TREASURER'S REPORT 2006 The Society has had a successful mid-term year that, subject to year-end expenses, should result in a positive bank balance for the year. Revenue from Technical Commission symposia provided this happy circumstance. All of the TC Presidents and Working Groups are thanked for their technical and scientific achievements and financial contributions. These resources have been put to good use in pursuing the Society's strategic plan, especially the African initiative and in providing complimentary subscriptions of the ISPRS Journal to deserving organizations around the world. Thanks also to the ISPRS Foundation, which provided travel grants for young professionals to attend mid-term Symposia. Without these additional resources there would be little opportunity to expand tangible benefits to our members, particularly at a time when meeting and publication costs are increasing faster than other sectors of the economy. Despite the relatively good year financially, the question of member fees has been a frequent topic in Council. Fees have not been increased since before the 18th Congress in Vienna (1996). This has hampered Council's ability to keep up with rising costs of doing business, or to provide more services to members. With oversight from the Financial Committee (FinCom), I have begun work on a proposal for a new fee structure that will be equitable for all categories of membership. As FinCom and Council debate this complex issue, I welcome any comments or suggestions from you. Stan Morain, Treasurer
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