Programme details
Events leading up to the centenary celebrations
July 2, 2010, 10:00-12:00, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UN-OOSA) in Vienna
Press Declaration and launch of booklet being produced by the Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies (JBGIS) on "Geo-information for Disaster and Risk Management-Examples and Best Practices". The schedule will be as follows:
10.00 Presentation of the booklet to permanent diplomatic missions in Vienna
11.00 A press conference to media
Attendance by invitation
July 3, 2010, 13.00-17.00, Open Business Meeting, Vienna University of Technology
The meeting will include Regional Representatives, General Assembly delegates and representatives of ISPRS Ordinary, Associate, Regional and Sustaining Members to consider the future role of the developing regions of Africa, Asia and Latin America in ISPRS and the larger scientific community. It will consider a number of issues relevant to the future of ISPRS including:
1. Congratulation speeches by ISPRS members
2. Achievements of the ISPRS Regional Representatives
3. The role of the permanent ISPRS committees - ISAC, IPAC and ICORSE
4. ISPRS publications
5. Current Structure of ISPRS Commissions
6. Organization of ISPRS Events (Workshops, Symposia. Congress etc)
7. Other important items
July 4, 2010, The ISPRS Centenary Celebrations
11:00-12:30 Centenary General Assembly, Vienna University of Technology
At the General Assembly the new ISPRS Strategic Plan for the coming decades will be discussed and approved, and the first group of 12 of the newly approved ISPRS Fellows will be elected.
Attendance by invitation by the ISPRS President
Following the General Assembly, attendees will witness the unveiling of a plaque of Eduard Dolezal at the Technical University of Vienna to commemorating his foresight in establishing ISPRS 100 years ago.
Lunch will be provided to attendees
14:00-16:00 Afternoon Lectures, Vienna University of Technology
Three distinguished speakers will highlight the achievements of ISPRS, and outline frameworks for the future developments in photogrammetry, remote sensing and geoinformatics sciences. The Karl Kraus Medal, which is awarded to the author of an outstanding textbook, will be presented during this afternoon session.
- Gottfried Konecny, Emeritus Professor Leibniz University Hannover
- Lawrie Jordan, Director of ESRI Imagery Enterprise Solutions
- Norbert Pfeifer Professor of Photogrammetry Technical University Vienna Technical University
All registered participants are welcome.
19.00-23.00 Gala Dinner, Vienna Town Hall (Rathaus)
The festivities will conclude with a Gala Dinner in the Rathaus at the invitation of the Mayor of Vienna.
Prof. Dr. F. J. Radermacher from Ulm University in Germany, world-renowned expert in the fields of globalization, innovation, overpopulation and global sustainable development, will speak on his visions for the future of world population.
All registered participants are welcome.