 multispectral sensor in quantifying aboveground biomass in uMgeni catchment, South Africa
Timothy Dube, Onisimo Mutanga
Pages: 36-46
Intercomparison of clumping index estimates from POLDER, MODIS, and MISR satellite data over reference sites
Jan Pisek, Ajit Govind, Stefan K. Arndt, Darren Hocking, Timothy J. Wardlaw, Hongliang Fang, Giorgio Matteucci, Bernard Longdoz
Pages: 47-56
Development of a spatio-temporal disaggregation method (DisNDVI) for generating a time series of fine resolution NDVI images
V.M. Bindhu, B. Narasimha
Pages: 57-68
Biomass estimation with high resolution satellite images: A case study of Quercus rotundifolia
Adélia M.O. Sousa, Ana Cristina Gonçalves, Paulo Mesquita, José R. Marques da Silva
Pages: 69-79
A new single-channel method for estimating land surface temperature based on the image inherent information: The HJ-1B case
Feng Chen, Song Yang, Z. Su, Baoyin He
Pages: 80-88
Characterizing stand-level forest canopy cover and height using Landsat time series, samples of airborne LiDAR, and the Random Forest algorithm
Oumer S. Ahmed, Steven E. Franklin, Michael A. Wulder, Joanne C. White
Pages: 89-101
Potentials and limitations of SAR image simulators – A comparative study of three simulation approaches
Timo Balz, Horst Hammer, Stefan Auer
Pages: 102-109
Assessment of MODIS spectral indices for determining rice paddy agricultural practices and hydroperiod
Lucia Tornos, Margarita Huesca, Jose Antonio Dominguez, Maria Carmen Moyano, Victor Cicuendez, Laura Recuero, Alicia Palacios-Orueta
Pages: 110-124
Characterization of harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of Oman using MERIS fluorescence data
Jun Zhao, Marouane Temimi, Hosni Ghedira
Pages: 125-136
Monitoring the coastline change of Hatiya Island in Bangladesh using remote sensing techniques
Manoj Kumer Ghosh, Lalit Kumar, Chandan Roy
Pages: 137-144
A new segmentation method for very high resolution imagery using spectral and morphological information
Jing Liu, Peijun Li, Xue Wang
Pages: 145-162
Incorporating land use land cover probability information into endmember class selections for temporal mixture analysis
Wenliang Li, Changshan Wu
Pages: 163-173
Downscaling remotely sensed imagery using area-to-point cokriging and multiple-point geostatistical simulation
Yunwei Tang, Peter M. Atkinson, Jingxiong Zhang
Pages: 174-185
A discrepancy measure for segmentation evaluation from the perspective of object recognition
Jian Yang, Yuhong He, John Caspersen, Trevor Jones
Pages: 186-192
Digital stereo photogrammetry for grain-scale monitoring of fluvial surfaces: Error evaluation and workflow optimisation
Stephane Bertin, Heide Friedrich, Patrice Delmas, Edwin Chan, Georgy Gimel’farb
Pages: 193-208
Capability of models to predict leaf N and P across four seasons for six sub-tropical forest evergreen trees
H. van Deventer, M.A. Cho, O. Mutanga, A. Ramoelo
Pages: 209-220
Fusion of high spatial resolution WorldView-2 imagery and LiDAR pseudo-waveform for object-based image analysis
Yuhong Zhou, Fang Qiu
Pages: 221-232
Aerial multi-camera systems: Accuracy and block triangulation issues
Ewelina Rupnik, Francesco Nex, Isabella Toschi, Fabio Remondino
Pages: 233-246
NORCAMA: Change analysis in SAR time series by likelihood ratio change matrix clustering
Xin Su, Charles-Alban Deledalle, Florence Tupin, Hong Sun
Pages: 247-261
Automatic registration of UAV-borne sequent images and LiDAR data
Bisheng Yang, Chi Chen
Pages: 262-274
Flexible building primitives for 3D building modeling
B. Xiong, M. Jancosek, S. Oude Elberink, G. Vosselman
Pages: 275-290
Detection and estimation of ZY-3 three-line array image distortions caused by attitude oscillation
Xiaohua Tong, Lingyun Li, Shijie Liu, Yusheng Xu, Zhen Ye, Yanmin Jin, Fengxiang Wang, Huan Xie
Pages: 291-309
Effects of LiDAR point density and landscape context on estimates of urban forest biomass
Kunwar K. Singh, Gang Chen, James B. McCarter, Ross K. Meentemeyer
Pages: 310-322
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 102 (April 2015)
Feature space discriminant analysis for hyperspectral data feature reduction
Maryam Imani, Hassan Ghassemian
Pages: 1-13
Training set size, scale, and features in Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis of very high resolution unmanned aerial vehicle imagery
Lei Ma, Liang Cheng, Manchun Li, Yongxue Liu, Xiaoxue Ma
Pages: 14-27
A hybrid algorithm for estimating the chlorophyll-a concentration across different trophic states in Asian inland waters
Bunkei Matsushita, Wei Yang, Gongliang Yu, Youichi Oyama, Kazuya Yoshimura, Takehiko Fukushima
Pages: 28-37
Object-based assessment of burn severity in diseased forests using high-spatial and high-spectral resolution MASTER airborne imagery
Gang Chen, Margaret R. Metz, David M. Rizzo, Whalen W. Dillon, Ross K. Meentemeyer
Pages: 38-47
Use of Binary Partition Tree and energy minimization for object-based classification of urban land cover
Mengmeng Li, Wietske Bijker, Alfred Stein
Pages: 48-61
Zoom lens calibration with zoom- and focus-related intrinsic parameters applied to bundle adjustment
Shunyi Zheng, Zheng Wang, Rongyong Huang
Pages: 62-72
Segmentation quality evaluation using region-based precision and recall measures for remote sensing images
Xueliang Zhang, Xuezhi Feng, Pengfeng Xiao, Guangjun He, Liujun Zhu
Pages: 73-84
Evaluating leaf chlorophyll content prediction from multispectral remote sensing data within a physically-based modelling framework
H. Croft, J.M. Chen, Y. Zhang, A. Simic, T.L. Noland, N. Nesbitt, J. Arabian
Pages: 85-95
Automatic registration of unordered point clouds acquired by Kinect sensors using an overlap heuristic
T. Weber, R. Hänsch, O. Hellwich
Pages: 96-109
A greedy-based multiquadric method for LiDAR-derived ground data reduction
Chuanfa Chen, Changqing Yan, Xuewei Cao, Jinyun Guo, Honglei Dai
Pages: 110-121
The Kennaugh element framework for multi-scale, multi-polarized, multi-temporal and multi-frequency SAR image preparation
Andreas Schmitt, Anna Wendleder, Stefan Hinz
Pages: 122-139
Water flow based geometric active deformable model for road network
Shanmugam Leninisha, Kaliaperumal Vani
Pages: 140-147
Spatio-temporal prediction of leaf area index of rubber plantation using HJ-1A/1B CCD images and recurrent neural network
Bangqian Chen, Zhixiang Wu, Jikun Wang, Jinwei Dong, Liming Guan, Junming Chen, Kai Yang, Guishui Xie
Pages: 148-160
A generic framework for image rectification using multiple types of feature
Tengfei Long, Weili Jiao, Guojin He, Zhaoming Zhang, Bo Cheng, Wei Wang
Pages: 161-171
Line segment extraction for large scale unorganized point clouds
Yangbin Lin, Cheng Wang, Jun Cheng, Bili Chen, Fukai Jia, Zhonggui Chen, Jonathan Li
Pages: 172-183
Daily GPP estimates in Mediterranean ecosystems by combining remote sensing and meteorological data
M.A. Gilabert, A. Moreno, F. Maselli, B. Martínez, M. Chiesi, S. Sánchez-Ruiz, F.J. García-Haro, A. Pérez-Hoyos, M. Campos-Taberner, O. Pérez-Priego, P. Serrano-Ortiz, A. Carrara
Pages: 184-197
Lidar with multi-temporal MODIS provide a means to upscale predictions of forest biomass
Le Li, Qinghua Guo, Shengli Tao, Maggi Kelly, Guangcai Xu
Pages: 198-208
Solving bundle block adjustment by generalized anisotropic Procrustes analysis
Andrea Fusiello, Fabio Crosilla
Pages: 209-221
Improving forest aboveground biomass estimation using seasonal Landsat NDVI time-series
Xiaolin Zhu, Desheng Liu
Pages: 222-231
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 103 (May 2015)
Global land cover mapping using Earth observation satellite data: Recent progresses and challenges
Yifang Ban, Peng Gong, Chandra Gir
Pages: 1-6
Global land cover mapping at 30 m resolution: A POK-based operational approach
Jun Chen, Jin Chen, Anping Liao, Xin Cao, Lijun Chen, Xuehong Chen, Chaoying He, Gang Han, Shu Peng, Miao Lu, Weiwei Zhang, Xiaohua Tong, Jon Mills
Pages: 7-27
Spaceborne SAR data for global urban mapping at 30 m resolution using a robust urban extractor
Yifang Ban, Alexander Jacob, Paolo Gamba
Pages: 28-37
Mapping global land cover in 2001 and 2010 with spatial-temporal consistency at 250 m resolution
Jie Wang, Yuanyuan Zhao, Congcong Li, Le Yu, Desheng Liu, Peng Gong
Pages: 38-47
Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and geographically weighted regression
Linda See, Dmitry Schepaschenko, Myroslava Lesiv, Ian McCallum, Steffen Fritz, Alexis Comber, Christoph Perger, Christian Schill, Yuanyuan Zhao, Victor Maus, Muhammad Athar Siraj, Franziska Albrecht, Anna Cipriani, Mar’yana Vakolyuk, Alfredo Garcia, Ahmed H. Rabia, Kuleswar Singha, Abel Alan Marcarini, Teja Kattenborn, Rubul Hazarika, Maria Schepaschenko, Marijn van der Velde, Florian Kraxner, Michael Obersteiner
Pages: 48-56
Geographic stacking: Decision fusion to increase global land cover map accuracy
Nicholas Clinton, Le Yu, Peng Gong
Pages: 57-65
A web-based system for supporting global land cover data production
Gang Han, Jun Chen, Chaoying He, Songnian Li, Hao Wu, Anping Liao, Shu Peng
Pages: 66-80
Use of Landsat and Corona data for mapping forest cover change from the mid-1960s to 2000s: Case studies from the Eastern United States and Central Brazil
Dan-Xia Song, Chengquan Huang, Joseph O. Sexton, Saurabh Channan, Min Feng, John R. Townshend
Pages: 81-92
Assessing global land cover reference datasets for different user communities
N.E. Tsendbazar, S. de Bruin, M. Herold
Pages: 93-114
Who launched what, when and why; trends in global land-cover observation capacity from civilian earth observation satellites
Alan S. Belward, Jon O. Skøien
Pages: 115-128
Bidirectional effects in Landsat reflectance estimates: Is there a problem to solve?
Jyoteshwar R. Nagol, Joseph O. Sexton, Do-Hyung Kim, Anupam Anand, Douglas Morton, Eric Vermote, John R. Townshend
Pages: 129-135
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 104 (June 2015)
Line matching based on planar homography for stereo aerial images
Yanbiao Sun, Liang Zhao, Shoudong Huang, Lei Yan, Gamini Dissanayake
Pages: 1-17
A fully-automated approach to land cover mapping with airborne LiDAR and high resolution multispectral imagery in a forested suburban landscape
Jason R. Parent, John C. Volin, Daniel L. Civco
Pages: 18-29
A graph-based segmentation algorithm for tree crown extraction using airborne LiDAR data
Victor F. Strîmbu, Bogdan M. Strîmbu
Pages: 30-43
Effect of slope on treetop detection using a LiDAR Canopy Height Model
Anahita Khosravipour, Andrew K. Skidmore, Tiejun Wang, Martin Isenburg, Kourosh Khoshelham
Pages: 44-52
Spectral calibration of CBERS 2B multispectral satellite images to assess suspended sediment concentration
André Giskard Aquino da Silva, Venerando E. Amaro, Karl Stattegger, Klaus Schwarzer, Helenice Vital, Björn Heise
Pages: 53-62
Characterizing C-band backscattering from thermokarst lake ice on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau
Bangsen Tian, Zhen Li, Melanie J. Engram, Fujun Niu, Panpan Tang, Pengfei Zou, Juan Xu
Pages: 63-76
Visualisation of urban airborne laser scanning data with occlusion images
Tommy Hinks, Hamish Carr, Hamid Gharibi, Debra F. Laefer
Pages: 77-87
Octree-based region growing for point cloud segmentation
Anh-Vu Vo, Linh Truong-Hong, Debra F. Laefer, Michela Bertolotto
Pages: 88-100
UAV photogrammetry for topographic monitoring of coastal areas
J.A. Gonçalves, R. Henriques
Pages: 101-111
Comparative classification analysis of post-harvest growth detection from terrestrial LiDAR point clouds in precision agriculture
Kristina Koenig, Bernhard Höfle, Martin Hämmerle, Thomas Jarmer, Bastian Siegmann, Holger Lilienthal
Pages: 112-125
Modeling magnitude statistics of multilook SAR interferograms by generalizing G distributions
Gui Gao, Gongtao Shi
Pages: 126-143
Validation of Canopy Height Profile methodology for small-footprint full-waveform airborne LiDAR data in a discontinuous canopy environment
Karolina D. Fieber, Ian J. Davenport, Mihai A. Tanase, James M. Ferryman, Robert J. Gurney, Victor M. Becerra, Jeffrey P. Walker, Jorg M. Hacker
Pages: 144-157
Remote sensing image fusion via wavelet transform and sparse representation
Jian Cheng, Haijun Liu, Ting Liu, Feng Wang, Hongsheng Li
Pages: 158-173
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Theme Issue “Integrated Imaging and Sensor Fusion for Rapid Response and Monitoring Applications”
Naser El-Sheimy, Steve Liang, Charles Tot
Pages: 174-
Estimation of seismic building structural types using multi-sensor remote sensing and machine learning techniques
Christian Geiß, Patrick Aravena Pelizari, Mattia Marconcini, Wayan Sengara, Mark Edwards, Tobia Lakes, Hannes Taubenböck
Pages: 175-188
A fast and mobile system for registration of low-altitude visual and thermal aerial images using multiple small-scale UAVs
Saeed Yahyanejad, Bernhard Rinner
Pages: 189-202
A fully automated TerraSAR-X based flood service
Sandro Martinis, Jens Kersten, André Twele
Pages: 203-212
Applying data fusion techniques for benthic habitat mapping and monitoring in a coral reef ecosystem
Caiyun Zhang
Pages: 213-223
Operational perspective of remote sensing-based forest fire danger forecasting systems
Ehsan H. Chowdhury, Quazi K. Hassan
Pages: 224-236
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information — Open Access Journal
New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 4, Issue 1 (March 2015), Pages 1-417
Measure of Landmark Semantic Salience through Geosocial Data Streams
Quesnot, Teriitutea, Roche, Stéphane
Pages: 1-31
Examining Personal Air Pollution Exposure, Intake, and Health Danger Zone Using Time Geography and 3D Geovisualization
Lu, Yongmei, Fang, Tianfang Bernie
Pages: 32-46
Geospatial Technology: A Tool to Aid in the Elimination of Malaria in Bangladesh
Kirk, Karen E., Haq, M. Zahirul, Alam, Mohammad Shafiul, Haque, Ubydul
Pages: 47-58
Acknowledgement to Reviewers of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information in 2014
IJGI Editorial Office,
Pages: 59-61
The Use of Exhaustive Micro-Data Firm Databases for Economic Geography: The Issues of Geocoding and Usability in the Case of the Amadeus Database
Lennert, Moritz
Pages: 62-86
Visual Overlay on OpenStreetMap Data to Support Spatial Exploration of Urban Environments
Kumar, Chandan, Heuten, Wilko, Boll, Susanne
Pages: 87-104
Analyzing the Correlation between Deer Habitat and the Component of the Risk for Lyme Disease in Eastern Ontario, Canada: A GIS-Based Approach
Chen, Dongmei, Wong, Haydi, Belanger, Paul, Moore, Kieran, Peterson, Mary, Cunningham, John
Pages: 105-123
Transport Accessibility Analysis Using GIS: Assessing Sustainable Transport in London
Ford, Alistair C., Barr, Stuart L., Dawson, Richard J., James, Philip
Pages: 124-149
CALPUFF and CAFOs: Air Pollution Modeling and Environmental Justice Analysis in the North Carolina Hog Industry
Ogneva-Himmelberger, Yelena, Huang, Liyao, Xin, Hao
Pages: 150-171
Remote Sensing Image Fusion at the Segment Level Using a Spatially-Weighted Approach: Applications for Land Cover Spectral Analysis and Mapping
Johnson, Brian
Pages: 172-184
Conceptual Issues Regarding the Development of Underground Railway Laser Scanning Systems
Hung, Raymond, King, Bruce, Chen, Wu
Pages: 185-198
Mapping Local Climate Zones for a Worldwide Database of the Form and Function of Cities
Bechtel, Benjamin, Alexander, Paul J., Böhner, Jürgen, Ching, Jason, Conrad, Olaf, Feddema, Johannes, Mills, Gerald, See, Linda, Stewart, Iain
Pages: 199-219
Assessment of Spatial Interpolation Methods to Map the Bathymetry of an Amazonian Hydroelectric Reservoir to Aid in Decision Making for Water Management
Curtarelli, Marcelo, Leão, Joaquim, Ogashawara, Igor, Lorenzzetti, João, Stech, José
Pages: 220-235
Investigating Within-Field Variability of Rice from High Resolution Satellite Imagery in Qixing Farm County, Northeast China
Zhao, Quanying, Lenz-Wiedemann, Victoria I.S., Yuan, Fei, Jiang, Rongfeng, Miao, Yuxin, Zhang, Fusuo, Bareth, Georg
Pages: 236-261
User-Centered Design for Interactive Maps: A Case Study in Crime Analysis
Roth, Robert E., Ross, Kevin S., MacEachren, Alan M.
Pages: 262-301
Optimising Mobile Mapping System Laser Scanner Orientation
Cahalane, Conor, Lewis, Paul, McElhinney, Conor P., McCarthy, Timothy
Pages: 302-319
Categorization and Conversions for Indexing Methods of Discrete Global Grid Systems
Amiri, Ali Mahdavi, Samavati, Faramarz, Peterson, Perry
Pages: 320-336
Geovisual Analytics Approach to Exploring Public Political Discourse on Twitter
Nelson, Jonathan K., Quinn, Sterling, Swedberg, Brian, Chu, Wanghuan, MacEachren, Alan M.
Pages: 337-366
An Examination of Three Spatial Event Cluster Detection Methods
Mariathas, Hensley H., Rosychuk, Rhonda J.
Pages: 367-384
A Sensor Web-Enabled Infrastructure for Precision Farming
Geipel, Jakob, Jackenkroll, Markus, Weis, Martin, Claupein, Wilhelm
Pages: 385-399
Manifestation of an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model on Fire Potential Zonation Mapping in Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Nepal
Chhetri, Sachin Kumar, Kayastha, Prabin
Pages: 400-417
New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 4, Issue 2 (June 2015), Pages 418-753
Analytical Estimation of Map Readability
Harrie, Lars, Stigmar, Hanna, Djordjevic, Milan
Pages: 418-446
Simulating Urban Growth Using a Random Forest-Cellular Automata (RF-CA) Model
Kamusoko, Courage, Gamba, Jonah
Pages: 447-470
A Structural-Lexical Measure of Semantic Similarity for Geo-Knowledge Graphs
Ballatore, Andrea, Bertolotto, Michela, Wilson, David C.
Pages: 471-492
Interactive Presentation of Geo-Spatial Climate Data in Multi-Display Environments
Eichner, Christian, Nocke, Thomas, Schulz, Hans-Jörg, Schumann, Heidrun
Pages: 493-514
Moving Point Density Estimation Algorithm Based on a Generated Bayesian Prior
Asahara, Akinori, Hayashi, Hideki, Kai, Takashi
Pages: 515-534
Characterizing the Heterogeneity of the OpenStreetMap Data and Community
Ma, Ding, Sandberg, Mats, Jiang, Bin
Pages: 535-550
Cognitive Themes Emerging from Air Photo Interpretation Texts Published to 1960
Bianchetti, Raechel A., MacEachren, Alan M.
Pages: 551-571
Defining a Threshold Value for Maximum Spatial Information Loss of Masked Geo-Data
Kounadi, Ourania, Leitner, Michael
Pages: 572-590
Exploiting Spatial Abstraction in Predictive Analytics of Vehicle Traffic
Andrienko, Natalia, Andrienko, Gennady, Rinzivillo, Salvatore
Pages: 591-606
An Environmental Assessment of School Shade Tree Canopy and Implications for Sun Safety Policies: The Los Angeles Unified School District
Moreno, April, Tangenberg, John, Hilton, Brian N., Hilton, June K.
Pages: 607-625
Discriminating Irrigated and Rainfed Maize with Diurnal Fluorescence and Canopy Temperature Airborne Maps
Rossini, Micol, Panigada, Cinzia, Cilia, Chiara, Meroni, Michele, Busetto, Lorenzo, Cogliati, Sergio, Amaducci, Stefano, Colombo, Roberto
Pages: 626-646
Architecture of a Process Broker for Interoperable Geospatial Modeling on the Web
Bigagli, Lorenzo, Santoro, Mattia, Mazzetti, Paolo, Nativi, Stefano
Pages: 647-660
GIS-Based Borderlands Modeling and Understanding: A Perspective
Chen, Jun, Li, Ran, Dong, Weihua, Ge, Yuejing, Liao, Hua, Cheng, Yang
Pages: 661-676
Remotely Sensed Soil Data Analysis Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study of El-Fayoum Depression, Egypt
Amato, Filippo, Havel, Josef, Gad, Abd-Alla, El-Zeiny, Ahmed Mohamed
Pages: 677-696
Open Geospatial Education
Belgiu, Mariana, Strobl, Josef, Wallentin, Gudrun
Pages: 697-710
Solar Irradiance Modelling with NASA WW GIS Environment
Piragnolo, Marco, Masiero, Andrea, Fissore, Francesca, Pirotti, Francesco
Pages: 711-724
The House Crow (Corvus splendens): A Threat to New Zealand?
Fraser, Diane L., Aguilar, Glenn, Nagle, William, Galbraith, Mel, Ryall, Colin
Pages: 725-740
Real-Time Sidewalk Slope Calculation through Integration of GPS Trajectory and Image Data to Assist People with Disabilities in Navigation
Lu, Yihan, Karimi, Hassan. A.
Pages: 741-753
New Events
21-23 May 2015
TUFUAB 2015-Konya
Turkish National Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
VIII. Technical Symposium
Konya , Turkey
04-14 Jun 2015
GeoInformatics Summer School 2015
Wuhan, China
06-16 Jul 2015
6th EUFAR-OPTIMISE Training Course on
Spectrometry of a Wetland And Modelling of Photosynthesis
with Hyperspectral Airborne Reflectance and Fluorescence
Obrzycko-Rzecin (POLWET), Poland
17-21 Aug 2015
GEOMIR - 3S-2015
6th International Students’ Summer Seminar (3S-2015)
Moscow, Russia
17-18 Sep 2015
Summit on Earth Observation Business
(part of the World Satellite Business Week)
Paris, France
19-23 Oct 2015
ACRS 2015
The 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing
Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
21-22 Oct 2015
International conference of Geospatial Techniques in Geosciences
Taza, Morocco
10-12 Nov 2015
EuroCarto 2015
the 1st ICA European Symposium on Cartography
Vienna, Austria
16-19 Nov 2015
Pacific Islands GIS\RS User Conference 2015
Bridging Information Gaps by Creating Smarter Maps
Suva, Fiji Islands
23-25 Nov 2015
SMPR 2015
3rd International Conference on
Sensors and Models in Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
Kish Island, Iran
24 Nov 2015
PSIVT2015 Workshop
on Passive and Active Electro-Optical
Sensors for Aerial & Space Imaging
Auckland, New Zealand
01-02 Dec 2015
LowCost3D (LC3D)
Sensors, Algorithms, Applications
Berlin, Germany
12-19 Jul 2016
XXIII ISPRS Congress 2016
Prague, Czech Republic
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Updated Events
27-28 May 2015
GEO Business 2015
The geospatial exhibition, conference and workshops
designed for everyone involved in the gathering, storing,
processing and delivering of geospatial information
London, UK
05-07 Jun 2015
ISPRS Workshop on Trust in Spatial Data and Validation of Global Land Cover Mapping
Shanghai, China
18-19 Jun 2015
Advances in Web-based Education Services
Berlin, Germany
13-15 Jul 2015
ISPRS ICWG IV/II Workshop on Spatiotemporal Computing
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
07-11 Sep 2015
Photogrammetric Week 2015
Excellence in Photogrammetry, Computer Science and Geoinformatics
Stuttgart, Germany
23-24 Oct 2015
International Conference on Intelligent Earth Observing and Applications
Guilin, Guangxi, China
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Job Opportunities
22-Mar-2015 |
Assistant Professor Tenure Track in Remote Sensing of Water Systems
The Faculty of Science at the University of Zurich jointly with the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Zurich, Switzerland
Deadline: 15-May-2015
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New Publications in the ISPRS Archives & Annals
Archives 2015
PIA15+HRIGI15 – Joint ISPRS conference, 25-27 Mar
Munich, Germany
XL-3/W2 |
Archives 2015, TC V, CIPA
Underwater 3D Recording and Modeling, 16-17 Apr
Piano di Sorrento, Italy
XL-5/W5 |
Archives 2015
36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 11-15 May
Berlin, Germany
XL-7/W3 |
Annals 2015
PIA15+HRIGI15 – Joint ISPRS conference, 25-27 Mar
Munich, Germany
II-3/W4 |
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