ISPRS Book Review Report The book review for ISPRS Highlights has progressed well in 2005-2006. We have very positive support from publishers and overwhelming responses from our members to the call for book reviews. Majority of the titles received were research-orientated titles which were reviewed by people who are in the related field with a creditable background (PhD as minimum requirement). Textbooks, however, were only sent to university faculties who were experienced and actively involved in teaching undergraduate courses. It is the book review editor's intention to continue this selection policy. It is also the book review editor's general guideline that only one title is to be supplied to one reviewer so that our book review can represent wider opinions of the ISPRS community. The following figures illustrate the actions related to the book review to the end of August 2006:
Currently, there are 4 books available for new review, 3 books waiting for reviewer's report. Qiming Zhou, ISPRS Book Review Editor
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