Minutes of the Council Meeting, GOA, 3-4 October, 2006
President Ian Dowman (ID) In attendance for item 5 Preparations for the Congress; XXIst ISPRS Congress Scient. Comm. Co Chair Jiang Jie (JJ) In attendance for item 8.1 Journal; ISPRS JOURNAL Editor in Chief Georg Vosselman (GV) In attendance for item 9. Financial Affairs; Amelia Budge (AB) Partly Attended ISAC Chair Armin Grün (AG) AGENDA 1. Opening MINUTES 1. Opening ID opened the meeting, noting that this would be one of the important meetings of the four-year period before the Congress, and expressed hope for a fruitful exchange of ideas. He thanked Shailesh Nayak and the Indian Society for hosting the meeting. 2. Approval of Agenda The agenda was revised by adding minor items. The revised agenda is that given above. 3. Review of Previous Council Meetings in Reno and Paris 3.1 Approval of Minutes 4. Review of Symposia and Commission Activities TCI 5. Preparations for the Congress CJ explained the general technical session plan of the Congress; 6. Statutes and Bylaws 6.1 A revised Bylaw relating to Honorary Members had been agreed in Paris and passed to LF for approval. As no response had been received it was decided to adopt the new wording and OA would circulate this to members of the GA for approval before the Congress. 7. ISPRS Membership ID introduced a paper on proposed changes to membership which was discussed at length by Council. The following decisions were made:
8. ISPRS Publications 8.1 Database and Blue Book 9. Financial Affairs 9.1 Treasurers Report 10. Awards JT reminded Council that ISPRS Members should be informed about the awards schedule, especially the Brock Award, which requests input from Members 2 years in advance of the Congress. 11. Foundation JT reported sumarized the results of the Board of Trustees meeting in Paris on 5 July and the new officers, who are: Chair - Dieter Fritsch, Operations Officer - John Trinder, Financial Officer - Lawrence Fritz, 12. ISPRS Committees 12.1 ISAC 13. Planning of the Celebration Centenary of the Foundation of ISPRS and Preparation of a Strategic Plan for the Society OA explained the plans for the celebration of the Centenary of the Foundation of ISPRS and a new strategic plan which can be announced at the celebration. 14. Forthcoming Meetings A list attached to this minute is discussed. 15. Relations with International and other Organizations (ID) 15.1 United Nations 16. Review of Decisions and Actions on Council (OA) A list of Actions from the previous period was discussed and reviewed. The action items of this meeting have been added to this list, . 17. Reports from Council (All) Reports of the Council Members on their activities since the previous CM were presented. 18. Other Business OA noted the necessity to use ISPRS codes for communication and urged Council to give an urgent attention to this matter, 19. Next Council Meeting Next Council Meeting will be in Vienna 3-5 March 2007. 20. Close There were no other items to be discussed and ID thanked the participants for their contributions and reminded them of very urgent business matters arising from this meeting.
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