Invitation to the ISPRS 2008 Beijing The XXI Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) will be held in Beijing, China during 3-11 July 2008. The theme of the ISPRS 2008 Beijing is "Silk Road for Information from Imagery". The ancient Silk Road was a well-known trade route between China and the west. It also contributed a lot to information exchange and spread of scientific knowledge around the world. Now we are in the age of information. How should the useful information be provided and shared? It has been a challenge and hot topic. ISPRS has been devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry, remote sensing and their applications. Through the efforts, we can create a new silk road for information from imagery. The new silk road will connect users, scientists, researchers and decision makers etc. The ISPRS 2008 Beijing will be a milestone of the "Silk Road for Information from Imagery". It will comprise keynote speeches and plenary sessions featuring distinguished scholars, parallel oral and poster sessions presenting the latest developments in a broad range of topics, a user forum showing successful solutions and new requirements from the community of users, and a commercial exhibition demonstrating state-of- the-art equipment, devices, software and high resolution images. The General Assembly will elect new council members, new technical commission presidents and determine the hosting country for the next congress. Technical visits, social program, sightseeing, pre- and post- congress tours will be organized. Call for Papers Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts of papers for presentation at technical sessions of the ISPRS 2008 Beijing. All abstracts should be written in English with 800-1000 words. These abstracts will be reviewed for selection of papers for oral and poster presentations. The deadline for abstract submission is October 20, 2007. Full papers will be due on 30 April 2008. The guidelines for submission of abstracts and papers will be published in the Second Announcement of the Congress and the website. For inquiry, authors can directly contact the following persons: Correspondence Congress Director: CHEN Jun LOC Chairman: WANG Qian
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