New Member Profile: GEOINFORMATION SOCIETY OF NIGERA C/o GESAC-RESLARC GROUP NIGERIA 4. Sakete Close, Off Cairo Street Tel: 09-6720424, 6720425 0802-304-5582, 0802-326 3000, 0802-885 3148 Wuse II, Abuja
ABOUT GEOINFORMATION SOCIETY OF NIGERIA (GEOSON) The Geoinformation Society of Nigeria (GEOSON) which has to do with Remote Sensing, GPS, Surveying, Mapping, GIS, Aerospace Survey, Web Mapping and related technology for the exploration, exploitation, development and management of resources, was inaugurated at a meeting of stakeholders on the 11 February 2003 here in Abuja to incorporate producers and users with the following objectives
The Society was inaugurated to fill a vacuum in Nigeria's Technological and Scientific development created by increased awareness of the importance of Geoinformation and its application for sustainable development. GEOSON consists of Scientists, Professionals in various fields, Researchers, Technocrats, Academicians, Students and Administrators who either produce or use Geoinformation. ACHIEVEMENTS Within two years of its existence, GEOSON has made tremendous strides in achieving the following: 1. GEOSON AGA/2003 The first ever Annual General .\ssemblv and Conference actually held for two days, 27th and 28th November but was preceded by a Pre-Conference National Workshop on Geospatial Metadata. 2. 1 NATIONAL STAICEHOLDERS WORKSHOP (Nov. 26 2003). This was supported by thc United States Geological Survey (USGS). Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI), and the Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys RECTAS) under the auspices of GEOSON. The Workshop was aimed at assisting participants to develop the necessary skills in capturing and publishing metadata for geospatial data holdings. The concepts and benefits of metadata, the adaptation of ISO metadata content into an implementable metadata standard, as well as the use of metadata software tool to publish metadata were all thoroughly expounded. Dr. Olajide Kufoniyi. Executive Director RECTAS and Vice President AARSE anchored the workshop. 3. 1" GEOSON NATIONAL CONFERENCE (Nov. 27-28 2003) The Conference went through two plenary sessions (7 keynote papers) and four technical sessions (30 papers). Exhibitions went on in parallel with conference activities due to time constraints. The Conference theme was: Application of Geoinformation to the Development and Management of Nigeria's Resources. 4. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1st CONFERENCE The Geoinformation Society of Nigeria produced a 226 pages proceeding of the 1st conference of the Society which was held in Abuja, November 26-28 2003. That publication was generously sponsored by ChevronTexaco Oil Producing Company. 5. 1st NATIONAL SEMINAR (Dec. 5-6 2005) GEOSON successfully organized the 1st National Seminar on the "Application of Geographical Information System (GIS) to Local Government Administration for Efficiency and Good Governance". The objective is to inform and educate stakeholders of local government at the federal, state and local government level about the use of GIS as a powerful tool for efficient and productive local government. The Seminar took a very critical look at G for land management, effective revenue generation, tourism development and management and educational administration. Other issues that were examined included solid waste disposal, Health Care, Recreational Planning, Rural and Urban Development, Uban Transportation and Crime Mappings. Several quality papers were presented and applications from empirical studies demonstrated. 6. 2nd GEOSON NATIONAL CONFERENCE (Dec. 6-9 2005) The theme of the 2nd AGA/Conference which is the application of Geoinformation and space technology to sustainable development was well attended. As a young organization we are determined to take Nigeria to great heights in the area of space technology application to sustainable development. The papers presented at this conference constitute a reflection of this mission. 7. GEOSON AGA/2005 The second Annual General Assemblv and Conference actually held for three days, Ttb and 9 December 2005 but was preceded b a National Seminar on "Application of Geographical Information System (GIS) to Local Government Administration for Efficiency and Good Governance". 8. PROCEEDINGS The proceedings for both the st National Seminar and the 2nd National Conference are being compiled for print. It is expected that the journals would be available for distribution and sale in June 2006. 9. STUDENTS CHAPTERS At the 1st AGA/Conference the student's body of GEOSON was formally launched. The University of Lagos and the University of Nigeria, Nsukka Chapters are today very vibrant and has been active in the activities of the National body. Many more institutions are presently setting up their student chapters. 10. STATES AND FCT CHAPTERS At the 2nd AGA/Conferencc and in accordance with Article 4.1 the establishment of states and FCT chapters of GEOSON was adopted and the various coordinators are working round the clock to ensure that these chapters arc established within the first quarter of 2006. 11. 2nd NATIONAL SEMINAR, ABUJA 2006 The 2nd Annual National Seminar series of GEOSON comes up in June 2006. The event would be hosted in Abuja. The theme is on Tourism Development and promises to be a no-miss event. Another of GEOSON cracker. 12. APPOINTMENTS Another mark of distinction for GEOSON is that the chairman of the National Geospatial Data Infrastructure committee (NGDI) inaugurated by the Minister of Science and Technology in September 2004 is a member of GEOSON besides, five out of six chairmen of sub-committees of NGDI are distinguished members of GEOSON. NGDI committee is charged with the responsibility of implementing the Geoinformation Policy of the Nigerian Government. |
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