Number |
Name |
Chair |
Co-Chair |
Secretary |
II/1 |
Spatio-Temporal Modeling |
Tang Xinming, China |
II/2 |
Spatial Reasoning, Analysis, and Data Mining |
Liu Yaolin, China |
Abdülvahit Torun, Turkey |
Ai Tinghua, China |
II/3 |
Multiple Representations of Image and Vector Data |
Monika Sester, Germany |
Lars Harrie, Sweden |
Mark Hampe, Germany |
II/4 |
Spatial Planning and Decision Support Systems |
Ali Sharifi, The Netherlands |
Shattri Mansor, Malaysia |
Christopher J. Pettit, Australia |
II/5 |
Communication and Visualization of Spatial Data |
William Cartwright, Australia |
Hiroyuki Yoshida, Japan |
Gennady Andrienko, Germany |
II/6 |
System Integration and Interoperability |
Marinos Kavouras, Greece |
Stephan Winter, Australia |
Margarita Kokla, |
II/7 |
Quality of Spatio-Temporal Data and Models |
Shi Wenzhong, Hong Kong, China |
Robert Jeansoulin, France |
Hande Demirel, Turkey |
State of Science and Technology of Commission Topics
Although much progress has been made in recent years in geographic information science, many questions still remain. In data modeling issues of a full integration of the time-dimension in GIS still poses many interesting scientific challenges; the same holds for spatial analysis of uncertain data, and the detection of hidden information in large data sets (data mining).
Multiple representations and related issues of generalization still expose many unsolved problems as well as the visualization and communication of uncertainty and data quality. Decision support systems become an increasingly important tool for decision makers in various settings of decision processes. Issues of systems integration and interoperability cut across all aspects of spatial data handling. Much needs to be done, still.
The overall trend leads to component based systems that expose functionality that can be assembled for individual needs and applications. The above mentioned issues address crucial aspects of such an approach.
The year 2006 was the second year of full operation of all working groups and the year of the mid-term Symposium. All working groups have been active. Their activities are described below in this report.
The major event of the year 2006 was the mid-term symposium. This was held under the theme GICON 2006 - Geoinformation Connecting Societies from July 12 - 14, 2006 in Vienna. It comprised three events:
· The 12th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH)
· The ISPRS TC II Symposium
· The Central European Cartographic Conference
Pre-Carto Workshops & Forums were held on July 10 and 11 2006 prior to the man GICON event. Proceedings have been published for all three events.
· Riedl A., Kainz W., Elmes G. (eds.) (2006), Progress in Spatial Data Handling, 12th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
· Kainz W., Pucher A. (eds.) (2006), ISPRS Technical Commission II Symposium 2006. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVI Part 2.
· Kriz K., Cartwright, W., Pucher, A. und Kinberger, M. (eds.) (2006): Kartographie als Kommunikationsmedium - Cartography as a Communication Medium. Wiener Schriften zur Geographie und Kartographie, 17. ISBN: 3-900830-59-2.
GICON 2006 was attended by more than 400 persons.
Even with much activity over the past decade, the representation and practical use of space-time information in digital databases is still problematic. Research to-date has shown that the addition of time as an added dimension to existing, traditional data models is not a sufficient solution.
While some significant advances have been made, functional space-time systems have not gone beyond the limited prototype stage.
New data models as well as extensions to existing models need to be further developed within an integrative theoretical framework. This must also include spatial, temporal and space-time relationships that may be integrated within these models and used in advancing multi-dimensional query languages. Three-dimensional and space-time topologies represent a fundamental component of this work. Moving non-point objects represent a particularly important focus area that entails considerations in all of these above areas.
The working group is active on the publication of a book of selected papers from the 2005 Joint-Symposium in Beijing. Members of the working group participated in the TC II Symposium in Vienna.
· The chair and the secretary of the working group retired in course of the year 2006. X. Tang was appointed chair and the search for the vacant officers' positions is ongoing.
· The working group plans a Workshop on "Mapping without the Sun" - Techniques and Applications of Optical and SAR Imagery Fusion (jointly with WG VII/6, VII/7) during 25 - 27 September 2007 in Chengdu, China.
· The working group together with WG II/2 plans a Workshop on Practice of Spatial-Temporal Modeling, Spatial Analysis and Data Mining in the fall of 2007 in Istanbul, Turkey.
· The working group website is designed and made ready at
· The working group is working with ISPRS XXI Congress for various activities.
· The working group plans a tutorial with WG II/2 on spatio-temporal modeling, spatial reasoning and data mining at the ISPRS XXI Congress.
Spatial reasoning, analysis and data mining have become one of the most important topics in the GIS research domain over years attracting different studies from varied domains. Current interest focuses on the establishment of algorithms and models from the point of view of geo-computation and the combination with complex geo-science models at a high level. The ultimate purpose is to integrate these methods to conduct spatial decision-making.
Spatial statistics is still one significant method in spatial analysis and some artificial intelligence based methods begin to be applied in this field. The qualitative and uncertainty analysis gets emphasis and fuzzy mathematics based and probability based methods have been applied in this domain. How to integrate the analysis between spatial data and semantic and temporal data to result in generalized conclusions meets some problems in the future.
Spatial reasoning aims at spatial relation integration, derivation, and generalization making some progress in small scale space, such as robotic research domain. For large scale space, it requires to be extended. This topic depends on the advance of the theory of spatial cognition. Indeed, how a person builds spatial concepts and the reasoning process are still problematic requiring to cooperate with the research of cognitive science.
Spatial data mining becomes an active topic and makes some progress in general approaches from the computer science perspective. Many mining methods from different disciplines have been applied in this domain but the property of spatial position shows not obviously. How to let spatial data mining stand out from general data mining is an interesting question.
The working group plans a workshop on Workshop on Practice of Spatial-Temporal Modeling, Spatial Analysis and Data Mining (jointly with WG II/1) in the fall of 2007 in Istanbul, Turkey.
Multi-scale and multiple representation issues are an important topic in spatial data handling. There are different groups working in this domain: there is great interest in the GIS domain, where (vector) data of different scales are modeled, generated (generalization problem), integrated and updated. In the image processing community, multi-scale issues are also of high importance, when it comes to extracting information from digital imagery: adequate models are needed that take the multiple representations of the objects in different scales into account. In the domain of generalization of 3D surfaces, there is a lot of research in Computer Graphics. In this area, there are some first connections of the communities, which should however be fostered much more in the coming future: it can be stated, that both communities could profit a lot from each other and currently, partly, things are being re-invented in both disciplines. Finally, a very interesting upcoming topic deals with multi-scale issues in language. In this domain, there are close contacts to Working Group II/6: System Integration and Interoperability, which will be deepened in our upcoming joint workshop.
During 2006 the working group has performed the following tasks:
1. Maintained the homepage ( reflecting the tasks of the working group, some resources and links related to these tasks as well as a news-item advertising next events coming up. So far we had an average number of 2-3 visitors per month.
2. Held a workshop "Multiple Representation and Interoperability of Spatial Data" 22-24 February 2006 in Hanover, Germany. The workshop was organized together with the ISPRS Working Group II/6: System Integration and Interoperability and the German Bundle-Project "Spatial Data Abstraction". At the workshop 15 papers were presented and a key note speech (Wolfgang Förstner). Totally, 50 persons attended the workshop. The papers of the workshop are published in ISPRS archives volume XXXVI, part 2/W40 and are available at
3. Participated in the preparation of the Vienna Symposium. Conduction of sessions related to the topics of our working group.
The working group plans a workshop to be held June 27-29, 2007 in Stuttgart (Germany). The workshop is cooperation between:
· ISPRS Working Group II/3, Multiple Representation of Image and Vector Data
· ISPRS Working Group II/5, Communication and Visualization of spatial data
· ISPRS Working Group IV/4, Landscape Modeling and Visualization
· ISPRS Working Group IV/6, Location Based Services
· ICA, Commission on Visualization and Virtual Environments
· German Cartographic Society, Commission on Cartography & Remote Sensing.
More information can be found at
Demand and competition for various resources continue to grow almost everywhere, and integrated resource management based on reliable data, information and knowledge, is expected to provide reasonable solutions. Especially in the context of growing emergence of more accountable and inclusive governance style, which calls for more debates and require interfaces for an extended involvement and agreement of all relevant stakeholders over policy issues. While the political and socio-economic and institutional aspects may often be of dominant importance, still there is considerable demand for timely and relevant technical and scientific relevant information. Planners and decision makers, and increasingly the general public, need and demand information as a basic for informed decision.
Advances in Geoinformation technology have provided extensive information from the processes that are taking place on the surface of the earth, many of which are organized in computer systems, some are freely available and others are accessible at affordable price, however not efficiently applied. Research in disciplinary sciences has produced significant insight into many physical and socio-economic processes, leading to development of knowledge formalized in various types of disciplinary models, many of them in public domain, but is not well applied in practice. Development in management and decision sciences has provided opportunities to build decision aids and provide platforms for flows and exchange of different information and knowledge. Although we are moving from a poor to a rich data environment, yet much of the existing information and knowledge is not efficiently and effectively used to support better management of our resources. As information consumes attention of its recipients, wealth of information creates poverty of attention; therefore there is a growing need for systems that make use of the existing wealth of knowledge, information and data, and make them useful for the planners and decision makers. Especially systems and decision aids that provide facilities:
· To bridge the gap or facilitate the interactions between the provider of information (technical group) and the users of the information (decision makers),
· Understand the cause-effect relationships between various socio-economic driving forces and their impacts to;
· Support for understanding the problem and formulating alternative decisions/solutions,
· Support the analysis of the effects and impacts of alternative decision on allocation of resource and services;
· Furthermore and most importantly to provide a forum for debates to facilitate dialogues, negotiation and deliberation of various issues affecting stakeholders, and construct a common language for discussion and deliberation over allocation of resources.
In this context, three main themes, the notion of sustainability, the scope of information and participation, and the supporting role of information technology through development and application of planning and decision support systems in the process of resource management are challenging issues to be addressed.
· Active participation in the ISPRS Technical Commission II Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH 2006) 12-14 July 2006, Vienna Austria
· Active participation in the ACRS 2006 Conference 9-13 October Mongolia
· Active participation in the 18th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, June 19-23, 2006 Chania, Greece. Organizing the ACRS-ISPRS
· Review and referee the selected papers that were presented in the 2005 Working Group Workshop on Spatial Planning and decision Support Systems in Malaysia in order to publish an special Issue of Asian Journal of Geoinformatics on spatial planning and decision support systems.
· Preparation of a draft version of A Book on Spatial Decision Support Systems in Theory and Practice
The following changes were made on the composition of the working group:
· Nick Nasruddin Mahmood of Malaysian Center for Remote Sensing who was functioning as the Co-Chair was retired and therefore was replaced by Professor Shattri Mansor of University of Putra Malaysia "UPM" who was functioning Scientific Secretary. We thank Nick for his valuable support and contribution in the activities of the working group
· Dr Christopher Pettit from Department of Primary Industries, Victoria State Government, Australia, accepted to act as Scientific Secretary. We wish Dr Pettit who is currently Statewide Leader of Spatial Sciences in the Department success in this position.
Organize a 2 days seminar on "Geoinformation and Decision Support Systems" in Tehran, early May 2007. This will be hold in Iran, and will be supported by the Iranian Space Agency as well the Iranian National Cartographic Center
Organizing a Joint ACRS-ISPRS session on Spatial Planning and Decision Support Systems, In Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia
Organizing a Joint ACRS-ISPRS Workshop on Spatial Planning and Decision Support Systems, In Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia
1. Publish a special issue of Asian Journal of Geo-Informatics on Spatial Planning and Decision Support Systems.
2. Publish a Book on "Spatial Decision Support Systems in Theory and Practice".
1. Organize one day pre-conference workshop on spatial planning and decision support systems
2. Organize a session on spatial planning and Decision Support Systems in ISPRS-2008 Congress
WG II/5 - Communication And Visualization of Spatial Data has as its aim to explore not just how geographical visualization tools can be best employed, and also the development of a new theory related to contemporary geographical visualization. Its terms of reference are to: a) Communicate spatial information; b) To explore geovisualization use (including the Web); and to develop and test novel methods and tools for uncertain data visualization.
· During March 2006 the WG Chair convened a meeting of interested potential WG members during the 2006 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, March 7-11 2006. This took place in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
· A workshop on Geographical Visualization was held immediately prior to the GICON 2006 conference in Vienna, Austria, on 8 July 2006. The following papers were presented:
o Cartwright, W. E., 2006, evaluating the landmarks needed for the effective appreciation of neighborhoods using web-delivered models, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5 workshop, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5: Vienna, Austria, July 8, 2006.
o Gartner, G., 2006, Cartographic visualizations on small screen devices, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5 workshop, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5: Vienna, Austria, July 8, 2006.
o Jobst, M., 2006, Semiotic considerations for 3D cartography, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5 workshop, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5: Vienna, Austria, July 8, 2006.
o Lorenz, H. and Döllner J., 2006, towards automating the generation of façade textures of virtual city models, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5 workshop, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5: Vienna, Austria, July 8, 2006.
o McBride, S., 2006, modeling mobile objects in GIS: time geography with linear perspective, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5 workshop, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5: Vienna, Austria, July 8, 2006.
o Pettit, C., 2006, Visualization techniques for envisioning landscape futures, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5 workshop, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5: Vienna, Austria, July 8, 2006.
o Riedl, A., 2006, the dawn of hyperglobes, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5 workshop, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5: Vienna, Austria, July 8, 2006.
o Schiewe, J., 2006, Multimedia-based methods for presenting and exploiting multi-representational remotely sensed scenes, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5 workshop, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5: Vienna, Austria, July 8, 2006.
o Schratt, A., 2006, The potential of image-based desktop Virtual Reality scenes from a cartographic perspective, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5 workshop, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5: Vienna, Austria, July 8, 2006.
o Tomko, M. and Winter, S., 2006, Considerations for efficient communication of route directions, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5 workshop, ISPRS Commission II, WG II/5: Vienna, Austria, July 8, 2006.
· The working group plans a workshop to be held June 27-29, 2007 in Stuttgart (Germany). More information can be found at The workshop is cooperation between:
o ISPRS Working Group II/3, Multiple Representation of Image and Vector Data
o ISPRS Working Group II/5, Communication and Visualization of spatial data
o ISPRS Working Group IV/4, Landscape Modeling and Visualization
o ISPRS Working Group IV/6, Location Based Services
o ICA, Commission on Visualization and Virtual Environments
o German Cartographic Society, Commission on Cartography & Remote Sensing..
Geospatial semantic interoperability remains one of the crucial scientific challenges for GI research. In order to achieve communication of meaning of geospatial information among different scientific communities (both developers and users), it is important to establish a common framework for the definition and representation of geospatial information. The importance of geospatial ontological research to this objective is unquestionable and continually growing. Nevertheless, many facets of geographic data integration require further research such as the temporal dimension of spatial data, scale and detail, semantic representation, fuzziness etc. Furthermore, at the system level, the unification of technology methods and components into a common platform still remains a research challenge among computer scientists, ontology engineers, and geographic information researchers. Semantic interoperability is considered as one of the main research priorities by several scientific organizations/societies such as AGILE, INSPIRE, GIScience, etc. The WG is actively observing developments in the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the EuroSpec Programme of EuroGeographics in this area. Dr. Winter liaises with OGC and the Geosemantics Interest Group and Dr. Kavouras liaises with Eurogeographics.
· Nittel, S., and Winter, S., Shared Ride Trip Planning with Geosensor Networks. In: Miller, H.J. (Ed.), Societies and Cities in the Age of Instant Access. Springer, Berlin, 2006.
· Winter, S., and Tomko, M., Translating the Web Semantics of Georeferences. In: Taniar, D., and Rahayu, W. (Eds.), Web Semantics and Ontology, Idea Publishing, Hershey, PA, pp. 297-333, 2006.
· Claramunt, C., and Winter, S., Structural Salience of Elements of the City. Environment and Planning B, accepted.
· Kavouras, M., Kokla, M., and Tomai E., Semantically-Aware Systems: Extraction of Geosemantics, Ontology Engineering, and Ontology Integration, Geographic Hypermedia, Concepts and Systems, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Stefanakis, E., Peterson, M.P., Armenakis, C., Delis, V. (Eds.), 2006.
· Klippel, A., Freksa, C., and Winter, S., You-Are-Here Maps in Emergencies - The Danger of Getting Lost. Journal of Spatial Science, 51 (1): 117-131, 2006.
· Tomko, M., and Winter, S., Recursive Construction of Granular Route Directions. Journal of Spatial Science, 51 (1): 101-115, 2006.
· Winter, S., and Nittel, S., Ad-Hoc Shared-Ride Trip Planning by Mobile Geosensor Networks, International Journal of Geographical Information Science.
Code available on request, accepted.
· Winter, S.; Williamson, I., Current Issues in Spatial Data Infrastructures and System Design. Guest Editorial in the Journal of Spatial Science, 51(1) 2006.
· Gaisbauer, C., and Winter, S., Shared Ride Trip Planning with Free Route Choice. In: Raubal, M. et al. (Eds.), Geographic Information Science. IfGI Prints. Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster, Münster, Germany, pp. 73-75, 2006.
· Guan, L.-J., and Winter, S., Trip quality in an ad-hoc shared-ride system. In: Raubal, M. et al. (Eds.), Geographic Information Science. IfGI Prints. Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster, Münster, Germany, pp. 273-276, 2006.
· Tomai, E., and Prastacos, P., A framework for intensional and extensional integration of geographic ontologies, 9th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, "Shaping the Future of Geographic Information Science in Europe", 20-22 April, 2006 - Thermal Hotel, Visegrád, Hungary
· Tomai, E., Michael, S., and Prastacos, P., An Ontology-based Web-portal for Tourism, 2nd International Workshop on Web Portal-based Solutions for Tourism and other business areas, Münster, Germany, 20 September 2006
· Tomko, M., and Winter, S., Exploring the Experience of Path Networks. In: Barkowsky, T. et al. (Eds.), Spatial Cognition 2006. Report Series of the Transregional Collaborative Research Center SFB/TR 8. University of Bremen, Bremen, pp. 35-36, 2006.
· Tomko, M., and Winter, S., Considerations for Efficient Communication of Route Directions. In: Cartwright, W.; Yoshida, H.; Andrienko, G. (Eds.), ISPRS Workshop on Spatial Data Communication and Visualization. ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, 2006.
· Tomko, M., and Winter, S., Initial Entity Identification for Granular Route Directions. In: Kainz, W.; Riedl, A.; Elmes, G. (Eds.), Progress in Spatial Data Handling. Springer, Vienna, Austria, pp. 43-60, 2006.
· Winter, S., and Raubal, M., Time Geography for Ad-Hoc Shared-Ride Trip Planning. In: Aberer, K.; Hara, T.; Joshi, A. (Eds.), 7th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'06). IEEE, Nara, Japan, p. 6. (23% acceptance rate), 2006.
· Wu, Y.-H., Guan, L.-J., and Winter, S., Types of Agents in Peer-to-Peer Shared Ride Systems. In: Nittel, S.; Stefanidis, A.; Labrinidis, A. (Eds.), 2nd International Conference on Geosensor Networks, Boston, MA, pp. 27-38, 2006.
· Wu, Y.-H., and Winter, S., Agent Behavior in Peer-to-Peer Shared Ride Trip Planning. In: Raubal, M. et al. (Eds.), Geographic Information Science. IfGI Prints. Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster, Münster, Germany, pp. 411-414, 2006.
· Improvement and updating of WGroup II/6 - System Integration and Interoperability site (
· Involvement in the OGC and the Geosemantics Interest Group ( and EuroGeographics interoperability project (
· Participation of members in international fora with special interest in interoperability and geographic ontologies
· George Panopoulos is an expert member of the INSPIRE Drafting Team on Data Specifications
· Co organization - Participation in the Joint ISPRS WG II/3 - WG II/6 Workshop on Multiple Representation and Interoperability of Spatial Data, Hannover, Germany, February, 22 - 24, 2006 (
· Participation in the ISPRS Technical Commission II Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 12 - 14 July 2006.
· Organization of the Conference on Spatial Information Theory: COSIT'07. Stephan Winter is chair of the Conference, which will be held in Melbourne, Australia, September 19-23, 2007,
· Organization of the WG II/6 - Workshop in Greece, fall 2007. Topic: "Geo-spatiotemporal knowledge representation and interoperability".
· Participation in the 21st ISPRS Congress, Beijing, China, 3-11 July 2008.
M. Kavouras and M.Kokla, Theories of Geographic Concepts: Formal Ontological Approaches to Semantic Integration, CRC Press, to be published in 2007
Although much progress has been made in the area of modeling uncertainties in spatial data and models in the last decade, the following issues remain in the area of quality of spatial data and quality of spatial models.
Quality of spatial data
· Spatial data models for uncertain objects and their relationships
· Accuracy assessment for DEM
· Thematic and temporal accuracy of vector spatial data
· Completeness and logic consistency of spatial data
· Metadata and models for spatial data
· Spatial data mining based on metadata
· Quality control for spatial data production
Quality of Spatial models
· Uncertainties in spatial modeling
· Uncertainties propagation in spatial analysis and operations
· Fuzzy spatial queries
· Uncertainties in geographical and environmental analysis
· Uncertainties in multi-data sources-based fusion
· Spatial decision with uncertainty
· Spatial data mining based on uncertain data
· Quality control of spatial data model
· Fundamentals of Spatial Data Quality, edited by R. Devillers (MUM, Canada) and R. Jeansoulin (UP, France), ISTE Hermes Publishing, London, April 2006.
Peer-reviewed articles:
· Liu, K.F., W.Z. Shi, 2006, Computing the fuzzy topological relations of spatial objects based on induced fuzzy topology. International Journal of Geographical Information Science Vol. 20, No. 8, pp.857 - 883.
· Shi, W.Z., Y. Tian, 2006, A hybrid interpolation method for the refinement of regular grid digital elevation model, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 20, No. 1. pp:53-67
· Devillers R., Bédard Y., Jeansoulin R., Moulin B. Towards Spatial Data Quality Information Analysis Tools for Experts Assessing the Fitness for Use of Spatial Data, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 21, n° 3, pp. 261-282, march 2007.
· Phan Luong, V., Pham, T-T., Jeansoulin, R. "Formalism for representing Data Quality in non-redundant spatial information'", In: Proceedings of the 9th AGILE Conference, AGILE, Association of Geographical Information Laboratories in Europe, pp. 228-238, Visegràd, Hungary, 20-22 April 2006. (Post-selected for Trans. GIS Journal).
2006 ESRI Awards of best geographic information papers: the first two places have been won by members of the working group:
· First Place winners are Bisheng Yang, Wenzhong Shi, and Qingquan Li for "A Dynamic Method for Generating Multi-Resolution TIN Models" (PE&RS, 71-8, pp. 917-926).
· Second Place goes to Rodolphe Devillers, Yvan Bedard, and Robert Jeansoulin for "Multidimensional Management of Geospatial Data Quality Information for its Dynamic Use within GIS" (PE&RS, 71-2, pp. 205-215).
· Set up the Website of the Working Group: the new address is http://igm.univ‑
· Participation in the ISPRS Technical Commission II Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH 2006) 12-14 July 2006, Vienna Austria
· To publish a book on uncertainties in spatial data based on selected papers from the 4th ISSDQ, to be published by ISPRS press
· To prepare the 5th International Symposium in Spatial Data Quality to be held in 2007, together with an ISPRS publication of best papers from this symposium.
· Activities for expanding membership of the Working Group
· Participation in organizing 21st ISPRS Congress, Beijing, China, 3-11 July 2008, as a member of academic committee for the Congress.
The mission of this working group is to address the dynamic and multi-dimensional aspects of the geospatial information. Spatial data changes over time and space. Current GIS were developed for two-dimensional static data display and management. They neither provide the necessary tools to simulate the dynamics of spatial data nor allow representation of the interaction between them. Simulation of the real world requires movement and interaction, and often the third dimension. The long-term objective of the present working group is to develop new spatial data models and data structures that allow a better representation of the real world within GIS, with a special focus on the representations that are both dynamic and multi-dimensional. This will result in the geographical information systems that have dynamic data structures, support a greater interactivity, and support three dimensional representations.
The Working Group co-organized the first international workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality in May 2006 in Banff, Canada. About 30 participants attended. There were 15 papers and four keynote presentations, several including demonstrations of virtual reality equipment.
The Working Group is organizing the Fourth International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering, at the University of Glamorgan, Wales, from 9-12 July 2007. This combines theoreticians, software developers and engineers who use the same basic spatial models for applications including molecular modeling, GIS and cosmology - quite a range of scales.
Members of the Working Group, and their students, actively participated in the ISPRS Technical Commission II Symposium on Spatial Data Handling (SDH 2006) 12-14 July 2006, Vienna Austria, and gave several papers.
· An ISPRS workshop on Updating Geo-spatial Databases with imagery will be held in Xingjian, China, August 28-29, 2007. The sub-title of this event will be the 5th DMGIS workshop.
· The Working Group will participate in the 21st ISPRS Congress, Beijing, China, 3-11 July 2008.
This site has been developed by Reed Business for ISPRS