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ISPRS e-Bulletin
Issue No 2 - 2016
May 2016 is the last spring month in the XXIII ISPRS Congress year
by Lena Halounovà
ISPRS Congress Director
I am writing this editorial exactly 2 months before the first day of the Congress – on 11 May. Everything has its beginning and its end. 12 July is the day of the Opening Ceremony. Congress Tutorials will already be held on 11 July. Congress Summer Schools start on 6 July. So when is it really going to begin?
The venue of the XXIII Congress is the Prague Congress Centre. However, not all parts of the Congress program are going to take place there. The social program after the Opening Ceremony on 12 July – Welcome Reception – will provide you with the first opportunity to meet your friends or make new friends while cherishing a glass of wine and the beautiful view of Prague. The Exhibitors Reception, on the following day, is a combination of a social meeting and an event intended to make you acquainted with the latest news about technical knowledge, development and application of all exhibitors of the Congress.
The Opening Ceremony will give floor to short official speeches, keynote speeches from Jürgen Dold and Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, and will feature the awarding ceremony of three most important ISPRS individuals of the last four years. In the final part, we will present you something truly Czech - amusing and pleasing for the eyes and soul. I believe you will like it just as much as the opening music, composed by Bedřich Smetana, a Czech Composer of the 19th Century who composed his most famous opuses after he went deaf.
The scientific program itself will begin with the first Plenary Session on Wednesday morning. You can look forward to top speakers – Heide Hackmann, Paul Berkman and Shailesh Nayak.
The Congress offers three plenary sessions. The second one will take place on Saturday morning and will allow you to hear the speeches of Ming-Hsiang Tsou, Cyrill Stachniss and Tomáš Pajdla. The last one will be held on Monday morning with Deren Li, Alberto Moreira and Mladen Stojic.
Authors have submitted so many papers (nearly 2000) that, unfortunately, less than half of them can only be presented orally within the eight parallel sessions.
ISPRS would like to attract two groups of experts from two spheres of ISPRS – one from organizations who collect remote sensing data, and the second, experts who use them for mapping and cadastre purposes. Thus, you will find two new events in the Congress program on Thursday and Friday: The Space Agencies Forum and The National Mapping and Cadastre Agencies Forum.
Both Fora will have separate sessions on Thursday and common sessions on Friday. Speakers have been carefully invited from various organizations around the world.
We would like the participants to engage in a combination of scientific, cultural, social and sport activities as well. The sport activities program consists of two events: the Run for Fun, in the morning of 12 July and a soccer match on Saturday afternoon.
The Student Consortium has its own scientific meeting on Sunday. To allow students to have their own social meeting, we have prepared a separate ice-breaking party for them on Friday evening.
ISPRS supports the young generation of scientists in many respects. The Summer School offers a comprehensive program covering data processing, data application and publication. The program was prepared in a mutual cooperation with all lecturers. Since it is situated in a small and beautiful historical city, it will allow the participants to visit other places in the Czech Republic as well.
The present pace of life is quite hectic, most people finishing their tasks at the last moment before their deadline or even after the deadline. The main experience that we have made since we started preparing the Congress, is that people do not have time to read everything that is written on the Congress web site. Therefore, we have been updating it to highlight hot topics.
We also offer the participants the Congress App. This App is not only a tool that facilitates orientation of the venue area, but it will also be an official agenda, a tool for creating a private program for each user of the app, a book of abstracts, Archives and Annals, a tool for communication between participants. You can also play a game in the app, a game, whose winner will receive a ticket for the Gala Dinner.
Therefore, read our web site (, download the Congress App, use it and come to Prague this summer!
The ISPRS Foundation
Dieter Fritsch (DF), Chair, Board of Trustees
John Trinder (JT), Operations Officer
Marguerite Madden (MM), Finance Officer
The Executive Committee of The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) is very pleased to announce the
IGI Africa Ambassador Award 2016
IGI – Integrated Geospatial Innovations, Kreuztal, Germany is an innovative German vendor of photogrammetric hardware, software and workflows. IGI is very pleased to offer the IGI Ambassador Award via The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) to young scientists in photogrammetry and laser scanning coming from regionally under-represented African countries in the geospatial sciences and technology fields. The award allows for visits at IGI‘s Central Office, Kreuztal, Germany, and active participation at ISPRS Workshops, Conferences, and Symposia.
It is expected, that the recipients will prepare comprehensive reports about all stations of this award to be published at IGI and ISPRS/TIF Websites and Brochures. Furthermore, they will become an IGI ambassador related to all IGI products and workflows.
Next Deadline: June 20, 2016
send it not later than June 20, 2016 by email to:
ISPRS Foundation Operations Officer:
Late applications will not be considered.
» Further information
Society News
Bids for 2016 – 2020 Inter-Congress Period
Applications for the ISPRS Congress 2020
Applications for hosting ISPRS Commissions 2016-2020
Applications for Council Positions 2016 - 2020
(It should be noted that the 1st Vice President is not elected but appointed to the office, and the Congress Director is appointed by the Ordinary Member organising the next Congress)
Call for applications - open positions in ISPRS and TIF
ISPRS Positions
Besides the mentioned positions, the following positions are also to be filled during the General Assembly in Prague:
- Chair and two members of the Financial Commission, see Statute XIV and Bylaw XIV
- Two members of the Fellows Committee, see Bylaw VI (6)
Nominations are requested to be sent to the Secretary General before the beginning of the Congress. Alternatively, they can be made in person during the meeting of the General Assembly.
Chair, TIF Board of Directors
Dieter Fritsch has indicated his intention to step down from his position as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of TIF - The ISPRS Foundation. Interested individuals are asked to contact the TIF Operational Officer John Trinder at or the Financial Officer Marguerite Madden at
ISPRS announces awards to be presented at the XXIII ISPRS Congress in Prague
Congratulations to all awardees!
Further details of the award winners will be presented in the ISPRS eBulletin, to be published after the Congress.
Strategic Plan for ISPRS Publications
To ensure that the role of ISPRS publications aid the fulfillment of the ISPRS vision and mission, Council has devised a strategic plan which can be found on the ISPRS web site publications page or read the plan here ...
General Announcements
ASPRS Elects Dr. Charles K. Toth as New President
ISPRS congratulates Dr. Charles Toth on his new position as president of ASPRS. Charles has collaborated closely with ISPRS for many years and is the present Technical Commission I President. Thanks go to Past President, Dr. E. Lynn Usery for the cooperation during his term of office and to the ASPRS for the continuing support of ISPRS.
Other offices filled during the ASPRS Annual Conference in Fort Worth, TX in April include President-Elect: Rebecca A. Morton and Vice President: Anne K. Hillyer.
New Council for Indian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS)
Shailesh Nayak, Former Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Earth Sciences, has been elected president of the newly instated ISRS Council, as of 1 April, 2016. P.L.N.Raju is the new First Vice President, and Anjana Vyas is the new Second Vice President.
ISPRS congratulates Shailesh Nayak, an ISPRS Fellow and President of ISPRS Commission IV from 2004 – 2008, to his new position. We would also like to thank the previous president, V.K. Dadhwal, who until the Prague Congress also serves as ISPRS Commission VIII President, for past collaboration, and also the ISRS for their continued support of ISPRS.
See the new council here:
Open Call for Participation in CIPA Task Group - TG5 - Earth Observation in Cultural Heritage Documentation
The CIPA Executive Board has establish a new task group in order to integrate Earth Observation technologies in the documentation of Cultural Heritage, while engaging multi-disciplinary societies (eg. archaeologists, architects, historians, librarians, etc.) in GEO/COST/CIPA activities.
Petros Patias invites you to actively take part in these activities by replying to: noting your name, affiliation, contact details/email/website, and a few lines with your interest/expertise in the area, by end of May 2016.
Please see the open call for more details …
Semantic 3D Benchmark Challenge / Special Session: Large-Scale Point Cloud Classification
3D point cloud classification is an important task with applications in robotics, augmented reality and urban planning. Recent advances in Machine Learning and Computer Vision have shown that complex real-world classification tasks may require large data sets, both for classifier training and to avoid overfitting to the test set. So far, no sufficiently large and diverse 3D point cloud data sets with ground truth were publicly available.
This new benchmark closes the gap between existing data sets (such as Oakland, NYU, iQmulus/TerraMobilita) and the actual data recorded by modern terrestrial laser scanners. We provide, to our knowledge, the largest public 3D point cloud data set with ground truth labels, with 3 billion points in total. It covers a range of urban scenes with varying semantic and geometric characteristics (e.g. monuments, roads, railroad tracks, sports fields, etc.). The point clouds were scanned statically with state-of-the-art equipment and feature a lot of fine detail, but also greatly varying point density. The data is provided on a public webpage (, where two different challenges are available:
1) semantic-8: A challenge with 8 class labels and a test set with ~2 billion points for computationally efficient methods
2) reduced-8: A reduced test set with only ~70 million points for computationally demanding methods.
With the benchmark we hope to encourage researchers to develop efficient methods for semantic classification of realistic scan data. The challenge will be presented both in the CVPR 2016 workshop on "Large Scale 3D Data: Acquisition, Modelling and Analysis” (1), and in a special session of Technical Commission III at the 2016 ISPRS Congress (2).
Announcements of Scientific Meetings
(see also
ISPRS Calendar)
The 2nd Virtual Geoscience Conference - VGC 2016
21-23 September 2016
Bergen, Norway
Registration is now open for the VGC 2016, with early bird deadline 10th July. The programme will cover innovations in geomatics across a broad range of the geosciences, including geology, natural hazards and geomorphology. The best conference contributions will be published in a special issue of The Photogrammetric Record. Please join us for an exciting meeting in the beautiful city of Bergen.
IEEE & ISPRS YP-SS: Young Professionals Summer School
26-30 September 2016
Presidente Prudente, Brasil
The objective of this event is to show the technical and professional possibilities of new technologies in Unmanned and Remotely Manned Aerial Vehicles and the integration of multiple remote small weight sensors to young professionals and researchers. Also, emphasis will be given to Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing techniques that can be used with lightweight platforms embedded in UAVs.
For further information please visit
ITS WC University Grand Challenge: Lane Level Localization on a 3D Map
and 23rd ITS World Congress
ITS – Enhancing Liveable Cities and Communities
10-14 October 2016
Melbourne, Australia
The 23rd ITS World Congress will be held in Melbourne, Australia, 10-14 October 2016, under the banner of "ITS – Enhancing Liveable Cities and Communities". In advance of the event itself, the Congress calls universities world-wide to this University Grand Challenge, an opportunity to showcase contributions of academic research to one identified challenge in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Lane level localization on a 3D map. The best contributions to the University Grand Challenge will have an opportunity to present their solutions at the 23rd ITS World Congress.
Call for participation...
The GISTAM Conference – The 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
27-28 April 2017
Porto, Portugal
The conference aims at creating a meeting point of researchers and practitioners that address new challenges in geo-spatial data sensing, observation, representation, processing, visualization, sharing and managing, in all aspects concerning both, information communication and technologies (ICT) as well as management information systems and knowledge-based systems.
Event Reports
Interexpo-GeoSiberia 2016
by By Gottfried Konecny, em. Prof., Leibniz Universität Hannover
The 12th Interexpo-Geo Siberia was organized from April 20 to 22, 2016 by the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technology, SSUGT, in Novosibirsk, Russian Federation. The fair consisted of a geospatial industry exhibit and a scientific and technical forum.
Read the full report
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 114 (April 2016)
Cloud/web mapping and geoprocessing services – Intelligently linking geoinformation
Bert Veenendaal, Maria Antonia Brovelli, Lixin W
Pages: 243-244
Linked Data and SDI: The case on Web geoprocessing workflows
Peng Yue, Xia Guo, Mingda Zhang, Liangcun Jiang, Xi Zhai
Pages: 245-257
Service-oriented model-encapsulation strategy for sharing and integrating heterogeneous geo-analysis models in an open web environment
Songshan Yue, Min Chen, Yongning Wen, Guonian Lu
Pages: 258-273
Engineering web maps with gradual content zoom based on streaming vector data
Lina Huang, Martijn Meijers, Radan Šuba, Peter van Oosterom
Pages: 274-293
Integrating geo web services for a user driven exploratory analysis
Simon Moncrieff, Ulanbek Turdukulov, Elizabeth-Kate Gulland
Pages: 294-305
Public participation in GIS via mobile applications
Maria Antonia Brovelli, Marco Minghini, Giorgio Zamboni
Pages: 306-315
On the accuracy potential of focused plenoptic camera range determination in long distance operation
Hannes Sardemann, Hans-Gerd Maas
Pages: 1-9
Modified patch-based locally optimal Wiener method for interferometric SAR phase filtering
Yang Wang, Haifeng Huang, Zhen Dong, Manqing Wu
Pages: 10-23
Random forest in remote sensing: A review of applications and future directions
Mariana Belgiu, Lucian Drăguţ
Pages: 24-31
Clever eye algorithm for target detection of remote sensing imagery
Xiurui Geng, Luyan Ji, Kang Sun
Pages: 32-39
A structured light method for underwater surface reconstruction
Amin Sarafraz, Brian K. Haus
Pages: 40-52
Effect of emissivity uncertainty on surface temperature retrieval over urban areas: Investigations based on spectral libraries
Feng Chen, Song Yang, Z. Su, Kai Wang
Pages: 53-65
Band-to-band registration and ortho-rectification of multilens/multispectral imagery: A case study of MiniMCA-12 acquired by a fixed-wing UAS
Jyun-Ping Jhan, Jiann-Yeou Rau, Cho-Ying Huang
Pages: 66-77
Closed-form solutions for estimating a rigid motion from plane correspondences extracted from point clouds
Kourosh Khoshelham
Pages: 78-91
Traffic sign detection in MLS acquired point clouds for geometric and image-based semantic inventory
Mario Soilán, Belén Riveiro, Joaquín Martínez-Sánchez, Pedro Arias
Pages: 92-101
The use of suitable pseudo-invariant targets for MIVIS data calibration by the empirical line method
Alessandro Mei, Cristiana Bassani, Giuliano Fontinovo, Rosamaria Salvatori, Alessia Allegrini
Pages: 102-114
A targeted change-detection procedure by combining change vector analysis and post-classification approach
Su Ye, Dongmei Chen, Jie Yu
Pages: 115-124
Combined adjustment of multi-resolution satellite imagery for improved geo-positioning accuracy
Shengjun Tang, Bo Wu, Qing Zhu
Pages: 125-136
Enhanced detection of gossans using hyperspectral data: Example from the Cape Smith Belt of northern Quebec, Canada
K. Laakso, B. Rivard, D. Rogge
Pages: 137-150
Area-to-point regression kriging for pan-sharpening
Qunming Wang, Wenzhong Shi, Peter M. Atkinson
Pages: 151-165
Street-side vehicle detection, classification and change detection using mobile laser scanning data
Wen Xiao, Bruno Vallet, Konrad Schindler, Nicolas Paparoditis
Pages: 166-178
Algebraic reasoning for the enhancement of data-driven building reconstructions
Jochen Meidow, Horst Hammer
Pages: 179-190
Monitoring interannual variation in global crop yield using long-term AVHRR and MODIS observations
Xiaoyang Zhang, Qingyuan Zhang
Pages: 191-205
Identifying tree crown delineation shapes and need for remediation on high resolution imagery using an evidence based approach
Donald G. Leckie, Nicholas Walsworth, François A. Gougeon
Pages: 206-227
Building detection and building parameter retrieval in InSAR phase images
Clémence Dubois, Antje Thiele, Stefan Hinz
Pages: 228-241
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 115 (May 2016)
Theme issue “State-of-the-art in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science”
Christian Heipke, Marguerite Madden, Zhilin Li, Ian Dowma
Pages: 1-2
Information from imagery: ISPRS scientific vision and research agenda
Jun Chen, Ian Dowman, Songnian Li, Zhilin Li, Marguerite Madden, Jon Mills, Nicolas Paparoditis, Franz Rottensteiner, Monika Sester, Charles Toth, John Trinder, Christian Heipke
Pages: 3-21
Remote sensing platforms and sensors: A survey
Charles Toth, Grzegorz Jóźków
Pages: 22-36
Sensor modelling and camera calibration for close-range photogrammetry
Thomas Luhmann, Clive Fraser, Hans-Gerd Maas
Pages: 37-46
Recent developments in large-scale tie-point matching
Wilfried Hartmann, Michal Havlena, Konrad Schindler
Pages: 47-62
Terrestrial laser scanning in forest inventories
Xinlian Liang, Ville Kankare, Juha Hyyppä, Yunsheng Wang, Antero Kukko, Henrik Haggrén, Xiaowei Yu, Harri Kaartinen, Anttoni Jaakkola, Fengying Guan, Markus Holopainen, Mikko Vastaranta
Pages: 63-77
Persistent Scatterer Interferometry: A review
Michele Crosetto, Oriol Monserrat, María Cuevas-González, Núria Devanthéry, Bruno Crippa
Pages: 78-89
Time series analysis of InSAR data: Methods and trends
Batuhan Osmanoğlu, Filiz Sunar, Shimon Wdowinski, Enrique Cabral-Cano
Pages: 90-102
Earth observation from the manned low Earth orbit platforms
Huadong Guo, Changyong Dou, Xiaodong Zhang, Chunming Han, Xijuan Yue
Pages: 103-118
Geospatial big data handling theory and methods: A review and research challenges
Songnian Li, Suzana Dragicevic, Francesc Antón Castro, Monika Sester, Stephan Winter, Arzu Coltekin, Christopher Pettit, Bin Jiang, James Haworth, Alfred Stein, Tao Cheng
Pages: 119-133
Rethinking big data: A review on the data quality and usage issues
Jianzheng Liu, Jie Li, Weifeng Li, Jiansheng Wu
Pages: 134-142
Real-time collaborative GIS: A technological review
Yaqin Sun, Songnian Li
Pages: 143-152
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 116 (June 2016)
Context-dependent detection of non-linearly distributed points for vegetation classification in airborne LiDAR
Denis Horvat, Borut Žalik, Domen Mongus
Pages: 1-14
Feature-based registration of historical aerial images by Area Minimization
Sudhagar Nagarajan, Toni Schenk
Pages: 15-23
Change detection based on deep feature representation and mapping transformation for multi-spatial-resolution remote sensing images
Puzhao Zhang, Maoguo Gong, Linzhi Su, Jia Liu, Zhizhou Li
Pages: 24-41
The variants of an LOD of a 3D building model and their influence on spatial analyses
Filip Biljecki, Hugo Ledoux, Jantien Stoter, George Vosselman
Pages: 42-54
Optical remotely sensed time series data for land cover classification: A review
Cristina Gómez, Joanne C. White, Michael A. Wulder
Pages: 55-72
A spectral–structural bag-of-features scene classifier for very high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery
Bei Zhao, Yanfei Zhong, Liangpei Zhang
Pages: 73-85
Unsupervised polarimetric SAR urban area classification based on model-based decomposition with cross scattering
Deliang Xiang, Tao Tang, Yifang Ban, Yi Su, Gangyao Kuang
Pages: 86-100
An automated, open-source pipeline for mass production of digital elevation models (DEMs) from very-high-resolution commercial stereo satellite imagery
David E. Shean, Oleg Alexandrov, Zachary M. Moratto, Benjamin E. Smith, Ian R. Joughin, Claire Porter, Paul Morin
Pages: 101-117
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 117 (July 2016)
Theme section: Multi-dimensional modelling, analysis and visualization
Éric Guilbert, Arzu Çöltekin, Francesc Antón Castro, Chris Petti
Pages: 173-174
A web-based 3D visualisation and assessment system for urban precinct scenario modelling
Roman Trubka, Stephen Glackin, Oliver Lade, Chris Pettit
Pages: 175-186
The story of DB4GeO – A service-based geo-database architecture to support multi-dimensional data analysis and visualization
Martin Breunig, Paul V. Kuper, Edgar Butwilowski, Andreas Thomsen, Markus Jahn, André Dittrich, Mulhim Al-Doori, Darya Golovko, Mathias Menninghaus
Pages: 187-205
Towards a voxel-based geographic automata for the simulation of geospatial processes
Anthony Jjumba, Suzana Dragićević
Pages: 206-216
A method to visualize the evolution of multiple interacting spatial systems
Magnus Heitzler, Jürgen Hackl, Bryan T. Adey, Ionut Iosifescu-Enescu, Juan Carlos Lam, Lorenz Hurni
Pages: 217-226
Spatio-temporal change detection from multidimensional arrays: Detecting deforestation from MODIS time series
Meng Lu, Edzer Pebesma, Alber Sanchez, Jan Verbesselt
Pages: 227-236
Optimizing the balance between area and orientation distortions for variable-scale maps
Peng Ti, Zhilin Li, Zhu Xu, Hongguo Jia
Pages: 237-242
Mapping of macro and micro nutrients of mixed pastures using airborne AisaFENIX hyperspectral imagery
R.R. Pullanagari, Gábor Kereszturi, I.J. Yule
Pages: 1-10
A survey on object detection in optical remote sensing images
Gong Cheng, Junwei Han
Pages: 11-28
Self-calibration of digital aerial camera using combined orthogonal models
Hadi Babapour, Mehdi Mokhtarzade, Mohamad Javad Valadan Zoej
Pages: 29-39
Prediction of high spatio-temporal resolution land surface temperature under cloudy conditions using microwave vegetation index and ANN
H.R. Shwetha, D. Nagesh Kumar
Pages: 40-55
Unsupervised classification algorithm based on EM method for polarimetric SAR images
J.I. Fernández-Michelli, M. Hurtado, J.A. Areta, C.H. Muravchik
Pages: 56-65
The seasonal carbon and water balances of the Cerrado environment of Brazil: Past, present, and future influences of land cover and land use
Arielle Elias Arantes, Laerte G. Ferreira, Michael T. Coe
Pages: 66-78
Improved progressive TIN densification filtering algorithm for airborne LiDAR data in forested areas
Xiaoqian Zhao, Qinghua Guo, Yanjun Su, Baolin Xue
Pages: 79-91
An asymmetric re-weighting method for the precision combined bundle adjustment of aerial oblique images
Linfu Xie, Han Hu, Jingxue Wang, Qing Zhu, Min Chen
Pages: 92-107
Improved Persistent Scatterer analysis using Amplitude Dispersion Index optimization of dual polarimetry data
Mostafa Esmaeili, Mahdi Motagh
Pages: 108-114
Extracting hurricane eye morphology from spaceborne SAR images using morphological analysis
Isabella K. Lee, Ali Shamsoddini, Xiaofeng Li, John C. Trinder, Zeyu Li
Pages: 115-125
Automated mapping of persistent ice and snow cover across the western U.S. with Landsat
David J. Selkowitz, Richard R. Forster
Pages: 126-140
A new adaptive method to filter terrestrial laser scanner point clouds using morphological filters and spectral information to conserve surface micro-topography
E. Rodríguez-Caballero, A. Afana, S. Chamizo, A. Solé-Benet, Y. Canton
Pages: 141-148
Registration of multitemporal aerial optical images using line features
Chenyang Zhao, A. Ardeshir Goshtasby
Pages: 149-160
A general variational framework considering cast shadows for the topographic correction of remote sensing imagery
Huifang Li, Liming Xu, Huanfeng Shen, Liangpei Zhang
Pages: 161-171
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information — Open Access Journal
New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 5, Issue 3 (March 2016), No 22-38
An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Multi-Scale Analysis of Connected Components in Gigapixel Images
Wilkinson, Michael H.F., Pesaresi, Martino, Ouzounis, Georgios K.
No 22
Modeling the Relationship between the Gross Domestic Product and Built-Up Area Using Remote Sensing and GIS Data: A Case Study of Seven Major Cities in Canada
Faisal, Kamil, Shaker, Ahmed, Habbani, Suhaib
No 23
Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Urban-Rural Development and Transformation in East of the “Hu Huanyong Line”, China
Hu, Zhichao, Wang, Yanglin, Liu, Yansui, Long, Hualou, Peng, Jian
No 24
Visualizing the Structure of the Earth’s Lithosphere on the Google Earth Virtual-Globe Platform
Zhu, Liangfeng, Kan, Wensheng, Zhang, Yu, Sun, Jianzhong
No 26
panMetaDocs, eSciDoc, and DOIDB—An Infrastructure for the Curation and Publication of File-Based Datasets for GFZ Data Services
Ulbricht, Damian, Elger, Kirsten, Bertelmann, Roland, Klump, Jens
No 25
A Comparative Analysis of the Distributions of KFC and McDonald’s Outlets in China
Rui, Yikang, Huang, Huang, Lu, Min, Wang, Bao, Wang, Jiechen
No 27
The RADAR Project—A Service for Research Data Archival and Publication
Kraft, Angelina, Razum, Matthias, Potthoff, Jan, Porzel, Andrea, Engel, Thomas, Lange, Frank, van den Broek, Karina, Furtado, Filipe
No 28
A Semi-Automated Workflow Solution for Data Set Publication
Vannan, Suresh, Beaty, Tammy W., Cook, Robert B., Wright, Daine M., Devarakonda, Ranjeet, Wei, Yaxing, Hook, Les A., McMurry, Benjamin F.
No 30
Land Cover Extraction from High Resolution ZY-3 Satellite Imagery Using Ontology-Based Method
Luo, Heng, Li, Lin, Zhu, Haihong, Kuai, Xi, Zhang, Zhijun, Liu, Yu
No 31
Extracting Stops from Noisy Trajectories: A Sequence Oriented Clustering Approach
Xiang, Longgang, Gao, Meng, Wu, Tao
No 29
Open Polar Server (OPS)—An Open Source Infrastructure for the Cryosphere Community
Liu, Weibo, Purdon, Kyle, Stafford, Trey, Paden, John, Li, Xingong
No 32
The Strategy for the Development of the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the Czech Republic
Čada, Václav, Janečka, Karel
No 33
Characterizing Traffic Conditions from the Perspective of Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity
Gao, Peichao, Liu, Zhao, Tian, Kun, Liu, Gang
No 34
Soil Moisture Mapping in an Arid Area Using a Land Unit Area (LUA) Sampling Approach and Geostatistical Interpolation Techniques
Gharechelou, Saeid, Tateishi, Ryutaro, Sharma, Ram C., Johnson, Brian Alan
No 35
Towards an Automatic Ice Navigation Support System in the Arctic Sea
Liu, Xintao, Sattar, Shahram, Li, Songnian
No 36
A Framework for Data-Centric Analysis of Mapping Activity in the Context of Volunteered Geographic Information
Rehrl, Karl, Gröchenig, Simon
No 37
Semantic Specification of Data Types for a World of Open Data
Ma, Xiaogang, Erickson, John S., Zednik, Stephan, West, Patrick, Fox, Peter
No 38
New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 5, Issue 4 (April 2016), No 39-53
Editorial for the IJGI Special Issue on “Geo-Information Fostering Innovative Solutions for Smart Cities”
Schiewe, Jochen
No 39
Research Data Management Training for Geographers: First Impressions
Helbig, Kerstin
No 40
4D-SAS: A Distributed Dynamic-Data Driven Simulation and Analysis System for Massive Spatial Agent-Based Modeling
Li, Zhenqiang, Guan, Xuefeng, Li, Rui, Wu, Huayi
No 42
Data Management in Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research Projects—Conclusions from the Digitalization of Research in Sustainable Manufacturing
Wang, Wei Min, Göpfert, Tobias, Stark, Rainer
No 41
Investigating “Locality” of Intra-Urban Spatial Interactions in New York City Using Foursquare Data
Sun, Yeran
No 43
Migrating 2 and 3D Datasets: Preserving AutoCAD at the Archaeology Data Service
Green, Katie, Niven, Kieron, Field, Georgina
No 44
Forest above Ground Biomass Inversion by Fusing GLAS with Optical Remote Sensing Data
Xi, Xiaohuan, Han, Tingting, Wang, Cheng, Luo, Shezhou, Xia, Shaobo, Pan, Feifei
No 45
Distribution Pattern of Landslides Triggered by the 2014 Ludian Earthquake of China: Implications for Regional Threshold Topography and the Seismogenic Fault Identification
Zhou, Suhua, Chen, Guangqi, Fang, Ligang
No 46
Modeling Spatial Interactions between Areas to Assess the Burglary Risk
Mburu, Lucy W., Bakillah, Mohamed
No 47
Open Data and Beyond
Welle Donker, Frederika, van Loenen, Bastiaan, Bregt, Arnold K.
No 48
Requirements on Long-Term Accessibility and Preservation of Research Results with Particular Regard to Their Provenance
Weber, Andreas, Piesche, Claudia
No 49
Potential of UAVs for Monitoring Mudflat Morphodynamics (Application to the Seine Estuary, France)
Jaud, Marion, Grasso, Florent, Le Dantec, Nicolas, Verney, Romaric, Delacourt, Christophe, Ammann, Jérôme, Deloffre, Julien, Grandjean, Philippe
No 50
Pull-Based Modeling and Algorithms for Real-Time Provision of High-Frequency Sensor Data from Sensor Observation Services
Li, Huan, Fan, Hong, Li, Jia, Chen, Nengcheng
No 51
TOD District Planning Based on Residents’ Perspectives
Li, Chia-Nung, Lin, Chiang, Hsieh, Tsu-Kuang
No 52
A Novel Dynamic Physical Storage Model for Vehicle Navigation Maps
Wang, Shaohua, Zhong, Ershun, Li, Kai, Song, Guanfu, Cai, Wenwen
No 53
New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 5, Issue 5 (May 2016), No 54-21
Reconstructing Sessions from Data Discovery and Access Logs to Build a Semantic Knowledge Base for Improving Data Discovery
Jiang, Yongyao, Li, Yun, Yang, Chaowei, Armstrong, Edward M., Huang, Thomas, Moroni, David
No 54
Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science or Volunteered Geographic Information? The Current State of Crowdsourced Geographic Information
See, Linda, Mooney, Peter, Foody, Giles, Bastin, Lucy, Comber, Alexis, Estima, Jacinto, Fritz, Steffen, Kerle, Norman, Jiang, Bin, Laakso, Mari, Liu, Hai-Ying, Milčinski, Grega, Nikšič, Matej, Painho, Marco, Pődör, Andrea, Olteanu-Raimond, Ana-Maria, Rutzinger, Martin
No 55
A Multi-Element Approach to Location Inference of Twitter: A Case for Emergency Response
Laylavi, Farhad, Rajabifard, Abbas, Kalantari, Mohsen
No 56
Watershed Land Cover/Land Use Mapping Using Remote Sensing and Data Mining in Gorganrood, Iran
Minaei, Masoud, Kainz, Wolfgang
No 57
Land Surface Water Mapping Using Multi-Scale Level Sets and a Visual Saliency Model from SAR Images
Xu, Chuan, Sui, Haigang, Xu, Feng
No 58
Delineating Urban Fringe Area by Land Cover Information Entropy—An Empirical Study of Guangzhou-Foshan Metropolitan Area, China
Huang, Junyi, Zhou, Qiming, Wu, Zhifeng
No 59
A New Method of Gold Foil Damage Detection in Stone Carving Relics Based on Multi-Temporal 3D LiDAR Point Clouds
Hou, Miaole, Li, Shukun, Jiang, Lili, Wu, Yuhua, Hu, Yungang, Yang, Su, Zhang, Xuedong
No 60
Time-Series and Frequency-Spectrum Correlation Analysis of Bridge Performance Based on a Real-Time Strain Monitoring System
Kaloop, Mosbeh R., Hu, Jong Wan, Elbeltagi, Emad
No 61
Enhancing Spatio-Temporal Identity: States of Existence and Presence
Hallot, Pierre, Billen, Roland
No 62
Investigating the Feasibility of Geo-Tagged Photographs as Sources of Land Cover Input Data
Antoniou, Vyron, Fonte, Cidália Costa, See, Linda, Estima, Jacinto, Arsanjani, Jamal Jokar, Lupia, Flavio, Minghini, Marco, Foody, Giles, Fritz, Steffen
No 64
A Semantic Registry Method Using Sensor Metadata Ontology to Manage Heterogeneous Sensor Information in the Geospatial Sensor Web
Xiao, Changjiang, Chen, Nengcheng, Wang, Xiaolei, Chen, Zeqiang
No 63
Using an Optimized Chinese Address Matching Method to Develop a Geocoding Service: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
Tian, Qin, Ren, Fu, Hu, Tao, Liu, Jiangtao, Li, Ruichang, Du, Qingyun
No 65
Global Research on Artificial Intelligence from 1990–2014: Spatially-Explicit Bibliometric Analysis
Niu, Jiqiang, Tang, Wenwu, Xu, Feng, Zhou, Xiaoyan, Song, Yanan
No 66
Automatic and Accurate Conflation of Different Road-Network Vector Data towards Multi-Modal Navigation
Zhang, Meng, Yao, Wei, Meng, Liqiu
No 68
Using Moderate-Resolution Temporal NDVI Profiles for High-Resolution Crop Mapping in Years of Absent Ground Reference Data: A Case Study of Bole and Manas Counties in Xinjiang, China
Hao, Pengyu, Wang, Li, Zhan, Yulin, Niu, Zheng
No 67
Assessment on the Impact of Arable Land Protection Policies in a Rapidly Developing Region
Li, Jiadan, Zhang, Zhongchu, Ma, Ligang, Gu, Qing, Wang, Ke, Xu, Zhihao
No 69
A Knowledge-Based Step Length Estimation Method Based on Fuzzy Logic and Multi-Sensor Fusion Algorithms for a Pedestrian Dead Reckoning System
Lai, Ying-Chih, Chang, Chin-Chia, Tsai, Chia-Ming, Huang, Shih-Ching, Chiang, Kai-Wei
No 70
A Method for Traffic Congestion Clustering Judgment Based on Grey Relational Analysis
Zhang, Yingya, Ye, Ning, Wang, Ruchuan, Malekian, Reza
No 71
Density-Based Clustering with Geographical Background Constraints Using a Semantic Expression Model
Du, Qingyun, Dong, Zhi, Huang, Chudong, Ren, Fu
No 72
New Events
19-30 Jun 2016
2016 GeoInformatics Summer School
Wuhan, China
26-30 Sep 2016
GRss-YP & ISPRS Summer School 2016
Large Scale Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing with UAV
Presidente Prudente, Brasil
27-30 Sep 2016
Selçuk International Scientific Conference On Applied Sciences - 2016
“Spatial Data Processing, Modelling, Analysing and Management for Knowledge Based Systems”
Belek - Antalya, Turkey
13-17 Nov 2016
16th International Scientific and Technical Conference
From imagery to map: digital photogrammetric technologies
Agra, India
27-28 Apr 2017
3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Porto, Portugal
06-08 May 2017
10th International Symposium On Mobile Mapping Technology and Summer School on mobile Mapping
Cairo, Egypt
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Job Opportunities
31-Mar-2016 |
Tenure-track or Project Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Microwave and Radar Remote Sensing or Geographic Information System
The Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research (CSRSR) at National Central University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Deadline: 30-Jun-2016
11-Apr-2016 |
Position Opening: Director of the Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University, Taiwan
Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Deadline: 20-May-2016
11-Apr-2016 |
Assistant or Associate Professor in Geo-information Science
The laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing, Department of Environmental Sciences, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
22-Apr-2016 |
Geospatial Project Manager
EUROSENSE, Wemmel, Belgium
10-May-2016 |
PhD Candidate (Promovendus) "Indoor mobile laser scanning"
The Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
Deadline: 1-Jun-2016
13-May-2016 |
Senior Researcher / PostDoc : Analysis, Enrichment & Integration of VGI, OSM, Big Spatial Data
GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University, Germany
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New Publications in the ISPRS Archives & Annals
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LowCost3D (LC3D), Sensors, Algorithms, Applications
1-2 Dec
Berlin, Germany
XL-5/W8 |
Archives 2016
EuroCOW 2016, the European Calibration and Orientation Workshop
10-12 Feb
Lausanne, Switzerland
XL-3/W4 |
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