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ISPRS e-Bulletin
Issue No 4 - 2016
ISPRS - the next 4 years
by Christian Heipke
ISPRS President
Now that the splendid XXIII ISPRS Congress, held in July 2016 in Prague, is over and the new Technical Commissions are busy bringing life into their programmes for the coming term, let me share with you some thoughts on shaping the future of our society in order to influence science and development in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science in a similar way as in the past.
Of course, the last four years have already seen many changes: we have a new research agenda published in our flag ship journal, the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing; we have five new Commissions; a series of yearly high-level scientific meetings including the new Geospatial Week in odd years; a Scientific Initiative, strengthening research collaboration between groups within ISPRS; a new International Advisory Committee (IIAC) to give industry a stronger voice; and our two journals, as well as the Archives and Annals, are more attractive than ever, as they are included in many of the scientific indices relevant for researchers around the globe. Last but not least, we have witnessed a new Congress structure with a common International Programme Committee, as well as two events to bridge the gap between science and application: the ISPRS - UN-GGIM National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies Forum and the ISPRS - IAA Space Agency Forum. Given these fundamental changes, one could conclude that it is now time for a consolidation of the society's activities and for observing and then evaluating these changes. Did they bring about the desired effects? Do we need to fine-tune any of the decisions we made? And yes, we will no doubt do exactly that: observe and evaluate the effects of the changes we introduced.
At the same time, however, we witness developments within and beyond ISPRS which may have a major effect on our work and our society. In our core disciplines, progress is continuing at a very fast pace. In photogrammetry, autonomous driving and robotics with influences from navigation and computer vision, but also high-precision and autonomous industrial measurement and the preservation of cultural heritage are very hot topics. For remote sensing, let me mention global change and sustainable development, and satellite swarms with hundreds of platforms for constant environmental monitoring of the whole earth. Spatial information science will increasingly deal with spatio-temporal modelling, social media and ubiquitous computing. Underlying concepts of these developments are big data, machine learning, parallel and cloud computing and the Internet of Things. The ISPRS tag line - Information from Imagery - can thus be interpreted as the digitisation of our planet in real time, and in many different scales and applications.
We will face many scientific, technical and organisational challenges; it is my firm belief that these challenges can only be met in cooperation with groups beyond ISPRS. This brings me to a point which we will need to pay more attention to: we should increase our efforts to cooperate with these groups - many of which, such as the robotics, the navigation and the computer vision communities, are much larger than ISPRS - to show them what we have to offer: high quality geospatial information and, services, and knowledge.
Science, and science in an international society such as ISPRS in particular, also has other roles, e.g. that of education and outreach. Given how ISPRS activities were distributed in the past, there are a few regions on the globe in which we should increase our presence, most prominently Africa and Latin America. In a diverse world there is, of course, no single solution which fits all. Only the underlying concept is certainly similar for different areas around the globe: work together, learn from each other and then develop common projects and later perhaps also institutions in the geospatial domain. While ISPRS can contribute to such developments, we cannot, of course, hope to design and implement solutions in isolation. Again, cooperation is the way to go.
Thus, let's work together in research and development within the ISPRS related fields to reach these goals.
I wish all of us a successful and happy four years in ISPRS and beyond.
The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) News
Observations from the Lens of a Summer School Instructor for the GRSS-YP & ISPRS Summer School
Presidente Prudente, Brazil
Have you ever been asked to be an instructor in an ISPRS-sponsored Summer School or International Workshop? If so, you may have wondered if it would be worth your time and effort to prepare lectures, develop exercises materials, travel far away and teach in an unfamiliar place for an audience who may not speak your language. Professor Michael Cramer from the Institut für Photogrammetrie (ifp), Universität Stuttgart, Germany, found himself in exactly this position when he was asked to be an Instructor in the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Young Professionals (GRSS-YP) and ISPRS Summer School, “Large Scale Photogrammety and Remote Sensing with UAV” organized by Professor Antonio Maria Garcia Tommaselli, UNESP/FCT, São Paulo University, Brazil and held on the São Paulo Campus de Presidente Prudente, Brazil on 26-30 September 2016. While Professor Tommaselli will be providing a report on the success of the summer school for future publication, this article will focus on the perspective of an instructor.
Professor Cramer’s instruction in the GRSS-YP & ISPRS Summer School centered on theoretical topics and applied photogrammetry for imagery acquired by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). He lectured on basic concepts of sensor integration, camera calibration, extended bundle adjustment and direct georeferencing, along with examples, applications and new trends in sensor orientation. Although preparing for his five classes required more time than he had originally planned, the rewards were great. In his words, “It was a very good experience from a scientific point of view. I received quite some positive feedback and the attendees obviously liked my presentations and my lecture materials. I even got into deeper discussions with some of the students right after the talks, which was a great experience for me. I was very much surprised to meet quite a few German speaking people (many from those families who left Germany in the 19th century), and they really were eager to talk to a native German.”
He found the facilities of the university in Presidente Prudente impressive with geomatic labs that included two close range camera calibration fields. In addition to state-of-the-art software and hardware with two professional drone systems and several PC work stations, analog/analytical instruments also were available to demonstrate and explain the basic concepts of photogrammetric image orientation and 3D data generation. Professor Cramer believes this “makes technology understandable from a very illustrative point of view.”
An important benefit of being an instructor in an international summer school is making connections that may even lead to life-long collaborations. Professor Cramer noted, “It also was quite impressive to see that it was not only students from Master and Ph.D. programs all over Brazil, but also participants from companies who were attending the summer school classes. Obviously the program was attractive for continuing education for young people using photogrammetric techniques in their daily professional lives.” He also felt it was vital to connect with Brazilian professors. “From a research point-of-view, it was important to get into deeper contact with many of the top photogrammetric professors in Brazil.” Future exchange of students is always an excellent outcome of a summer school such as this one. “If all runs smoothly”, Professor Cramer said, “one or two of these students may even come to Germany for a while for a visit, not only to improve their German language skills, but also to do some joint work and maybe their student theses. “
Having never traveled to South America before, Professor Cramer found the hospitality impressive and he greatly enjoyed meeting friendly people everywhere. “I never had such a great service in any of my previous business trips. Right from the breakfast in the hotel, there was a university bus picking all of the lecturers up in the morning. The same driving service brought us to the lunch break and then back to the hotel in the evenings. On one day there was a typical Brazilian barbecue in one of the barbecue steak houses, with Brazilian beef (as much as you can eat) … By the way, Brazilians obviously like to eat beef and they are convinced that their beef is much better than beef from Argentina. There was hardly anything to improve, except maybe the quality of Brazilian beer… but maybe being a German, my expectations are too high.”
Participation in an ISPRS-sponsored summer school may even result in some recognition from your own university upon your return. In Professor Cramer’s case, his involvement in the summer school and an agricultural drone project was featured in the local Brazilian newspaper.
The ISPRS Foundation (TIF), a non-profit entity established in 2003 and managed by a Board of Trustees responding to ISPRS grant needs that are identified by the ISPRS Council, provides support for summer schools and international workshops ( In order to do so, TIF depends on individual donations and contributions from ISPRS and ISPRS-sponsored events. Donations to the non-profit TIF may be made via the TIF PayPal donation link on the TIF website listed below. Questions may be directed to TIF Finance Officer, Marguerite Madden, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA 30602,
Society News
Thank You Letter
Wai Yeung Yan, recipient of the Otto von Gruber Award at the Prague Congress in July, addressed a letter
of thanks to the sponsor of the award, NCG, to ISPRS and to the family of Dr. Otto von Gruber.
ISPRS Council were so moved by his words that they asked his permission to publish the letter, in the hope
that other struggling researchers may find some solace and encouragement to continue their valued work,
even when the tasks at hand may seem desolate.
Read the letter here
New structure of ISPRS Technical Commissions and Council and Joint Meeting during the Asian Conference of Remote Sensing in Colombo, Sri Lanka
by Lena Halounovà
ISPRS Secretary General
Prague, 31 October 2016
The 2016 General Assembly, held in Prague during the XXIII ISPRS Congress, elected five new Commission Presidents and Vice Presidents who have prepared a complete scientific programme for their Commissions (TCs). The working activities of TCs are based on the activities of their Working Groups (WGs) together with Chairs, Co-Chairs and Secretaries. Their programmes, including Terms of Reference and Working Plans, were commented by ISAC members (ISPRS Science Advisory Committee) prior to 16 October, 2016, and discussed during the Joint Meeting (JM) in Colombo, Sri Lanka, held on 17 and 18 October, 2016. The recommendations from ISAC and those from members of the JM helped to finalize all WG structures whose web pages are presently under construction at the ISPRS web site.
On behalf of Council, I would like to thank all Commission officers for their huge and efficient effort to create the new Commission structures within such a short time.
The ISPRS Joint Meeting (JM) takes place once per year to discuss the scientific development of individual WGs and TCs, to review activities of all Commissions and to plan and prepare future ISPRS events. The next JM will be organized during the Geospatial Week in Wuhan, in September, 2017.
During the Council Meeting, Council Members were invited to the Survey Department of Sri Lanka. ISPRS President and Secretary General were received by P.M.P. Udayakantha, the Surveyor General of the Department and local organizer of the Asian Conference of Remote Sensing (ACRS). Nelson Wijenayake, local organizer, gave an overview on activities of the Department, which was founded in 1800. He talked about present activities in mapping, map digitization and map updating in Sri Lanka. Visitors also enjoyed the department's museum, housing photogrammetric equipment of the 20 century. Council appreciated not only a good Conference, but also very good conditions for ISPRS meetings and the excursion.
ISPRS Council (also on behalf of TCPs) would like to express great thanks to AARS (Asian Association of Remote Sensing) and its president, Kohei Cho, and also to the local organizer of the conference, P.M.P. Udayakantha. This important meeting of ISPRS officers was, thus, also a great opportunity to meet colleagues from the sister organization and enjoy the warm and generous local hospitality, including that of AARS.
General Announcements
Report from extraordinary General Assembly of the International Council for Science (ICSU)
and a General Assembly of the International Social Science Council (ISSC)
Members of the two leading international science councils voted overwhelmingly to merge at a General Assembly held in Oslo, on 24 October, 2016.
Read more…
Quick Links
General Announcements
Photogrammetric Computer Vision - Statistics, Geometry, Orientation and Reconstruction
new textbook is now available.
This textbook offers a statistical view on the geometry of multiple view analysis, required for camera calibration and orientation and for geometric scene reconstruction based on geometric image features. The authors have backgrounds in geodesy and also long experience with development and research in computer vision, and this is the first book to present a joint approach from the converging fields of photogrammetry and computer vision.
European Commission publishes long-awaited Copyright Proposals
On 14 September, 2016, the European Commission published a series of copyright proposals, as part of the Digital Single Market Strategy: a Regulation on transmissions, a Regulation on cross-border exchange of accessible format copies, a Directive on copyright in the DSM, a Directive on permitted uses of work for visually impaired people as well as a Communication.
Through the proposals, the Commission wants to give people a better choice and access to online and cross-border content, improve the copyright rules for research, education and disabled people and create a sustainable and fairer marketplace for the creative industry, creators and the press.
More concretely, the Commission proposes “a legal mechanism for broadcasters to obtain more easily the authorisations they need from right holders to transmit programmes online in other EU Member States” and will help set up negotiation bodies to reach licencing deals between video-on-demand platforms and right holders. Furthermore, the Creative Europe programme will be used to encourage the circulation of creative content throughout the EU by means of dubbing and subtitling, for instance, and to make copyright protected out-of-commerce works available across borders. In terms of education and research, the Commission proposes a new exception so as to allow education institutions to use materials and make it easier for researchers to use text and data mining technologies.
The copyright directive aims to “reinforce the position of right holders to negotiate and be remunerated for the online exploitation of their content on video-sharing platforms.” The platforms will have to put in place ways to automatically detect audiovisual content which right holders have identified and agreed with the platform to either authorise or remove. In terms of publications, the Commission wishes to introduce a new right which will legally recognise press publishers as right holders. They, as well as producers, will in their turn however have to inform authors and performers about the profits they made through their works.
Vice-President Ansip stated that the proposal “will ensure that more content will be available, transforming Europe’s copyright rules in light of a new digital reality.” Commissioner Oettinger referred to a “copyright environment that is stimulating, fair and rewards investment.”
In the autumn, the Commission is expected to complement these proposals by publishing a proposal to improve the enforcement of intellectual property rights.
Legal Interoperability of Research Data: Principles and Implementation Guidelines published
The Principles were developed by the RDA-CODATA Interest Group (IG) on the Legal Interoperability of Research Data, and subsequently reviewed in two rounds by independent experts and also approved by the RDA and CODATA.
A set of Implementation Guidelines, also reviewed and approved by the RDA and CODATA, provides more detailed information that members of the research community may find helpful in implementing each Principle and in understanding different approaches in various countries.
See publication here
Updated CEOS Missions, Instruments, and Measurements (MIM) database released
The European Space Agency (ESA), on behalf of the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), is pleased to announce the release of the updated CEOS Missions, Instruments, and Measurements (MIM) database. This release is based on inputs from CEOS agencies in response to the extensive 2016 survey process.
For further background information, read here….
The MIM database is available at, and the web version of the handbook is available at
Announcements of Scientific Meetings
(see also
ISPRS Calendar)
Asia GIS Conference Future Smart Cities
January 5-7, 2017
The University of Hong Kong
Asia GIS Conference is a biannual conference organized by the Asia Geographic Information System Association (AGISA) for GIS academics and professionals in the Asia-Pacific region. Since 1994, it has provided a multidisciplinary network and forum for people involved in GIS teaching, research, development and applications to interact with each other and exchange ideas, information and achievement on the latest advancements / issues in the rapidly changing technology.
For more information visit:
GEO Business 2017
May 23-24, 2017
Business Design Centre, London UK
The geospatial event for everyone involved in the gathering, storing, processing and delivery of geospatial information. Incorporating an international trade exhibition, a cutting edge conference and a programme of live commercial workshops sessions, featuring the technology and services used by those working with spatial data. Register online for FREE entry to the exhibition and workshops. There is a nominal fee to attend the conference.
For more information:
UAV-g 2017
International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics
Call for Papers
September 4-7, 2017
Bonn, Germany
The aim of UAV-g 2017 is to bring together experts in photogrammetry and remote sensing, surveying, robotics, computer vision, artificial intelligence, aerospace engineering, geosciences and various UAV user communities. Read more ...
URSI-France 2017 Workshop Radio Science for Humanity
February 1-3, 2017
Sophia Antipolis, France
The French National Radio Science Workshop - JS'17 is co-organised by Institute Mines Telecom - Telecom ParisTech and Université Nice Sophia Antipolis. On Thursday, February 2, at 5 pm, the General Assembly of URSI-France will hold their annual meeting.
Read more….
All information relating to the workshop can be found on the URSI-France website:
Event Reports
First International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities, 30th UDMS
September 7-9, 2016
University of Split, Croatia
The First International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities was organized as a collaboration between the Urban Data Management Society (UDMS), ISPRS and the University of Split, Croatia. For the first time the topics of the conference were dedicated to the integration of Smart Data and Smart Citizens for Smart Cities with focus on spatial information.
Read the complete report….
International Workshop on Analysis and Application of Global Land Cover Information
September 24-25, 2016
Beijing, China
by Hao Wu and Xinyan Zheng
The two-day workshop, co-organized jointly by National Geomatics Center of China(NGCC), ISPRS Global Mapping Joint Working Group and GEO Global Land Cover Task Group, concentrated on how the global land cover data could quantify the indicators of SDG in order to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations.
Read more here…
Machine Learning for Spatial and Temporal Analysis at GIScience 2016
On 27th September, the ISPRS TCIV/8 Working Group on GeoComputation and GeoSimulation organised a tutorial workshop on Machine Learning for Spatial and Temporal Analysis at GIScience 2016, Montreal, Canada.
Since 2000, the conference series has showcased cutting edge research that pushes the boundaries of geospatial analysis and GIS. TCIV/8 seeks to further this goal by educating the next generation of researchers in advanced analytical and modelling techniques.
Read more here…
Selcuk International Scientific Conference on Applied Sciences
September 27-30, 2016
Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
Prof. Ferruh Yildiz, from the Selcuk University, Konya-TURKEY, (which celebrated its 41st anniversary), organized the first conference on Spatial Data Processing, Modelling, Analysing and Management for Knowledge Based System, in Antalya, Turkey on 27 – 30 September 2016. The conference programme offered – besides for 4 plenary speakers – 134 oral presentations and 44 posters from authors from Turkey, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Iran, UK, The Netherlands (195 in total). Topics covered applications of remote sensing, photogrammetry, GIS, GPS and geodesy for soil, land use, land cover, agriculture, coast, water quality, cadastre and many others.
The participants stressed the importance of such meetings of experts from predominantly neighbouring countries.
The proceedings of the conference will be published as e-books. ISPRS was represented by the Secretary General, Lena Halounovà, who presented an overview on ISPRS at the Opening Ceremony. The Conference was organized under the auspice of ISPRS and FIG. FIG was represented by the FIG Congress Director, (Istanbul 2018) Orhan ERCAN. ISPRS Honorary member, Orhan ALTAN and ISPRS Secretary General were plenary speakers of the plenary session, chaired by Orhan ALTAN.
More details about the Conference can be found at
3D Athens 2016 Joint International Conference including the 11th 3D Geoinfo Conference, 5th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres and ISPRS 3D Indoor Workshop
October 18-21, 2016
Athens, Greece
Participants from all continents of the world presented 90 papers, 30 of which within the 3D Cadastres workshop, 10 in the Indoor3D workshop and 4 posters at the joint event…
Read more ...
15th ISPRS Student Consortium and Working Group VI/5 Summer School
Continuing the collaboration of the ISPRS Student Consortium with the Asian Association on Remote Sensing (AARS) and the AARS Student Group (ASG), the Summer School “Geoinformatics for Disaster Risk Reduction: Application of Drones” was held at the Institute of Surveying and Mapping (ISM), Diyatalawa, Sri Lanka, from October 22-26, 2016.
Read the full report here…
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 119 (September 2016)
Interferometric phase reconstruction using simplified coherence network
Kui Zhang, Ruiqing Song, Hui Wang, Di Wu, Hua Wang
Pages: 1-9
Remote sensing methods for power line corridor surveys
Leena Matikainen, Matti Lehtomäki, Eero Ahokas, Juha Hyyppä, Mika Karjalainen, Anttoni Jaakkola, Antero Kukko, Tero Heinonen
Pages: 10-31
Improving winter leaf area index estimation in coniferous forests and its significance in estimating the land surface albedo
Rong Wang, Jing M. Chen, Goran Pavlic, Altaf Arain
Pages: 32-48
Blind spectral unmixing based on sparse component analysis for hyperspectral remote sensing imagery
Yanfei Zhong, Xinyu Wang, Lin Zhao, Ruyi Feng, Liangpei Zhang, Yanyan Xu
Pages: 49-63
Nonparametric feature extraction for classification of hyperspectral images with limited training samples
Azadeh Kianisarkaleh, Hassan Ghassemian
Pages: 64-78
Estimating forest species abundance through linear unmixing of CHRIS/PROBA imagery
Stavros Stagakis, Theofilos Vanikiotis, Olga Sykioti
Pages: 79-89
Dynamic occlusion detection and inpainting of in situ captured terrestrial laser scanning point clouds sequence
Chi Chen, Bisheng Yang
Pages: 90-107
Correction of ZY-3 image distortion caused by satellite jitter via virtual steady reimaging using attitude data
Mi Wang, Ying Zhu, Shuying Jin, Jun Pan, Quansheng Zhu
Pages: 108-123
Target detection in hyperspectral imagery using forward modeling and in-scene information
Maria Axelsson, Ola Friman, Trym Vegard Haavardsholm, Ingmar Renhorn
Pages: 124-134
Efficient terrestrial laser scan segmentation exploiting data structure
Hamid Mahmoudabadi, Michael J. Olsen, Sinisa Todorovic
Pages: 135-150
Automated mapping of soybean and corn using phenology
Liheng Zhong, Lina Hu, Le Yu, Peng Gong, Gregory S. Biging
Pages: 151-164
A methodology for near real-time change detection between Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and wide area satellite images
Anastasios L. Fytsilis, Anthony Prokos, Konstantinos D. Koutroumbas, Dimitrios Michail, Charalambos C. Kontoes
Pages: 165-186
Assessing post-fire ground cover in Mediterranean shrublands with field spectrometry and digital photography
Raquel Montorio Llovería, Fernando Pérez-Cabello, Alberto García-Martín
Pages: 187-197
Illumination-invariant image matching for autonomous UAV localisation based on optical sensing
Xue Wan, Jianguo Liu, Hongshi Yan, Gareth L.K. Morgan
Pages: 198-213
Evolution of regional to global paddy rice mapping methods: A review
Jinwei Dong, Xiangming Xiao
Pages: 214-227
Mapping of land cover in northern California with simulated hyperspectral satellite imagery
Matthew L. Clark, Nina E. Kilham
Pages: 228-245
Development of a mixed pixel filter for improved dimension estimation using AMCW laser scanner
Qian Wang, Hoon Sohn, Jack C.P. Cheng
Pages: 246-258
Precise georeferencing using the rigorous sensor model and rational function model for ZiYuan-3 strip scenes with minimum control
Hongbo Pan, Chao Tao, Zhengrong Zou
Pages: 259-266
Local-scale flood mapping on vegetated floodplains from radiometrically calibrated airborne LiDAR data
Radosław Malinowski, Bernhard Höfle, Kristina Koenig, Geoff Groom, Wolfgang Schwanghart, Goswin Heckrath
Pages: 267-279
Estimation of the stand ages of tropical secondary forests after shifting cultivation based on the combination of WorldView-2 and time-series Landsat images
Shogoro Fujiki, Kei-ichi Okada, Shogo Nishio, Kanehiro Kitayama
Pages: 280-293
Large-area settlement pattern recognition from Landsat-8 data
Marc Wieland, Massimiliano Pittore
Pages: 294-308
Local surface sampling step estimation for extracting boundaries of planar point clouds
David Brie, Vincent Bombardier, Grégory Baeteman, Abdelhamid Bennis
Pages: 309-319
Assessment of next-best-view algorithms performance with various 3D scanners and manipulator
M. Karaszewski, M. Adamczyk, R. Sitnik
Pages: 320-333
Slicing Method for curved façade and window extraction from point clouds
S.M. Iman Zolanvari, Debra F. Laefer
Pages: 334-346
Improving land cover classification using input variables derived from a geographically weighted principal components analysis
Alexis J. Comber, Paul Harris, Narumasa Tsutsumida
Pages: 347-360
Floristic composition and across-track reflectance gradient in Landsat images over Amazonian forests
Javier Muro, Jasper Van doninck, Hanna Tuomisto, Mark A. Higgins, Gabriel M. Moulatlet, Kalle Ruokolainen
Pages: 361-372
Two-step adaptive extraction method for ground points and breaklines from lidar point clouds
Bisheng Yang, Ronggang Huang, Zhen Dong, Yufu Zang, Jianping Li
Pages: 373-389
Retrieval of leaf area index in different plant species using thermal hyperspectral data
Elnaz Neinavaz, Andrew K. Skidmore, Roshanak Darvishzadeh, Thomas A. Groen
Pages: 390-401
Change detection of built-up land: A framework of combining pixel-based detection and object-based recognition
Pengfeng Xiao, Xueliang Zhang, Dongguang Wang, Min Yuan, Xuezhi Feng, Maggi Kelly
Pages: 402-414
The impact of integrating WorldView-2 sensor and environmental variables in estimating plantation forest species aboveground biomass and carbon stocks in uMgeni Catchment, South Africa
Timothy Dube, Onisimo Mutanga
Pages: 415-425
Blending zone determination for aerial orthimage mosaicking
Chao-Hung Lin, Bo-Heng Chen, Bo-Yi Lin, Han-Szu Chou
Pages: 426-436
Satellite images analysis for shadow detection and building height estimation
Gregoris Liasis, Stavros Stavrou
Pages: 437-450
Impacts of spatial heterogeneity on crop area mapping in Canada using MODIS data
Yaoliang Chen, Xiaodong Song, Shusen Wang, Jingfeng Huang, Lamin R. Mansaray
Pages: 451-461
Theme section for 36th International Symposium for Remote Sensing of the Environment in Berlin
John Trinder, Björn Waske
Pages: 463
Meteo-marine parameters for highly variable environment in coastal regions from satellite radar images
A.L. Pleskachevsky, W. Rosenthal, S. Lehner
Pages: 464-484
Shadow detection and removal in RGB VHR images for land use unsupervised classification
A. Movia, A. Beinat, F. Crosilla
Pages: 485-495
TanDEM-X IDEM precision and accuracy assessment based on a large assembly of differential GNSS measurements in Kruger National Park, South Africa
J. Baade, C. Schmullius
Pages: 496-508
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 120 (October 2016)
Multi-temporal and multi-source remote sensing image classification by nonlinear relative normalization
Devis Tuia, Diego Marcos, Gustau Camps-Valls
Pages: 1-12
Progress in the remote sensing of C3 and C4 grass species aboveground biomass over time and space
Cletah Shoko, Onisimo Mutanga, Timothy Dube
Pages: 13-24
The D-FCM partitioned D-BSP tree for massive point cloud data access and rendering
Yi Zhang
Pages: 25-36
A dual growing method for the automatic extraction of individual trees from mobile laser scanning data
Lin Li, Dalin Li, Haihong Zhu, You Li
Pages: 37-52
Mapping raised bogs with an iterative one-class classification approach
Benjamin Mack, Ribana Roscher, Stefanie Stenzel, Hannes Feilhauer, Sebastian Schmidtlein, Björn Waske
Pages: 53-64
Hyperspectral sensing to detect the impact of herbicide drift on cotton growth and yield
L.A. Suarez, A. Apan, J. Werth
Pages: 65-76
Changes in satellite-derived impervious surface area at US historical climatology network stations
Kevin Gallo, George Xian
Pages: 77-83
Disaster debris estimation using high-resolution polarimetric stereo-SAR
Christian N. Koyama, Hideomi Gokon, Masaru Jimbo, Shunichi Koshimura, Motoyuki Sato
Pages: 84-98
Semisupervised classification for hyperspectral image based on multi-decision labeling and deep feature learning
Xiaorui Ma, Hongyu Wang, Jie Wang
Pages: 99-107
New publications in the ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Volume 121 (November 2016)
Understanding human activity patterns based on space-time-semantics
Wei Huang, Songnian Li
Pages: 1-10
Robust multitask learning with three-dimensional empirical mode decomposition-based features for hyperspectral classification
Zhi He, Lin Liu
Pages: 11-27
Parametrization and calibration of a quasi-analytical algorithm for tropical eutrophic waters
Fernanda Watanabe, Deepak R. Mishra, Ike Astuti, Thanan Rodrigues, Enner Alcântara, Nilton N. Imai, Cláudio Barbosa
Pages: 28-47
Localization of a mobile laser scanner via dimensional reduction
Ville V. Lehtola, Juho-Pekka Virtanen, Matti T. Vaaja, Hannu Hyyppä, Andreas Nüchter
Pages: 48-59
Semi-supervised hyperspectral classification from a small number of training samples using a co-training approach
Michał Romaszewski, Przemysław Głomb, Michał Cholewa
Pages: 60-76
Description and validation of a new set of object-based temporal geostatistical features for land-use/land-cover change detection
Jose L. Gil-Yepes, Luis A. Ruiz, Jorge A. Recio, Ángel Balaguer-Beser, Txomin Hermosilla
Pages: 77-91
Estimation of glacier surface motion by robust phase correlation and point like features of SAR intensity images
Li Fang, Yusheng Xu, Wei Yao, Uwe Stilla
Pages: 92-112
Skeletal camera network embedded structure-from-motion for 3D scene reconstruction from UAV images
Zhihua Xu, Lixin Wu, Markus Gerke, Ran Wang, Huachao Yang
Pages: 113-127
RBA: Reduced Bundle Adjustment for oblique aerial photogrammetry
Yanbiao Sun, Huabo Sun, Lei Yan, Shiyue Fan, Rui Chen
Pages: 128-142
Automatic cloud detection for high resolution satellite stereo images and its application in terrain extraction
Teng Wu, Xiangyun Hu, Yong Zhang, Lulin Zhang, Pengjie Tao, Luping Lu
Pages: 143-156
Absolute and relative height-pixel accuracy of SRTM-GL1 over the South American Andean Plateau
Frédéric Satge, Matheus Denezine, Ramiro Pillco, Franck Timouk, Sébastien Pinel, Jorge Molina, Jérémie Garnier, Frédérique Seyler, Marie-Paule Bonnet
Pages: 157-166
Detecting bugweed (Solanum mauritianum) abundance in plantation forestry using multisource remote sensing
Kabir Peerbhay, Onisimo Mutanga, Romano Lottering, Victor Bangamwabo, Riyad Ismail
Pages: 167-176
A global study of NDVI difference among moderate-resolution satellite sensors
Xingwang Fan, Yuanbo Liu
Pages: 177-191
Non-rigid registration of 3D point clouds under isometric deformation
Xuming Ge
Pages: 192-202
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information — Open Access Journal
New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 5, Issue 8 (August 2016), No 141-147
A Workflow for Automatic Quantification of Structure and Dynamic of the German Building Stock Using Official Spatial Data
Hartmann, André, Meinel, Gotthard, Hecht, Robert, Behnisch, Martin
No: 142
A Novel Absolute Orientation Method Using Local Similarities Representation
Yan, Lei, Wan, Jie, Sun, Yanbiao, Fan, Shiyue, Yan, Yizhen, Chen, Rui
No: 135
A Novel Simplified Algorithm for Bare Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Using L-Band Radiometer
Zhu, Bin, Song, Xiaoning, Leng, Pei, Sun, Chuan, Wang, Ruixin, Jiang, Xiaoguang
No: 143
Hypergraph+: An Improved Hypergraph-Based Task-Scheduling Algorithm for Massive Spatial Data Processing on Master-Slave Platforms
Cheng, Bo, Guan, Xuefeng, Wu, Huayi, Li, Rui
No: 141
Continuous Road Network Generalization throughout All Scales
Šuba, Radan, Meijers, Martijn, Oosterom, Peter van
No: 145
Methodology for Evaluating the Quality of Ecosystem Maps: A Case Study in the Andes
Armenteras, Dolors, González, Tania Marisol, Luque, Francisco Javier, López, Denis, Rodríguez, Nelly
No: 144
Can Hawaii Meet Its Renewable Fuel Target? Case Study of Banagrass-Based Cellulosic Ethanol
Tran, Chinh, Yanagida, John
No: 146
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics
Martinsanz, Gonzalo Pajares
No: 147
New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 5, Issue 9 (September 2016), No 148-165
Evaluating Temporal Analysis Methods Using Residential Burglary Data
Boldt, Martin, Borg, Anton
No: 148
Defining Fitness-for-Use for Crowdsourced Points of Interest (POI)
Jonietz, David, Zipf, Alexander
No: 149
The Socio-Spatial Distribution of Leisure Venues: A Case Study of Karaoke Bars in Nanjing, China
Cui, Can, Wang, Jiechen, Wu, Zhongjie, Ni, Jianhua, Qian, Tianlu
No: 150
Method for Determining Appropriate Clustering Criteria of Location-Sensing Data
Lee, Youngmin, Kwon, Pil, Yu, Kiyun, Park, Woojin
No: 151
A Spectral Signature Shape-Based Algorithm for Landsat Image Classification
Chen, Yuanyuan, Wang, Quanfang, Wang, Yanlong, Duan, Si-Bo, Xu, Miaozhong, Li, Zhao-Liang
No: 154
A New Simplification Approach Based on the Oblique-Dividing-Curve Method for Contour Lines
Qian, Haizhong, Zhang, Meng, Wu, Fang
No: 153
Algebraic and Geometric Characterizations of Double-Cross Matrices of Polylines
Kuijpers, Bart, Moelans, Bart
No: 152
Review of Forty Years of Technological Changes in Geomatics toward the Big Data Paradigm
Jeansoulin, Robert
No: 155
Use of Social Media for the Detection and Analysis of Infectious Diseases in China
Ye, Xinyue, Li, Shengwen, Yang, Xining, Qin, Chenglin
No: 156
Assessing Patient bypass Behavior Using Taxi Trip Origin–Destination (OD) Data
Yang, Gege, Song, Ci, Shu, Hua, Zhang, Jia, Pei, Tao, Zhou, Chenghu
No: 157
Assessing Land Degradation Dynamics and Distinguishing Human-Induced Changes from Climate Factors in the Three-North Shelter Forest Region of China
Huang, Senwang, Kong, Jiming
No: 158
A Labeling Model Based on the Region of Movability for Point-Feature Label Placement
Li, Lin, Zhang, Hang, Zhu, Haihong, Kuai, Xi, Hu, Wei
No: 159
A Combination of Stop-and-Go and Electro-Tricycle Laser Scanning Systems for Rural Cadastral Surveys
Zhong, Liang, Liu, Pengfei, Wang, Liuzhao, Wei, Zhanying, Guan, Haiyan, Yu, Yongtao
No: 160
A Subdivision Method to Unify the Existing Latitude and Longitude Grids
Cheng, Chengqi, Tong, Xiaochong, Chen, Bo, Zhai, Weixin
No: 161
Analyzing Local Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Police Calls-for-Service Using Bayesian Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation
Luan, Hui, Quick, Matthew, Law, Jane
No: 162
Updating Road Networks by Local Renewal from GPS Trajectories
Wu, Tao, Xiang, Longgang, Gong, Jianya
No: 163
Evaluation of Multiple Classifier Systems for Landslide Identification in LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) Images
Manfré, Luiz Augusto, de Albuquerque Nóbrega, Rodrigo Affonso, Quintanilha, José Alberto
No: 164
Improving Seasonal Land Cover Maps of Poyang Lake Area in China by Taking into Account Logical Transitions
Yang, Guang, Fang, Shenghui, Dian, Yuanyong, Bi, Chuang
No: 165
New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 5, Issue 10 (October 2016), No 166-193
A Two-Step Clustering Approach to Extract Locations from Individual GPS Trajectory Data
Fu, Zhongliang, Tian, Zongshun, Xu, Yanqing, Qiao, Changjian
No: 166
Data Autodiscovery—The Role of the OPD
Cox, Adrian J. M., Milsted, Andrew J., Gutteridge, Christopher J.
No: 167
Visualizing the Intellectual Structure of Eye Movement Research in Cartography
Wang, Shuang, Chen, Yufen, Yuan, Yecheng, Ye, Haiyun, Zheng, Shulei
No: 168
A GIS Study of the Influences of Warm Ocean Eddies on the Intensity Variations of Tropical Cyclones in the South China Sea
Yang, Feng, Peng, Hui, Du, Yunyan, Wu, Guofeng
No: 169
Top-k Spatial Preference Queries in Directed Road Networks
Attique, Muhammad, Cho, Hyung-Ju, Jin, Rize, Chung, Tae-Sun
No: 170
A Sensor Web and Web Service-Based Approach for Active Hydrological Disaster Monitoring
Zhai, Xi, Yue, Peng, Zhang, Mingda
No: 171
Dynamic Monitoring of Agricultural Fires in China from 2010 to 2014 Using MODIS and GlobeLand30 Data
Xie, Huan, Du, Li, Liu, Sicong, Chen, Lei, Gao, Sa, Liu, Shuang, Pan, Haiyan, Tong, Xiaohua
No: 172
Automatic Scaling Hadoop in the Cloud for Efficient Process of Big Geospatial Data
Li, Zhenlong, Yang, Chaowei, Liu, Kai, Hu, Fei, Jin, Baoxuan
No: 173
Normalized-Mutual-Information-Based Mining Method for Cascading Patterns
Xue, Cunjin, Liu, Jingyi, Li, Xiaohong, Dong, Qing
No: 174
Indexing for Moving Objects in Multi-Floor Indoor Spaces That Supports Complex Semantic Queries
Lin, Hui, Peng, Ling, Chen, Si, Liu, Tianyue, Chi, Tianhe
No: 176
Field Motion Estimation with a Geosensor Network
Fitzner, Daniel, Sester, Monika
No: 175
Understanding Spatiotemporal Patterns of Human Convergence and Divergence Using Mobile Phone Location Data
Yang, Xiping, Fang, Zhixiang, Xu, Yang, Shaw, Shih-Lung, Zhao, Zhiyuan, Yin, Ling, Zhang, Tao, Lin, Yunong
No: 177
Real-Time Spatial Queries for Moving Objects Using Storm Topology
Zhang, Feng, Zheng, Ye, Xu, Dengping, Du, Zhenhong, Wang, Yingzhi, Liu, Renyi, Ye, Xinyue
No: 178
An Integrated Software Framework to Support Semantic Modeling and Reasoning of Spatiotemporal Change of Geographical Objects: A Use Case of Land Use and Land Cover Change Study
Li, Wenwen, Zhou, Xiran, Wu, Sheng
No: 179
Forecasting Public Transit Use by Crowdsensing and Semantic Trajectory Mining: Case Studies
Zhang, Ningyu, Chen, Huajun, Chen, Xi, Chen, Jiaoyan
No: 180
Vehicle Positioning and Speed Estimation Based on Cellular Network Signals for Urban Roads
Lai, Wei-Kuang, Kuo, Ting-Huan
No: 181
Smartphone-Based Pedestrian’s Avoidance Behavior Recognition towards Opportunistic Road Anomaly Detection
Ishikawa, Tsuyoshi, Fujinami, Kaori
No: 182
User Generated Spatial Content-Integrator: Conceptual Model to Integrate Data from Diverse Sources of User Generated Spatial Content
Estima, Jacinto, Painho, Marco
No: 183
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Route Planning in the Presence of a Threat Environment Based on a Virtual Globe Platform
Zhang, Ming, Su, Chen, Liu, Yuan, Hu, Mingyuan, Zhu, Yuesheng
No: 184
Data Association at the Level of Narrative Plots to Support Analysis of Spatiotemporal Evolvement of Conflict: A Case Study in Nigeria
Bi, Size, Han, Xiaoyu, Tian, Jing, Liang, Xiao, Wang, Yang, Huang, Tinglei
No: 188
Exploring Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Twitter User Mobility Patterns with a Visual-Analytics Approach
Yin, Junjun, Du, Zhenhong
No: 187
Forest Vertical Parameter Estimation Using PolInSAR Imagery Based on Radiometric Correction
Zhang, Yu, He, Chu, Xu, Xin, Chen, Dong
No: 186
Hidden Naive Bayes Indoor Fingerprinting Localization Based on Best-Discriminating AP Selection
Song, Chunjing, Wang, Jian, Yuan, Guan
No: 189
Methodology for the Efficient Progressive Distribution and Visualization of 3D Building Objects
Mao, Bo, Harrie, Lars
No: 185
Location Optimization Using a Hierarchical Location-Allocation Model for Trauma Centers in Shenzhen, China
Zhu, Yishu, Du, Qingyun, Tian, Fei, Ren, Fu, Liang, Shi, Chen, Yan
No: 190
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Based on Particle Swarm Optimization of Multiple Kernel Relevance Vector Machines: Case of a Low Hill Area in Sichuan Province, China
Lin, Yongliang, Xia, Kewen, Jiang, Xiaoqing, Bai, Jianchuan, Wu, Panpan
No: 191
Granulometric Analysis on Remote Sensing Images: Application to Mapping Retrospective Changes in the Sahelian Ligneous Cover
San Emeterio, José Luis, Mering, Catherine
No: 192
A Framework for Discovering Evolving Domain Related Spatio-Temporal Patterns in Twitter
Shi, Yan, Deng, Min, Yang, Xuexi, Liu, Qiliang, Zhao, Liang, Lu, Chang-Tien
No: 193
New publications in the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Open Access Journal
Volume 5, Issue 11 (November 2016), No 194-215
Spatiotemporal Variation of Precipitation Regime in China from 1961 to 2014 from the Standardized Precipitation Index
Yuan, Xuefeng, Jian, Jinshi, Jiang, Gang
Pages: 194
Context-Aware Location Recommendation Using Geotagged Photos in Social Media
Huang, Haosheng
Pages: 195
Initial Results of the Precise Orbit Determination for the New-Generation BeiDou Satellites (BeiDou-3) Based on the iGMAS Network
Tan, Bingfeng, Yuan, Yunbin, Wen, Mingyue, Ning, Yafei, Liu, Xifeng
Pages: 196
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban Growth Using GIS and Remote Sensing: A Case Study of the Colombo Metropolitan Area, Sri Lanka
Subasinghe, Shyamantha, Estoque, Ronald C., Murayama, Yuji
Pages: 197
A Long Baseline Three Carrier Ambiguity Resolution with a New Ionospheric Constraint
Ning, Yafei, Yuan, Yunbin, Huang, Zhen, Chai, Yanju, Tan, Bingfeng
Pages: 198
The Sensitivity of Mapping Methods to Reference Data Quality: Training Supervised Image Classifications with Imperfect Reference Data
Foody, Giles M., Pal, Mahesh, Rocchini, Duccio, Garzon-Lopez, Carol X., Bastin, Lucy
Pages: 199
Gully Erosion Mapping and Monitoring at Multiple Scales Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data of the Sancha River Catchment, Northeast China
Wang, Ranghu, Zhang, Shuwen, Pu, Luoman, Yang, Jiuchun, Yang, Chaobin, Chen, Jing, Guan, Cong, Wang, Qing, Chen, Dan, Fu, Bolin, Sang, Xuejia
Pages: 200
Urban Link Travel Time Prediction Based on a Gradient Boosting Method Considering Spatiotemporal Correlations
Zhang, Faming, Zhu, Xinyan, Hu, Tao, Guo, Wei, Chen, Chen, Liu, Lingjia
Pages: 201
Analysing the Effects of Flood-Resilience Technologies in Urban Areas Using a Synthetic Model Approach
Schinke, Reinhard, Kaidel, Anna, Golz, Sebastian, Naumann, Thomas, López-Gutiérrez, José Santos, Garvin, Stephen
Pages: 202
Spatio-Temporal Risk Assessment Process Modeling for Urban Hazard Events in Sensor Web Environment
Wang, Wei, Hu, Chuanbo, Chen, Nengcheng, Xiao, Changjiang, Jia, Shan
Pages: 203
Uncertainty-Based Map Matching: The Space-Time Prism and k-Shortest Path Algorithm
Kuijpers, Bart, Moelans, Bart, Othman, Walied, Vaisman, Alejandro
Pages: 204
An Adaptive Density-Based Time Series Clustering Algorithm: A Case Study on Rainfall Patterns
Wang, Xiaomi, Liu, Yaolin, Chen, Yiyun, Liu, Yi
Pages: 205
The Physical Density of the City—Deconstruction of the Delusive Density Measure with Evidence from Two European Megacities
Taubenböck, Hannes, Standfuß, Ines, Klotz, Martin, Wurm, Michael
Pages: 206
Detecting Urban Transport Modes Using a Hybrid Knowledge Driven Framework from GPS Trajectory
Das, Rahul Deb, Winter, Stephan
Pages: 207
Recognition of Repetitive Movement Patterns—The Case of Football Analysis
Feuerhake, Udo
Pages: 208
Radio Astronomy Demonstrator: Assessment of the Appropriate Sites through a GIS Open Source Application
Duarte, Lia, Teodoro, Ana Cláudia, Maia, Dalmiro, Barbosa, Domingos
Pages: 209
Analysis of Attraction Features of Tourism Destinations in a Mega-City Based on Check-in Data Mining—A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
Gu, Zhihui, Zhang, Yan, Chen, Yu, Chang, Xiaomeng
Pages: 210
Spatial Air Index Based on Largest Empty Rectangles for Non-Flat Wireless Broadcast in Pervasive Computing
Shen, Jun-Hong, Lu, Ching-Ta, Chen, Mu-Yen, Mai, Chien-Tang
Pages: 211
Generating Orthorectified Multi-Perspective 2.5D Maps to Facilitate Web GIS-Based Visualization and Exploitation of Massive 3D City Models
Liang, Jianming, Gong, Jianhua, Liu, Jin, Zou, Yuling, Zhang, Jinming, Sun, Jun, Chen, Shuisen
Pages: 212
Morphological PDEs on Graphs for Image Processing on Surfaces and Point Clouds
Elmoataz, Abderrahim, Lozes, François, Talbot, Hugues
Pages: 213
Efficient Geo-Computational Algorithms for Constructing Space-Time Prisms in Road Networks
Chen, Hui-Ping, Chen, Bi Yu, Wang, Yafei, Li, Qingquan
Pages: 214
An Effective NoSQL-Based Vector Map Tile Management Approach
Wan, Lin, Huang, Zhou, Peng, Xia
Pages: 215
New Events
24-26 Nov 2016
3D-Modelling and Interpretation for Underwater Archaeology Workshop
Adelaide, Australia
01-03 Feb 2017
Radio Science for Humanity
French National Radio Science Workshop (JS'17)
Sophia Antipolis, France
01-03 Mar 2017
3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
Nafplio, Greece
08-10 Mar 2017
37th Annual Meeting
German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation
Würzburg, Germany
20-22 Apr 2017
XIIth Exhibition and the Scientific Congress Interexpo GEO-Siberia 2017
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
19-24 May 2017
Conservation of Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era
(Conference and Workshop)
website not yet available
Florence, Italy
02 Jul 2017
Joint ISPRS/ICA Session on: LULC Change Detection
at the ICA congress
Washington, DC, USA
16-22 Jul 2017
Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2017
Close Range Sensing Techniques in Alpine Terrain Venue
Obergurgl, Austria
24 Jul - 02 Aug 2017
Laboratory of Place 2017
Ghesc and surroundings: history, survey, evolution
Summer School on 3D Surveying in Cultural Heritage
Ghesio, Montecrestese, Italy
06-10 Aug 2017
Optical Engineering + Applications 2016
Part of SPIE Optics + Photonics
San Diego, California, USA
18-22 Sep 2017
ISPRS Geospatial Week 2017
Wuhan, China
19-20 Sep 2017
ISPRS Workshop ‘Laser Scanning 2017’ within ISPRS Geospatial Week 2017
Wuhan, China
11 Oct 2017
ISPRS Workshop on “Role of Geoinformatics in Citizen Science for Governance”
website not yet available
New Delhi, India
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Updated Events
06 Jun 2017
ISPRS Hannover Workshop
Hannover, Germany
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Job Opportunities
19-Aug-2016 |
Four Assistant Professor Posts
Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
21-Oct-2016 |
Research Assistant
Faculty of Organic Agricultuaral Sciences, Grassland Science and Renewable Plant Resources, University of Kassel, Germany
24-Oct-2016 |
Assistant-professor 3D object reconstruction for urban applications
3D GeoInformation Group, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Deadline: 1-Dec-2016
1-Nov-2016 |
Professor of Geospatial Systems Engineering (G738)
School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University
Deadline: 28-Nov-2016
10-Nov-2016 |
Professor in Remote Sensing
The Department of Geography at The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA
11-Nov-2016 |
Photogrammetrist Opportunity in Planetary Science
U.S. Geological Survey, Astrogeology Science Center, Flagstaff, AZ, USA U.S. Citizenship required
Deadline: 21-Nov-2016
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New Publications in the ISPRS Archives & Annals
Archives 2016
International Conference on Geomatic and Geospatial Technology (GGT) 2016
3-5 Oct
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3rd International GeoAdvances Workshop
16-17 Oct
Istanbul, Turkey
11th 3D Geoinfo Conference
20-21 Oct
Athens, Greece
XLII-2/W2 |
Annals 2016
11th 3D Geoinfo Conference
20-21 Oct
Athens, Greece
1st International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities, 30th UDMS
7-9 Sep
Split, Croatia
IV-4/W1 |
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