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ISPRS Awards Await Your Nominations
by Orhan Altan
ISPRS 1st Vice President
As the year draws to a close we would like to remind the community that ISPRS recognizes individual accomplishments through the sponsorship of awards and honours which are granted at each quadrennial ISPRS Congress - thus at the upcoming Congress in Prague in July 2016. Nominations for deserving candidates for awards are welcome and may be made by individuals or organizations at any time, but before the deadlines given at
Each nomination must be in written form (e-mail is acceptable) and submitted to an ISPRS Council member. The following is a brief summary of all awards and honors granted by ISPRS. The terms of reference for most awards are also provided in the brochure above. Note that self-nomination is only possible for the von Gruber Award, the Schwidefsky Medal, the Karl Kraus Medal, the Prize for Best Papers by Young Authors, the CATCON Prize and the Doležal Award.
For the nomination of awards please refer to the following webpage:
We are grateful to members active in nominating good candidates for these awards…
- The Brock Gold Medal Award is presented for an outstanding landmark in evolution of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. The award consists of a gold medallion. Ordinary Members of ISPRS are encouraged to nominate candidates for the Award. Nominations must be signed by two individuals of different nationalities and also a different nationality from that of the candidate.
- The Otto von Gruber Award is presented to a young (less than 40 years) sole or 1st author of a paper of outstanding merit in the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences written in the four year period preceding the Congress.
- The Samuel Gamble Award is presented to up to three individuals who have contributed significantly to the development, organization or professional activities of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, at national or international level.
- The Willem Schermerhorn Award is granted to a person who has most significantly contributed to the activities of a Working Group of the ISPRS during the four year Congress period.
- The Schwidefsky Medal is presented to persons who have made significant contributions to photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences, either through the medium of publication as author or editor, or in another form.
- The President's Honorary Citation (1988) is a certificate of recognition presented by the President of ISPRS to a chairperson, co-chairperson or member of a Working Group of each ISPRS Technical Commissions. The citation is to recognize special, personal and meritorious contributions to the operation of the relevant Technical Commission's activities and advancement of its interests, during the quadrennial term of the Society.
- The ISPRS Prizes for Best Papers by Young Authors is granted to authors who are less than 35 years old and are the 1st author of a high quality paper presented to the Congress. Each of the eight ISPRS Commissions observes the poster presentations and selects the two best Poster Papers from the Commission.
- At the Congress, the CATCON Prizes, a Software Computer Assisted Teaching Contest, will be organized by ISPRS Technical Commission VI and funded by The ISPRS Foundation. The main objective of the contest is to promote the development and dissemination of good, user-friendly software packages.
- The Eduard Doležal Award is a grant for limited travel and expenses of at least one individual, from developing or reform countries, to participate in the ISPRS Congress. Candidates are those who have permanently implemented a practical application of photogrammetry, remote sensing or GIS in an efficient manner or which documents their outstanding success in support of these fields.
- The U.V. Helava Award is presented to the author(s) of the most outstanding paper published exclusively in the ISPRS International Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing during the four years preceding the Congress.
- The Wang Zhizhuo Award will be granted to a person who has made significant achievement or innovation in the spatial information sciences.
- The Karl Kraus Medal is awarded to authors of excellent textbooks in the fields of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and spatial information sciences, written in one of the official languages of the ISPRS, and published no more than eight years prior to the commencement of the quadrennial ISPRS Congress at which the medal is to be presented.
- The Frederick J. Doyle Award will be awarded to an individual who has made significant accomplishments in advancing the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences and technologies. A recipient of the award should typically be less than 50 years of age and have outstanding stature within the ISPRS community.
- The Giuseppe Inghilleri Award is presented to a person who has significantly enhanced the applications of photogrammetry, remote sensing or spatial information sciences in the four years preceding the Congress.
Society News
ISPRS Publishes Scientific Vision and Research Agenda
With the increased availability of very high-resolution satellite imagery, terrain based imaging
and participatory sensing, inexpensive platforms, and advanced information and communication
technologies, the application of imagery is now ubiquitous, playing an important role in many
aspects of life and work today. Questions that are frequently asked by academia, industry,
users, and young students include: What are the major scientific and technical challenges we are
facing? What are the state-of-the art in our disciplines? What are the key issues to be addressed
in the future? In an attempt to address such questions, ISPRS has prepared a collective scientific
vision and research agenda for the Society in the run-up to the 2016 Prague Congress. It has
recently been published on-line in the International Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing as an original article with the title ‘Information from imagery: ISPRS scientific vision and research agenda’ [1].
The paper examines the significant challenges currently facing ISPRS and its communities, such as providing high-quality information, enabling advanced geospatial computing, and supporting collaborative problem solving. The state-of-the-art in ISPRS related research and development is reviewed and the trends and topics for future work are identified. By providing an overarching scientific vision and research agenda, we hope to call on and mobilize all ISPRS scientists, practitioners and other stakeholders to continue improving our understanding and capacity on information from imagery and to deliver advanced geospatial knowledge that enables humankind to better deal with the challenges ahead, posed for example by global change, ubiquitous sensing, and a demand for real-time information generation.
The paper will form part of a Special Issue entitled “State-of-the-art in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences” in the International Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, which is scheduled for publication in 2016 to coincide with the XXIII ISPRS Congress in Prague, but is accessible now as a free-to-access, in-press article at:
You are invited to read it and provide feedback.
[1] Chen, J., Dowman, I., Li, Z., Li, S., Madden, M., Mills, J., Paparoditis, N., Rottensteiner, F., Sester, M., Toth, C., Trinder, J., Heipke, C., In press. Information from Imagery: ISPRS Scientific Vision and Research Agenda. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Letter of Intent from UAE to Host 2020 ISPRS Congress in Dubai
As the 2016 ISPRS Congress approaches, some Ordinary Members have already started to think
beyond. As a first sign, Council recently received a letter of intent from Dubai
Municipality on behalf of the United Arab Emirates University, Ordinary Member of UAE,
to bid for the organisation of the XXIV ISPRS Congress in Dubai in 2020. In the same year
Dubai will host the World Expo.
Two New Fora at ISPRS Congress 2016
As part of its aim to more closely cooperate with the practical side of our discipline,
ISPRS will organise two new fora at the upcoming ISPRS Congress:
- the ISPRS - UN-GGIM National Mapping and Cadastral Agency Forum
- the ISPRS - IAA Space Agency Forum
The NMCA Forum will be co-organised by UN-GGIM, the United Nations initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management, while co-host of the Space Agency Forum is IAA - the International Academy of Astronautics. Both fora will be held on July 14 and 15, i.e. during the first week of the Congress and will also feature common sessions.
Read more about the fora at
Report on the Geospatial Week 2015
As announced in the last eBulletin here is the report of the Geospatial Week 2015, a collection
of 11 workshops and scientific events held in Montpellier, France, organised under the
leadership of Nicolas Paparoditis in late September/early October this year.
Read the Report.
ISPRS Archives and Annals Submitted to Engineering Index
The ISPRS Archives and Annals have recently been submitted for indexing at the Engineering Compendex,
also called Engineering Index or EI. EI ( is a major index
and leading engineering information discovery platform and an index of major importance for
many scientific authors.
ISPRS hopes to be successful and have their proceedings publications included in the EI as
soon as possible. Typically, the evaluation of the submission takes several months.
General Announcements
7th World Science Forum in Budapest Adopts Declaration on Sustainable Development Goals
ICSU, along with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, was a co-organizer of the 7th World Science Forum held from 4th to 7th November 2015 in Budapest. At the conclusion of the conference, a six-point declaration was adopted.
The declaration affirmed strong support for the newly-adopted Sustainable Development Goals, calling for action towards the goals as an underlying approach to all policies.
“We are committed to take and promote urgent and transformative steps to enable a shift for a new development path towards sustainable, equitable and more resilient societies and economies,” it said.
The declaration endorsed statements published recently by major scientific organisations including IPCC, ICSU, UNESCO, EASAC, and the outcome statement of the international science conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change” co-organized by UNESCO, ICSU, Future Earth and major research institutions in France in July 2015.
It reiterated a call contained in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 to “enhance the scientific and technical work on disaster risk reduction,” and affirmed the importance of sound, independent scientific advice for policy-making. Finally, it called for international collaboration on capacity building and mobilization in the developing world, and an equitable participation of women, young scientists, and minority groups in the practice and application of science, also through capacity-building programmes addressed to young scientists.
The full declaration is available here.
Declaration on Future Earth and Space Science Education
A declaration aimed to highlight the importance of Earth and space science education in future scientific progress and to reinforce the link between the scientific community, national governments and the public to contribute to sustainable development of society through scientific awareness and actions related to challenging problems of society was adopted on 6th December, 2015.
Read more ...
From Core to Outer Space – New MOOC on Sensing Planet Earth
Rising sea levels, growing deserts and variations in the atmosphere: Earth observations and measurement are crucial tools for understanding climate change. In the upcoming Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) "Sensing Planet Earth" from Chalmers University in Sweden which will start in early spring 2016 one can learn about the tools and methods for measuring the world we live in.
Read more on the ideas behind these courses, the target groups and the requirements…..
More information on the courses, including enrollment, can be found at the following links:
Sensing Planet Earth – From Core to Outer Space
Sensing Planet Earth – Water and Ice
Nepalese Surveyor Scales the Pinnacle of Mt. Everest
On 18th May, 2011, a team of Nepalese civil servants successfully climbed to the summit of Mt. Everest. According to the records kept by the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation, Mr. Khim Lal Gautam, a member of the team and a surveyor of the Nepalese Surveying Association, became the first surveying professional ever to reach the peak of the world.
ISPRS congratulates Khim Lal Gautam on this outstanding achievement.
See the certificate of the Nepal Surveyor's Association for Mr. Khim Lal Gautam
Industry Leaders to Speak at London Drone Conference
The SkyTech 2016 UAS conference & exhibition has announced its speaker line-up for January’s
event. International experts will consider key developments from across the unmanned aviation
industry, alongside discussion of UAS applications for a range of business markets.
Read more ...
Movin’ on Up
When our Palaeolithic ancestors fashioned the first wheel, it must have blown everyone’s minds. At least for a couple of years.
Then an entrepreneurial caveman would of course have sauntered into a large feast of some sort, smiling graciously, showing people the axis he’d made for fitting two wheels together. He’d leave that night with a bellyful of goat meat and contracts signed in flint. “Sure”, he might’ve said, “the first wheel was great and everything, but I have this totally fantastic idea: let’s see how far this can take us. I’m sick of walking. Aren’t you all sick of it?”
Read more ...
Drones Bonding with Cinema
Perhaps the most exciting branch of commercial UAV technology is its ability to water
our creative soil. Cinematography and professional video services are, quite frankly,
the sexiest of the UAV industry line-up, and using drones for these purposes has
levelled the playing field for directors seeking that perfect panorama without spending
thousands on a single helicopter shot.
Read more ...
Announcements of Scientific Meetings
(see also
ISPRS Calendar)
GIM International Summit - Dynamic and Highly Interactive Geomatics Event with a Different Approach
Amsterdam, Netherlands 10-12 February, 2016
The first edition of the GIM International Summit is drawing closer. The conference committee has been working hard to ensure a varied programme for professional development, networking opportunities and a thorough update of the status of the geomatics sector. The Summit is set to be a dynamic and highly interactive combination of conference and workshops during which delegates will be expected to make a meaningful contribution by sharing their constructive thoughts and ideas.
Read more ...
Link to brochure
Event Reports
EuroSDR / ISPRS Joint Workshop on Oblique Cameras and Dense Image Matching
by Paul R. T. Newby, Fellow of ISPRS; Editor Emeritus, The Photogrammetric Record
Based on a shorter report published in The Photogrammetric Record, 30(152) (December 2015)
GRSS Young Professionals and ISPRS Summer School – 2015
October 26-30, 2015
Curitiba, Brazil
by Raul Queiroz Feitosa
International Workshop on The Role of Land Professionals and Spatial Data
Infrastructure in Disaster Risk Reduction
November 25-27, 2015
Kathmandu, Nepal
Employment Opportunities
Vacancy: Operations Director Position at ICSU in Paris
The International Council for Science (ICSU) is seeking an Operations Director to manage the day-to-day operations of the Paris Secretariat, in close conjunction with the Executive Director. The closing date for applications is 3 January 2016.
The advertisement can be found on the ICSU website:
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 109 (November 2015)
Forest cover maps of China in 2010 from multiple approaches and data sources: PALSAR, Landsat, MODIS, FRA, and NFI
Yuanwei Qin, Xiangming Xiao, Jinwei Dong, Geli Zhang, Masanobu Shimada, Jiyuan Liu, Chungan Li, Weili Kou, Berrien Moore III
Pages: 1-16
Mapping tropical dry forest succession using multiple criteria spectral mixture analysis
Sen Cao, Qiuyan Yu, Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa, Jilu Feng, Benoit Rivard, Zhujun Gu
Pages: 17-29
An object-based approach to delineate wetlands across landscapes of varied disturbance with high spatial resolution satellite imagery
Amy Mui, Yuhong He, Qihao Weng
Pages: 30-46
Accurate and occlusion-robust multi-view stereo
Zhaokun Zhu, Christos Stamatopoulos, Clive S. Fraser
Pages: 47-61
An automated method to register airborne and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds
Bisheng Yang, Yufu Zang, Zhen Dong, Ronggang Huang
Pages: 62-76
Study of the geometry effect on land surface temperature retrieval in urban environment
Jinxin Yang, Man Sing Wong, Massimo Menenti, Janet Nichol
Pages: 77-87
Combining leaf physiology, hyperspectral imaging and partial least squares-regression (PLS-R) for grapevine water status assessment
Tal Rapaport, Uri Hochberg, Maxim Shoshany, Arnon Karnieli, Shimon Rachmilevitch
Pages: 88-97
A Synergy Method to Improve Ensemble Weather Predictions and Differential SAR Interferograms
Franz-Georg Ulmer, Nico Adam
Pages: 98-107
A robust mosaicking procedure for high spatial resolution remote sensing images
Xinghua Li, Nian Hui, Huanfeng Shen, Yunjie Fu, Liangpei Zhang
Pages: 108-125
Globally consistent registration of terrestrial laser scans via graph optimization
Pascal Willy Theiler, Jan Dirk Wegner, Konrad Schindler
Pages: 126-138
Geometric integration of high-resolution satellite imagery and airborne LiDAR data for improved geopositioning accuracy in metropolitan areas
Bo Wu, Shengjun Tang, Qing Zhu, Kwan-yuen Tong, Han Hu, Guoyuan Li
Pages: 139-151
Estimating deformation due to soil liquefaction in Urayasu city, Japan using permanent scatterers
Tamer ElGharbawi, Masayuki Tamura
Pages: 152-164
Wide-area mapping of small-scale features in agricultural landscapes using airborne remote sensing
Jerome O’Connell, Ute Bradter, Tim G. Benton
Pages: 165-177
Mapping slope movements in Alpine environments using TerraSAR-X interferometric methods
Chloé Barboux, Tazio Strozzi, Reynald Delaloye, Urs Wegmüller, Claude Collet
Pages: 178-192
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 110 (December 2015)
Automated annual cropland mapping using knowledge-based temporal features
François Waldner, Guadalupe Sepulcre Canto, Pierre Defourny
Pages: 1-13
3D leaf water content mapping using terrestrial laser scanner backscatter intensity with radiometric correction
Xi Zhu, Tiejun Wang, Roshanak Darvishzadeh, Andrew K. Skidmore, K. Olaf Niemann
Pages: 14-23
Shading-based DEM refinement under a comprehensive imaging model
Jianwei Peng, Yi Zhang, Jie Shan
Pages: 24-33
A novel transferable individual tree crown delineation model based on Fishing Net Dragging and boundary classification
Tao Liu, Jungho Im, Lindi J. Quackenbush
Pages: 34-47
Nonlocal similarity based DEM super resolution
Zekai Xu, Xuewen Wang, Zixuan Chen, Dongping Xiong, Mingyue Ding, Wenguang Hou
Pages: 48-54
Examining the potential of Sentinel-2 MSI spectral resolution in quantifying above ground biomass across different fertilizer treatments
Mbulisi Sibanda, Onisimo Mutanga, Mathieu Rouget
Pages: 55-65
Segmenting tree crowns from terrestrial and mobile LiDAR data by exploring ecological theories
Shengli Tao, Fangfang Wu, Qinghua Guo, Yongcai Wang, Wenkai Li, Baolin Xue, Xueyang Hu, Peng Li, Di Tian, Chao Li, Hui Yao, Yumei Li, Guangcai Xu, Jingyun Fang
Pages: 66-76
Semi-supervised SVM for individual tree crown species classification
Michele Dalponte, Liviu Theodor Ene, Mattia Marconcini, Terje Gobakken, Erik Næsset
Pages: 77-87
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information — Open Access Journal
New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 4, Issue 4 (December 2015), Pages 1774-2820
Modeling Historical Land Cover and Land Use: A Review fromContemporary Modeling
Chang-Martínez, Laura Alfonsina, Mas, Jean-François, Valle, Nuria Torrescano, Torres, Pedro Sergio Urquijo, Folan, William J.
Pages: 1791-1812
Generating Heat Maps of Popular Routes Online from Massive Mobile Sports Tracking Application Data in Milliseconds While Respecting Privacy
Sainio, Jani, Westerholm, Jan, Oksanen, Juha
Pages: 1813-1826
Simulating and Communicating Outcomes in Disaster Management Situations
Lichter, Michal, Grinberger, Asher Yair, Felsenstein, Daniel
Pages: 1827-1847
Critical Data Source; Tool or Even Infrastructure? Challenges of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk Governance
Fekete, Alexander, Tzavella, Katerina, Armas, Iuliana, Binner, Jane, Garschagen, Matthias, Giupponi, Carlo, Mojtahed, Vahid, Pettita, Marcello, Schneiderbauer, Stefan, Serre, Damien
Pages: 1848-1869
Exploratory Method for Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction and Clustering: An Integrated Multi-Scale Framework
Luo, Wen, Yu, Zhao-Yuan, Xiao, Sheng-Jun, Zhu, A-Xing, Yuan, Lin-Wang
Pages: 1870-1893
Metropolises in the Twittersphere: An Informetric Investigation of Informational Flows and Networks
Förster, Thorsten, Mainka, Agnes
Pages: 1894-1912
Developing a Relative Ranking of Social Vulnerability of Governorates of Yemen to Humanitarian Crisis
Kandeh, Joseph, Kumar, Lalit
Pages: 1913-1935
Reviews of Geospatial Information Technology and Collaborative Data Delivery for Disaster Risk Management
Miyazaki, Hiroyuki, Nagai, Masahiko, Shibasaki, Ryosuke
Pages: 1936-1964
Communicating Thematic Data Quality with Web Map Services
Blower, Jon D., Masó, Joan, Díaz, Daniel, Roberts, Charles J., Griffiths, Guy H., Lewis, Jane P., Yang, Xiaoyu, Pons, Xavier
Pages: 1965-1981
Multi-Scale Analysis of Regional Inequality based on Spatial Field Model: A Case Study of China from 2000 to 2012
Lu, Shasha, Guan, Xingliang, Yu, Danlin, Deng, Yu, Zhou, Linjie
Pages: 1982-2003
A Multimedia Data Visualization Based on Ad Hoc Communication Networks and Its Application to Disaster Management
Kawamura, Youhei, Wagner, Markus, Jang, Hyongdoo, Nobuhara, Hajime, Shibuya, Takeshi, Kitahara, Itaru, Dewan, Ashraf M, Veenendaal, Bert
Pages: 2004-2018
A Novel Spatial-Temporal Voronoi Diagram-Based Heuristic Approach for Large-Scale Vehicle Routing Optimization with Time Constraints
Tu, Wei, Li, Qingquan, Fang, Zhixiang, Zhou, Baoding
Pages: 2019-2044
Ecological Network Construction Based on Minimum Cumulative Resistance for the City of Nanjing, China
Dong, Jihong, Dai, Wenting, Shao, Guoquan, Xu, Jiren
Pages: 2045-2060
Local Edge Matching for Seamless Adjacent Spatial Datasets with Sequence Alignment
Huh, Yong
Pages: 2061-2077
A GIS-Based Web Approach for Serving Land Price Information
Yang, Yongjun, Sun, Yaqin, Li, Songnian, Zhang, Shaoliang, Wang, Kuoyin, Hou, Huping, Xu, Shishuo
Pages: 2078-2093
Geographic Layers as Landscape Drivers for the Marco Polo Argali Habitat in the Southeastern Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan
Salas, Eric Ariel L., Valdez, Raul, Boykin, Kenneth G.
Pages: 2094-2108
Extracting Urban Land Use from Linked Open Geospatial Data
Calegari, Gloria Re, Carlino, Emanuela, Peroni, Diego, Celino, Irene
Pages: 2109-2130
Landslide Fissure Inference Assessment by ANFIS and Logistic Regression Using UAS-Based Photogrammetry
Akcay, Ozgun
Pages: 2131-2158
Visual Soccer Analytics: Understanding the Characteristics of Collective Team Movement Based on Feature-Driven Analysis and Abstraction
Stein, Manuel, Häußler, Johannes, Jäckle, Dominik, Janetzko, Halldór, Schreck, Tobias, Keim, Daniel A.
Pages: 2159-2184
A New Algorithm for Cartographic Simplification of Streams and Lakes Using Deviation Angles and Error Bands
Gökgöz, Türkay, Sen, Alper, Memduhoglu, Abdulkadir, Hacar, Muslum
Pages: 2185-2204
Airborne Gravity Data Denoising Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition: A Case Study for SGA-WZ Greenland Test Data
Zhao, Lei, Wu, Meiping, Forsberg, René, Olesen, Arne Vestergaard, Zhang, Kaidong, Cao, Juliang
Pages: 2205-2218
Processing: A Python Framework for the Seamless Integration of Geoprocessing Tools in QGIS
Graser, Anita, Olaya, Victor
Pages: 2219-2245
Early Flood Detection for Rapid Humanitarian Response: Harnessing Near Real-Time Satellite and Twitter Signals
Jongman, Brenden, Wagemaker, Jurjen, Romero, Beatriz Revilla, de Perez, Erin Coughlan
Pages: 2246-2266
Cloud-Based Geospatial 3D Image Spaces—A Powerful Urban Model for the Smart City
Nebiker, Stephan, Cavegn, Stefan, Loesch, Benjamin
Pages: 2267-2291
Image Segmentation Parameter Optimization Considering Within- and Between-Segment Heterogeneity at Multiple Scale Levels: Test Case for Mapping Residential Areas Using Landsat Imagery
Johnson, Brian A., Bragais, Milben, Endo, Isao, Magcale-Macandog, Damasa B., Macandog, Paula Beatrice M.
Pages: 2292-2305
Spatiotemporal Data Mining: A Computational Perspective
Shekhar, Shashi, Jiang, Zhe, Ali, Reem Y., Eftelioglu, Emre, Tang, Xun, Gunturi, Venkata M. V., Zhou, Xun
Pages: 2306-2338
Bridge Performance Assessment Based on an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System with Wavelet Filter for the GPS Measurements
Kaloop, Mosbeh R., Hu, Jong Wan, Sayed, Mohamed A.
Pages: 2339-2361
Innovation in OGC: The Interoperability Program
Percivall, George, Idol, Terry, Alameh, Nadine, Harrison, Jeff
Pages: 2362-2378
Operational Monitoring of the Desert Locust Habitat with Earth Observation: An Assessment
Waldner, François, Ebbe, Mohamed Abdallahi Babah, Cressman, Keith, Defourny, Pierre
Pages: 2379-2400
Improving Post-Earthquake Insurance Claim Management: A Novel Approach to Prioritize Geospatial Data Collection
Pittore, Massimiliano, Wieland, Marc, Errize, Mustafa, Kariptas, Cagatay, Güngör, Ismet
Pages: 2401-2427
Optimized Route Selection Method based on the Turns of Road Intersections: A Case Study on Oversized Cargo Transportation
Meng, Lingkui, Hu, Zhenghua, Huang, Changqing, Zhang, Wen, Jia, Tao
Pages: 2428-2445
Inferring Directed Road Networks from GPS Traces by Track Alignment
Xie, Xingzhe, Bing-YungWong, Kevin, Aghajan, Hamid, Veelaert, Peter, Philips, Wilfried
Pages: 2446-2471
Towards a Standard Plant Species Spectral Library Protocol for Vegetation Mapping: A Case Study in the Shrubland of Doñana National Park
Jiménez, Marcos, Díaz-Delgado, Ricardo
Pages: 2472-2495
Impacts of Species Misidentification on Species Distribution Modeling with Presence-Only Data
Costa, Hugo, Foody, Giles M., Jiménez, Sílvia, Silva, Luís
Pages: 2496-2518
Evaluation of the Consistency of MODIS Land Cover Product (MCD12Q1) Based on Chinese 30 m GlobeLand30 Datasets: A Case Study in Anhui Province, China
Liang, Dong, Zuo, Yan, Huang, Linsheng, Zhao, Jinling, Teng, Ling, Yang, Fan
Pages: 2519-2541
Assessing the Effect of Temporal Interval Length on the Blending of Landsat-MODIS Surface Reflectance for Different Land Cover Types in Southwestern Continental United States
Fu, Dongjie, Zhang, Lifu, Chen, Hao, Wang, Juan, Sun, Xuejian, Wu, Taixia
Pages: 2542-2560
Data Integration for Climate Vulnerability Mapping in West Africa
de Sherbinin, Alex, Chai-Onn, Tricia, Jaiteh, Malanding, Mara, Valentina, Pistolesi, Linda, Schnarr, Emilie, Trzaska, Sylwia
Pages: 2561-2582
GIS for Sustainable Urban Transport
Zuidgeest, Mark H.P., Brussel, Mark J.G., van Maarseveen, Martin F.A.M.
Pages: 2583-2585
Pitch and Flat Roof Factors’ Association with Spatiotemporal Patterns of Dengue Disease Analysed Using Pan-Sharpened Worldview 2 Imagery
Rinawan, Fedri Ruluwedrata, Tateishi, Ryutaro, Raksanagara, Ardini Saptaningsih, Agustian, Dwi, Alsaaideh, Bayan, Natalia, Yessika Adelwin, Raksanagara, Ahyani
Pages: 2586-2603
Finding Causes of Irregular Headways Integrating Data Mining and AHP
An, Shi, Zhang, Xinming, Wang, Jian
Pages: 2604-2618
Fast Inversion of Air-Coupled Spectral Analysis of Surface Wave (SASW) Using in situ Particle Displacement
Lu, Yifeng, Cao, Yinghong, McDaniel, J. Gregory, Wang, Ming L.
Pages: 2619-2637
An Improved PDR/Magnetometer/Floor Map Integration Algorithm for Ubiquitous Positioning Using the Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter
Wang, Jian, Hu, Andong, Li, Xin, Wang, Yan
Pages: 2638-2659
Lane-Level Road Information Mining from Vehicle GPS Trajectories Based on Naïve Bayesian Classification
Tang, Luliang, Yang, Xue, Kan, Zihan, Li, Qingquan
Pages: 2660-2680
Weather Conditions, Weather Information and Car Crashes
Perrels, Adriaan, Votsis, Athanasios, Nurmi, Väinö, Pilli-Sihvola, Karoliina
Pages: 2681-2703
Collaborative Strategies for Sustainable EU Flood Risk Management: FOSS and Geospatial Tools—Challenges and Opportunities for Operative Risk Analysis
Albano, Raffaele, Mancusi, Leonardo, Sole, Aurelia, Adamowski, Jan
Pages: 2704-2727
Fractal Characterization of Settlement Patterns and Their Spatial Determinants in Coastal Zones
Zhang, Zhonghao, Yang, Xiaoqin, Xiao, Rui
Pages: 2728-2741
Spatial Sampling Strategies for the Effect of Interpolation Accuracy
Zhang, Hairong, Lu, Lijiang, Liu, Yanhua, Liu, Wei
Pages: 2742-2768
Combining 2D Mapping and Low Density Elevation Data in a GIS for GNSS Shadow Prediction
Cahalane, Conor
Pages: 2769-2791
Estimating Plant Traits of Grasslands from UAV-Acquired Hyperspectral Images: A Comparison of Statistical Approaches
Capolupo, Alessandra, Kooistra, Lammert, Berendonk, Clara, Boccia, Lorenzo, Suomalainen, Juha
Pages: 2792-2820
New Events
16-18 Dec 2015
Geospatial Technology for Disaster Management & Weather Forecasting
Jaipur, India
07-08 Mar 2016
EuroSDR Educational Service 2016
pre-course seminar
Warsaw, Poland
04-08 Apr 2016
Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geo-information of Environment
Paphos, Cyprus
17-22 Apr 2016
EGU 2016
BG4.9 "Mapping, Monitoring & Modelling of Vegetation Characteristics using Earth Observation"
Vienna, Austria
04-08 May 2016
International Summer School on Mobile Mapping Technology 2016
Hanoi, Vietnam
28 Jun - 07 Jul 2016
16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference & EXPO SGEM2016
Albena Resort & SPA, Bulgaria
04-06 Jul 2016
EORSA 2016
The Fourth International Workshop on
Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications
Guangzhou, China
05-08 Jul 2016
GI_Forum 2016 – open:spatial:interfaces
Symposium and Exhibit
Geographic Information Science
Salzburg, Austria
28 Aug - 01 Sep 2016
Optical Engineering + Applications 2016
Part of SPIE Optics + Photonics
San Diego, California, USA
18-20 Oct 2016
TeanGeo 2016
International Conference & Exhibition
Advanced Geospatial Science & Technology
Tunis, Tunisia
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Updated Events
14-16 Mar 2016
Advances in global DEMs and Tools for assessing their quality, useability and interoperability
website not yet available
Taipei, Taiwan
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Job Opportunities
26-Oct-2015 |
Research Group Leader - Remote Sensing and Ecohydrological Modelling H/F - Permanent Position
Acavi - for a worldwide renowned institute specialized in Applied Research in the environmental and materials fields based in Europe
2-Nov-2015 |
PhD position in UAVs and Photogrammetric Computer Vision Approaches for Characterising Channel Hydromorphology
The School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, UK and The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK
Deadline: 1-Jan-2016
16-Nov-2015 |
Professor in Geoinformatics
Department of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
Deadline: 4-Jan-2016
23-Nov-2015 |
Ph.D. Student Opportunities in Geosensing Systems Engineering & Sciences
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA
23-Nov-2015 |
Graduate Fellowship Opportunities
The University at Albany's Atmospheric Sciences Research Center (ASRC), Albany, NY, USA
Deadline: 15-Feb-2016
25-Nov-2015 |
Senior Researcher position in the Geomatics Division – Photogrammetry and Computer Vision
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Castelldefels - Barcelona, Spain
9-Dec-2015 |
Assistant or Associate Professor of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis
School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, USA
10-Dec-2015 |
30 tenure-track positions at all ranks in Geography, Hydrology, Urban Planning, Regional Development, and other related areas
School of Geography and Planning at the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China
11-Dec-2015 |
Lecturer in Geodesy, Newcastle University
The School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, UK
Deadline: 15-Feb-2016
15-Dec-2015 |
Tenure-Track Instructor, Geomatics Engineering
Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada
Deadline: 28-Feb-2016
15-Dec-2015 |
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Geomatics Engineering
Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada
Deadline: 28-Feb-2016
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New Publications in the ISPRS Archives & Annals
Archives 2015
ISPRS Joint International Geoinformation Conference 2015
28-30 Oct
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
XL-2/W4 |
Archives 2015
International Conference on Sensors & Models in Remote Sensing & Photogrammetry
23-25 Nov
Kish Island, Iran
XL-1/W5 |
Annals 2015
ISPRS Joint International Geoinformation Conference 2015
28-30 Oct
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
II-2/W2 |
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