ISPRS Events Calendar Editor: Tuan-chih CHEN (China-Taipei) I. Terms of ReferenceThe ISPRS Events Calendar is regularly updated on the ISPRS Web Page and has a hyper-link on the ISPRS e-Highlights. The Calendar contains a list of all ISPRS sponsored and co-sponsored workshops, symposia, tutorials and other meetings. It also contains details of all international and national conferences on topics related to the activities of ISPRS, including those in photogrammetry, remote sensing, spatial information systems, geomatics, surveying, mapping, machine vision, image processing and similar areas. The ISPRS Events Calendar Editor will be responsible for updating the entries in the Calendar on a regular basis. The tasks are: l Provision to the ISPRS Web Master on an up-to-date basis in an agreed format, updated versions of the Calendar for the ISPRS Web Page, which is also linked on the ISPRS e-Highlights. l Collection of details from ISPRS officers of all ISPRS sponsored and co-sponsored events, including theme of the event, dates, location, contact persons and addresses for publication in the Calendar. l Collection, from appropriate sources, of details of events on topics related to the areas of activity of ISPRS, including theme of the event, dates, location, contact persons and addresses for publication in the Calendar. l Maintenance of contact with the ISPRS Secretary General on the status of the Events Calendar on a monthly basis. II. Guidelines for Organising ISPRS Events: Approval and Announcement
III. Procedures 1. Versions For efficiency and to avoid errors in signifying changes, two main versions will be created - one for the ISPRS Web Page/ e-Highlights and another for the Council. The Web Page version is maintained constantly as new entries are received. The Council version is limited only for ISPRS sponsored and co-sponsored events, created and modified from the final Web Page version quarterly. 2. Web Page version Make all "NEW" entries in bold. Make updates and signify as "UPDATED", with changed data only in bold. Add ISPRS logo to all ISPRS sponsored events as informed from Secretary General. Secretary General will also inform whether the event has been approved "Confirmed by Council" or is "pending Council approval" or if the event has "Cosponsorship" by ISPRS. Send updated parts to Web Master by e-mail. 3. Council Version (List of ISPRS Meetings) This is a calendar extracted from the ISPRS Events Calendar, and contains only a list of all ISPRS sponsored and co-sponsored events organised by ISPRS WGs, Commissions, and approved by the ISPRS Council. It will be sent to all members of ISPRS Council quarterly. This would be useful for sending to other groups for inclusion in their lists of events, too. The Council could check the details, and then send their comments or corrections to the Events Calendar Editor, e.g. the confirmation of ISPRS Events and the co-sponsorship of other events. 4. e-Highlights version There is a hyper-link on the ISPRS e-Highlights to the ISPRS Events Calendar web page. 5. Contents Receive inputs from outside sources. Seek events from trade publication calendars and from Internet searches of relevant organizations. Keep all entries to those having international interest (e.g. international in event title) or from those of ISPRS member organizations (Ordinary, Associate, Regional, Sustaining). Do not list user groups unless the organization is an ISPRS Sustaining Member, e.g.. Intergraph, ESRI, ERIM, etc. That helps promote organizations to become ISPRS Sustaining Members. Except for ISPRS events, do not list events, which do not have city, country and a phone or e-mail contact address. Except for ISPRS events and those of the JBSIS (Joint Board of Sister Societies-ICA, IAG, IHO, FIG, IGU), do not list events, which have pending dates. Details- a) Check locations column to verify that the country is in all capital letters; the city is in lower case. b) Check order of dates to ensure earliest dates are first. c) Check that all ISPRS events have a "Confirmed by Council" or "Confirmation pending" notation in the leftmost column. d) Check these items in the event field: make sure ISPRS is before WG; make sure WG is before all WGs in listing; make sure ISPRS WGs are Roman for Commission and Arabic for WG number, e.g.. IV/3; use IC WG for intercommission WGs; put quotation titles on a separate line if space permits; put hyphen before each event if multiple events are in same listing; always seek ways to reduce number of lines; verify www addresses when time permits. There should always be in the left column for all ISPRS events either "Confirmed by Council" or "approval pending" or "Cosponsorship Confirmed by Council". The "approval pending" gives ISPRS Council and TCPs an indication of what is being proposed and will help them coordinate events and avoid conflicts. 6. General The purpose for ISPRS is to allow WGs and Commissions to identify open dates or events, which they may link up with or avoid conflicting with. This avoidance of conflicting with other events externally and definitely internally is a major responsibility of ISPRS. We publish the calendar to encourage others to do likewise. The margins of the table are set so that the calendar may be published in Highlights without alteration. Search for relevant events. Identify events, which will be of interest to ISPRS Members and to Members of the JBSIS. It is important to cover events, which are on the interdisciplinary boundaries of ISPRS so that all Commissions and WGs are aware of who and how they can interface with related organizations. IV. Announcement TO: TECHNICAL COMMISSION PRESIDENTS, WORKING GROUP CHAIRPERSONS, & EVENT ORGANIZERS Events Calendar Editor greatly appreciates your responses to this announcement The ISPRS Events Calendar is frequently updated on the ISPRS Web Page, and is also linked by the ISPRS e-Highlights. The Calendar contains a list of all ISPRS sponsored and co-sponsored congresses, conferences, symposia, workshops, tutorials and other meetings. It also contains details of all international and national events on topics related to the activities of ISPRS, including those in photogrammetry, remote sensing, spatial information systems, geomatics, surveying, mapping, machine vision, image processing and similar areas. The purpose for ISPRS is to allow Commissions and WGs to identify open dates or events which they may link up with or avoid conflicting with. This avoidance of conflicting with other events externally and definitely internally is a major responsibility of ISPRS. We publish the calendar to encourage other sister societies to do likewise. It is important that we cover events which are on the interdisciplinary boundaries of ISPRS so that our Commissions and WGs are aware of who and how they can interface with related organizations. Please refer to the Appendix 3 of ISPRS Orange Book, too: The Events Calendar Editor respectfully asks all TC Presidents, WG Chairpersons and Members to submit the details of their congresses, conferences, symposia, workshops, tutorials and meetings:
Please email or fax the details to: Professor Tuan-chih Chen (ISPRS Events Calendar Editor) 13-1, LANE 12, YEN-PING ROAD, TAOYUAN 330, TAIWAN TEL.+886-3-362-5089 or +886-918-953-197 FAX: +886-2-2786-4403 E-mail: Thank you very much for your support and your assistance. V. Accomplishments and Activities during the Current Year
ISPRS President, Ian Dowman (right 2), visited Events Calendar Editor, Tuan-chih Chen (left 2), in June 2006 in Taiwan.
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