Call for Nominations for Council Positions and Bids to Host Technical Commissions 2020-24
by Lena Halounová
Secretary General
Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXIVth ISPRS Congress will take place in Nice next June. The Congress is not only a scientific meeting, but also where decisions on the future of the Society will be made. The General Assembly will elect new members for Council, and Ordinary members to host the Technical Commissions for the coming ISPRS term.
I ask you to consider whether your society is in a position to host a Technical Commission or to propose a Council Member for the 2020 – 2024 period.
about the Council Members in ISPRS BYLAW VII - Organization and Administration
about hosting Technical Commissions in the ISPRS BYLAW XIII - Technical Commissions.
Ordinary Members may submit nominations for members of Council, and applications to host a Technical Commission, to the Secretary General by 13th February, 2020.
(Please take into account that a ballot on changes to the Statutes and Bylaws is running at the present time and, should they be approved, the updated versions will be available online in the second half of October.)
Council hopes that many of you are keen to address the challenges facing ISPRS in the future and are willing to be a part of the continuing evolution of the Society.
I am looking forward to receiving your applications.
The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) News
Help TIF prepare for the Nice Congress!
Grants from The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) benefit the international community by enabling improved education, training and tools to be shared with the less privileged, especially those in emerging markets and regions. Attending an ISPRS meeting has time and time again proved to be a valuable experience for the recipients, as can be read in the reports that are regularly published in this eBulletin.
For the ISPRS Congress, in less than 10 months’ time, TIF is hoping to support a large contingent of students from developing countries to attend, and welcomes donations from individuals and companies. Please consider giving generously to the activities of the ISPRS Foundation:
Michael Gruber becomes TIF Trustee
TIF is pleased to report that we have a new trustee, Dr. Michael Gruber, Chief Photogrammetry Scientist, Vexcel Imaging Austria GmbH, Graz, Austria. Michael’s term began on 6 May 2019. He is well known throughout the mapping world for his many presentations on behalf of the Vexcel UltraCam series of airborne sensors.
Michael Gruber studied surveying and photogrammetry at Graz University of Technology (Technische Universität Graz). From 1990-1992 he was on the staff of the Department of Remote Sensing, Image Processing and Cartography of the University. After a short period in a private mapping company he joined the University’s Institute for Computer Graphics to lead the working group for 3D Object Reconstruction and in 1997 received his PhD from the University. Since October 1999 he has been a full-time staff member of Vexcel Imaging Austria GmbH and is now Chief Scientist Photogrammetry. From May 2006 until March 2016 Vexcel Imaging Austria operated under the ownership of Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, USA. Michael Gruber holds several US patents for developments in digital photogrammetry, among them the basic concept of the digital aerial camera family UltraCam.
During the recent 57th Photogrammetric Week, in Stuttgart, Germany, Michael agreed to accept the role of chair of TIF’s Fund-Raising Committee, which will try to approach the raising of donations in a more systematic way. In particular, we will try to attract firms willing to provide quite modest donations, because an exciting characteristic of TIF awards is that even moderate increases in TIF’s income result in many more awards. We welcome Michael. If you would like to contact him about donating, or about serving on the Fund-Raising Committee, please e-mail him on
The ISPRS Foundation Travel Grants to participate in LAGIRS 2020 - the Latin America GRSS and ISPRS Remote Sensing Conference, March 22-27, 2020, Santiago de Chile
The ISPRS Foundation provides travel grants to enable young authors, distinguished speakers, and officially designated Delegates, especially from developing countries, to participate in ISPRS sponsored events and in forums promoting international cooperation, advancements and benefits of the P&RS&SI sciences. Click here to complete your travel grant application online.
Deadlines for Submission Awards not listed in the table do not require a formal submission.
1st February 2020
Brock Gold Medal Award
1st October 2019
Eduard Doležal Award
1st January 2020
Otto von Gruber Award
1st February 2020
Samuel Gamble Award
1st February 2020
Willem Schermerhorn Award
1st February 2020
Schwidefsky Medal
1st February 2020
Wang Zhizhuo Award
1st February 2020
Karl Kraus Medal
1st February 2020
Frederick J. Doyle Award
1st February 2020
Giuseppe Inghilleri Award
1st February 2020
Canadian Bid for Congress 2024
With the 2020 Congress closing in and the beginning of the bidding for the various future ISPRS positions, Council is very pleased to announce that a bid has been received from ISPRS Canadian Ordinary member, Canadian Remote Sensing Society, to host the 2024 Congress in Toronto.
To improve the benefits ISPRS provides to its Ordinary, Associate and Regional Members, Council has now finalized the ISPRS Keynote Speaker Programme.
The programme enables Ordinary, Associate and Regional Members to ask for support when wanting to invite keynote speakers to their scientific meetings.
Expenses will be split between ISPRS, providing the travel expenses, and the organizing Member, covering the local costs.
Find the application form for a Keynote Speaker here...
Seeking an Editor-in-Chief for the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
The flagship journal of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (P&RS), is seeking a new Editor-in-Chief, responsible primarily for photogrammetry and laser scanning. Published by Elsevier B.V., its aim is to be a channel of communication for scientists and professionals in all countries working in the many disciplines of photogrammetry, remote sensing, computer vision and other related fields. The scope of the journal is extensive and covers sensors, theory and algorithms, systems, experiments, developments and applications. A list of topic areas can be found at It is one of the top ranked remote sensing journals with an impact factor of 6.942 and a 5-year impact factor of 7.856.
Due to the retirement of one of the Editors-in-Chief, Derek Lichti, a new replacement is needed to work alongside Editor-in-Chief Qihao Weng, who handles remote sensing manuscripts, to maintain and further the journal’s aim.
Manage the editorial process for papers submitted to the Journal in the areas of photogrammetry, laser scanning, radar, spatial information systems and computer vision.
Ensure high quality scientific content for the Journal, taking into account of the Aims and Scope and the Elsevier's editorial policies.
Work closely with the Associate Editors and Guest Editors who will report to the successful candidate.
Work closely with the incumbent Editor-in-Chief and the Publisher on matters of the Journal's strategic directions and manuscript decisions (general philosophy, editorial speed, ethics and difficult cases).
Experience and required qualities:
The successful candidate should have a demonstrated record of accomplishment of publishing high-quality papers in peer-reviewed journals.
The successful candidate should have strong editorial experience.
This position demands a great deal of time, so the successful candidate must not only possess strong time management skills, but must also have the capacity to devote the necessary time to the job.
Strong written English communication skills.
Candidates with demonstrated commitment to ISPRS J. P&RS (as author, reviewer, Associate Editor or Guest Editor) are highly encouraged to apply. Interested individuals should submit a cover letter including a statement of motivation and previous experience, their vision for the journal, together with a CV to Lena Halounová, ISPRS Secretary General, by December 15, 2019 (
ISPRS awarded at the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Centenary
Many of the societies ISPRS works with have a long history. One of them, the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), celebrated its centenary in Paris on July 28, 2019.
IUGG awarded several societies in recognition of long and efficient co-operation. ISPRS was one of awardees and the Secretary General, Lena Halounová received a plaque, on behalf of ISPRS.
Although the Carl Pulfrich Award is not an ISPRS award – it is sponsored by Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon - it is renowned in the geospatial world. During the 57th Photogrammetric Week in Stuttgart, Dr. Hartmut Rosengarten of Leica Geosystems, deputizing for division president Jürgen Dold, presented the Carl Pulfrich Award to Professor Bisheng Yang of Wuhan University for outstanding contribution in the field of point cloud processing. This is reported in full at
Announcements of Scientific Meetings
(see also
ISPRS Calendar)
12th AOGEO Symposium
Scaling up successful Earth observation activities for all of Asia-Oceania:
Share the results and design the future steps for three priority engagement areas
Canberra, Australia
2 - 4 November 2019
Please feel free to contact the Symposium Secretariat with any questions:
E-mail: aogeo-symposium@,
BIM Technologies in Urban Land Management and Development using Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning Data: Managerial, Engineering and Educational Aspects
PCP 2019
2nd International Workshop Point Cloud Processing
Stuttgart, Germany
4 – 5 December 2019
Focus is on the automatic interpretation of area covering point clouds including tasks like object detection and classification or object-dependent filtering and smoothing. Topics further include the collection and analysis of area covering 3D point clouds from aerial and mobile mapping platforms. The EuroSDR meeting will bring together experts from industry, academia and national mapping agencies to present and discuss the processing and evaluation of point clouds focusing on mapping purposes especially in view of the recent developments in the field of pattern recognition and machine learning.
The program will provide a mix of invited speakers from industry, academia and governmental organizations as well as presentations selected on an abstract based review process. Prospective presenters may send a 1000 word abstract to before October 7th
Multi-sensor prediction of Eucalyptus stand volume: A support vector approach
Guilherme Silverio Aquino de Souza, Vicente Paulo Soares, Helio Garcia Leite, José Marinaldo Gleriani, Cibele Hummel do Amaral, Antônio Santana Ferraz, Marcus Vinicius de Freitas Silveira, Flávio Costa dos Santos, Sidney Geraldo Silveira Velloso, Getulio Fonseca Domingues, Simone Silva
Pages: 135-146
13-14 Nov 2019
The Sixth International Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services conference, 2019
Beijing, China
04-06 Dec 2019
5th International Conference MetroArcheo 2018
Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Florence, Italy
10-11 Dec 2019
International Workshop on Capacity Building and Education Outreach in Advance Geospatial Technologies and Land Management
Special Session on
BIM Technologies in Urban Land Management and Development using Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning Data: Managerial, Engineering and Educational Aspects
Dhulikhel, Nepal
13-14 Dec 2019
National Symposium on Industry Academia Collaboration fpr Geospatial Technology - 2019
Ahmedabad, India
03-05 Jun 2020
27th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing IWSSIP 2020
Niteroi – Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
15-22 Aug 2020
43rd Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events
Sydney, Australia
26-28 May 2021
The 12th International Conference on Mobile Mapping Technology
website not yet available
Padua, Italy
Photogrammetrist (GS-11/12 Physical Scientist)
Astrogeology Science Center, U. S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA
Deadline: 23-Sep-2019
PhD Candidate “Fusion of Earth Observation Data with Geo-Information for Water Sensitive Cities in India”
Department Earth Observation Science (EOS), Faculty ITC, University of Twente
Deadline: 7-Oct-2019