Minutes of the Council Meeting, Paris, 5th of July 2006
Attendees President Ian Dowman (ID) Secretary General Orhan Altan (OA) Congress Director Chen Jun (CJ) First Vice President John Trinder (JT) Second Vice President Emanuel Baltsavias (EB) Treasurer Stanley Morain (SM)
1 Opening2 Approval of Agenda3 Foundation4 ISPRS Involvement in Conferences4.1 Middle East Conference4.2 Map World Forum4.3 PAIGH Meeting5 Congress Preparations5.1 Key Words5.2 Congress Book5.3 Abstract Evaluation Procedure5.4 Number of Sessions at the Congress5.5 Jiang Jie's proposal for a workshop and the JM&CM Dates in 20076 Journal issues7 Membership8 Video9 Honorary Members10 Planning of the Celebration 100 Year's Foundation of ISPRS11 Preparation of Strategic Plan of the Society12 Technical Commissions
1. Opening ID opened the meeting, noting that this would be an extraordinary meeting during the midterm symposium period and expressed hope for a fruitful exchange of ideas.2. Approval of Agenda The agenda was revised to add minor items. The revised agenda is that given above. 3. Foundation Council agreed that Dieter Fritsch and Bob Moses be invited to become Trustees of the Foundation. ID proposed that the Board of Trustees be asked to allocate funding in 2007 to support workshops or tutorials in Africa, and any good proposals for the Science Initiative if necessary. 4. ISPRS Involvement in Conferences 4.1 Middle East Conference ID explained the developments on the Middle East Conference and the situation of the email exchange with Raad Saleh. Council discussed the issue and it was decided to contact Turki Al Saud to ask if he wished to organize Remote Sensing Arabia 2007. If the answer is no, then RS should continue to negotiate with Dubai on the condition that ISPRS would not provide any funding for the Conference. 4.2 Map World Forum Council discussed the invitation of the organizers to attend the Map World Forum, and it was decided to discuss the invitation of the organizers of Map World Forum with the Joint Board members at the next meeting in Vienna on 11 July 2006 and then to contact the organizers. 4.3 PAIGH Meeting JT reported on the PAIGH meeting which he attended in Caracas, and Council discussed the subsequent email asking for ISPRS collaboration in a workshop to be held in Chile in 2007. Council agreed that we would collaborate provided that there were no financial requirements. It was also agreed that ID would contact PAIGH about their subscription which had been promised since 2006. Invitations to future international meetings were discussed and the following attendances were approved;
5. Congress Preparations 5.1 Key Words Council discussed the development of the keyword list for the Beijing Congress, following the Joint Meeting in Enschede and the subsequent proposal of CJ, and it was decided; - to ask the TCPs for new Structure Sub Blocks, - to modify the Guidelines for Authors for Preparing Manuscripts for ISPRS Sponsored Meetings in such a way that they permit the use of a total of 8 keywords, 5 of which are derived from the ISPRS keyword list and the additional 3 are chosen by the authors themselves as appropriate for the manuscript, - digital and hardcopy proceedings of the Congress will only be searchable for the 5 keywords selected from the ISPRS keyword list. 5.2 Congress Book Council discussed the developments on the Congress Book and decided that to coordinate the preparations for the Congress Book with Paul Aplin and come with proposed contributors for each chapter to the JM in Goa 5.3 Abstract Evaluation Procedure CJ explained the new Abstract Evaluation and Paper Handling Procedure and Council decided to refine the Abstract Evaluation and Paper Handling Procedure especially regarding the Double Blind Review Papers and the Best Young Authors Paper Handling through discussion with the TCPs and prepare a revised proposal for the Goa JM. 5.4 Number of Sessions at the Congress Council recommended that the number of parallel oral sessions should not exceed 7 in the first week and 6 in the second week. 5.5 Jiang Jie's proposal for a workshop and the JM&CM Dates in 2007 The proposal was discussed and it was decided to coordinate this activity with the JM&CM in 2007 in China. 6. Journal Issues Council noted with pleasure information from GV that the subscription rate for the Journal would be unchanged and also the rise of the impact factor of the Journal in 2005. 7. Membership Concerning the possibility of providing Members with free access to the Journal, Council decided to contact GV and/or Elsevier regarding free web access to the Journal and to report on the results in Goa, in addition to a possibility of introducing individual membership in ISPRS. 8. Video OA explained that a total of 230 copies of the ISPRS Video have been distributed to all Council Members, TCPs, Members and Sister Societies. 9. Honorary Members Council discussed the accepted changes to the Bylaws on the number of ISPRS Honorary Members, which were agreed in the Reno CM on behalf of The Ad-hoc Committee. It was agreed to increase the number of Honorary Members and accept the recommended changes the Bylaw VI.5 as follows: Bylaw VI.5. Honorary Members(a) There may not be more than ten living Honorary Members of the Society at any given time. (b) Honorary Members are elected by the Congress in Plenary Session. A maximum of two Honorary Members may be elected at any Congress. (c) Candidates for Honorary Membership may be proposed by any of the Member organizations of the Society. Proposals shall summarize the accomplishments of the candidate and be submitted to the Secretary General at least one year before the next Congress. (d) Honorary Members shall be nominated by a (7-member) committee appointed by the Council. The committee shall include three honorary members, three members from the three previous Councils plus one current Council member and shall be chaired by the most recent Honorary Member. (e) Honorary Members shall have the right to attend all meetings of the Society and its constituent parts except for Council meetings. They shall not be required to pay registration fees for any Society function. These would be sent to Larry Fritz, as chair of the sub committee, for comment. 10. Planning of the Celebration 100 Year's Foundation of ISPRS As the foundation date of ISPRS was 4th of July 1910 in Vienna as ISP, the centennial celebrations of the Society (in Vienna in 4th of July 2010) were discussed in detail at the CM. It was decided to be prepared for discussions on the centennial celebrations of the Society at the CM in Goa and following CMs. 11. Preparation of Strategic Plan of the Society OA proposed in combination with the centennial celebrations of the Society, the preparation of a strategic plan and it was decided to be prepared for discussions for developing a new strategic plan at the CM in Goa and following CMs. 12. Technical Commissions Council agreed changes to Working Group Chair of WG VI/3 and that TCPVI should consider a change to chairs of WG VI/5 13. Next Council Meeting Next Council Meeting will be 3-4 of October 2006 in Goa. OA noted that for this meeting and future meetings there will be no hardcopy files for the CM (except Pres and SG). All items will be distributed digitally at the CM. 14. Close ID thanked Alain Baudoin on behalf of Council for his hospitality in Paris.
"Some Council members and TC I officers preparing themselves for the Group Photo in Paris Symposiumé"
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