ISPRS Council Meeting in Japan, October 1996

Council Meeting

Hotel Yamaguchi, Oigami Hot Spring,
Gumma Prefecture

3-5 October 1996

Council Attendees

President: Lawrence Fritz
Secretary General: John Trinder
First Vice President: Shunji Murai
Congress Director: Klaas Beek
Treasurer: Heinz Rüther

In attendance

Chair Financial Commission: Armin Gruen
Bulletin Editor: Mauricio Araya
Representing Second Vice President Marcio Barbosa: Thelma Krug


  1. Opening (LF)
  2. Approval of Agenda (LF)
  3. Review of previous Council Meetings in Baden and Vienna (JT)
  4. Actions of Council (LF)
  5. Review of Technical Commission Plans
    1. Ratification of Working Groups
    2. Ratification of dates, locations and themes of Symposia, tutorials and other ISPRS meetings
    3. Task Forces
    4. Distribution of WGs on a National Basis
    5. Other Matters
  6. Congress
    1. Lessons learned from Vienna Congress
    2. Plans for Amsterdam
    3. Archives on CD ROM
    4. Session Summaries at the Congress
    5. National Reports
  7. ISPRS Membership
    1. Ordinary Members
    2. Associate Members
    3. Sustaining Members
    4. Regional Members
  8. ISPRS Publications
    1. ISPRS Journal
    2. ISPRS Bulletin
    3. Brochure
  9. Financial Affairs (HR)
    1. Handover to new Treasurer
  10. Next Council Meeting
  11. Other Business
    1. Guidelines for Sustaining Members
    2. IUSM spending guidelines
    3. Priorities for Future Meetings
  12. Closing


The CM commenced on 3 October at 8.30 am at Hotel Yamaguchi, Oigami Hot Spring to discuss items 1 to 5.2 and 8.2 of the Agenda. It adjourned at 1.30 pm, so that the JM could be reconvened to ratify the WG Terms of Reference. The CM met for further sessions at Oigami Hot Spring on the evening of 3 October and morning of 4 October. After returning to Tokyo on 4 October, the Council met on 5 October at the Central Computer Services Co Ltd, Japan Energy Co Ltd, Roppongi Club, Roppongi, hosted by Mr Mitsuharu Tokunaga.

1. Opening

President Fritz welcomed Council and stated that the primary purpose of the meeting was to reconcile and confirm the TCP WGs, Chairs and ToRs. He thanked Professor Murai and the Japanese Society for graciously hosting the meetings and for the generous support to the activities of ISPRS.

2. Approval of Agenda

The Agenda was approved with the addition of several items.

3. Review of previous Council Meetings in Baden and Vienna

Secretary General is to request a list of the Dolezal Awards from Karl Kraus, for inclusion in the Bulletin (henceforth referred to as 'ISPRS Highlights', following the decision in Item 8.2 ), as well as the Society's historical list of awards.

First Vice President Murai will review guidelines for the award of Honorary Mention to eliminate nepotism within the Commissions.

Action Item 96/12: JT to request details of Dolezal Award Winners from K.Kraus

4. Actions of Council

Lawrence Fritz described the list of action items, and the mode of operation. It comprises tasks defined by the Statutes and Bylaws, tasks of the individual Council Members, and action items determined at each of the Council Meetings. The status column indicates whether the item has been finalised, or is still open. The numbers attached to the action items will not necessarily be presented in the table in consecutive order, because they will be completed at different times.

The present outstanding items were reviewed. Two items have been completed, 1 was overcome by events.

5. Review of Technical Commission Plans

5.1 Ratification of Working Groups

The terms of reference of the working groups, which were presented and discussed with TCPs in the Joint Meeting (JM) were reviewed and in some cases modified. Council placed a limit of one Chair, one Co-Chair, and one Secretary for each WG. The modified versions were ratified by Council. The ratified version will be published in the Silver Book..


5.2 Ratification of dates, venues and themes of Symposia, tutorials and other ISPRS meetings

Minor changes have occurred in the schedule and venues of the Symposia.

It is essential that no overlap occurs between meetings planned for the Commissions. The guideline set forth by Council is that no ISPRS sponsored meeting will be permitted to occur within 4 months of any ISPRS Symposium. TCPs are required to inform the Secretary General of any planned meetings. He will confirm the meeting dates, provided no clashes occur, or request a change of date. The TCPs will also be requested to supply a report for publication in "ISPRS Highlights", according to the 'Guidelines for Publications of Reports'.


5.3 Task Forces

No action has been taken on the definition of activities of the two Task Forces, which were recommended for formation in the Vienna Congress Resolutions. The Task Forces are designed to provide Council with advice as to how these activities should be carried out. Klaas Villanueva, TCP Commission VI, will interface with the Task Forces.

Keith Atkinson (UK), Chairman and Hans-Peter Bähr (Germany) are responsible for the Task Force on Information and Communication. President Fritz will discuss activities with Keith Atkinson shortly.

Marcio Barbosa will be responsible for the Task Force on Educational Opportunities. A meeting between President Fritz and Marcio Barbosa will be held in October/November to discuss the activities of this Task Force.


5.4 Distribution of WGs on a National Basis

Thelma Krug compiled details of the country of origin of the TCPs, Chairs and Co-Chairs.

A summary of these numbers is as follows:
USA 17, Germany 15, Japan 8, Canada 5, Switzerland 6, Australia 4, India 4, Italy 3, Netherlands 3, France 3, China 3, UK 2, Spain 2, 1 each from - Finland, Sweden, Israel, Indonesia Denmark, Brazil, South Africa, Austria, Greece, Hungary, Hong Kong.

Thelma Krug has been requested to produce a map showing the country of origin of the TCPs, Chairs and Co-Chairs.


Action Item 96/13: TK to prepare a map of country of origin of TCPs, WG Chairs and Co-Chairs


Discussion ensued on how to improve the participation of researchers from the countries which are not well represented. 'ISPRS Highlights' should include announcements of opportunities to participate in research in the topics of the WGs. The Task Force on Information and Communication will be provided with this information to consider how to improve participation in WGs.


5.5 Other Matters

Correspondence, received by Klaas Beek from Prof. Peter O. Adeniyi (Nigeria) representing the Regional Member AARSE, has requested participation of AARSE members in ISPRS scientific activities.

Klaas Beek is requested to contact Peter Adeniyi with details of Commission VII WGs, and request that names of possible participants should be sent to Gabor Remetey.


Action Item 96/14: KB to contact Peter Adeniyi

6. Congress

6.1 Lessons learned from Vienna Congress

Recommendations for the '2000 Congress' were:
  • Three dedicated secretaries will be required to assist Council.
  • Special sessions should be set aside for special groups, such as UN. Such bodies are able to provide 'in-kind' contributions to assist in the support of the sessions.
  • Young Authors' presentation should be given earlier in Congress. The system of Young Authors Awards should continue. Shunji Murai will attempt to obtain funds for the next Congress. Requests for financial support of the Young Authors Awards should also be placed in "ISPRS Highlights".
  • The General Assembly needs to be informed if people leave with their ballot papers, so that the total number of votes for all ballots is known at all times.
  • Lawrence Fritz has software for managing the papers for the Congress and Symposia.
  • It is recommend that the Congress Committee uses volunteers for the operation of the Congress. They are generally more willing to work than hired workers.

6.2 Plans for Amsterdam

The Congress will be held from 14-26 July 2000. It will comprise 3 components:
  • Tutorials and refresher courses prior to the Congress;
  • Congress of 7 or 8 days; and
  • In-depth Workshops of 3 days duration.

Each day of the Congress will comprise 4 x 1.5 hour parallel sessions, commencing at 8.30 am, 1/2 hour coffee breaks and 1 1/2 hour lunch break.

Four General Assemblies are planned.

Documents were circulated listing several options for the configuration of the sessions in terms of length of papers at each session, the number of poster sessions, and the length of the Congress. The alternatives were compared with the Washington and Vienna Congresses. The options resulted in the following potential numbers of presentations:

  1. 4 Parallel Sessions for 7 days: 700 posters, up to 380 technical papers,
    including 76 invited papers, 226 papers in workshops, a total of 1306 presentations
  2. 5 Parallel Sessions for 7 days: 700 posters, up to 475 technical papers,
    including 76 invited papers, and 226 workshop papers, a total of 1401 presentations
  3. 4 Parallel sessions for 8 days: 700 posters, up to 440 technical papers, and 226 workshop papers, a total of 1366 presentations.

The Congress Committee is also working on plans for ensuring the high standard of papers.


6.3 Publication of Archives on CD ROMS

After some discussion, it was agreed that the Archives of the Congress in 2000 should be produced on CD ROMs in addition to hardcopy version. In this case the cost of printing the Archives on paper could be very high.

It was stated that some CD ROMs have a limited life of only 10 years. The Information and Communication Task Force will be asked to consider the implications of using CD ROMs for publication purposes, and to prepare a draft a report for CM in April 1997.


Action Item 96/15: KA to prepare a report on the implications of using CD ROMs for the International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing


It was noted that the RICS contract and the Bylaws must be modified to include the option of selling the Archives on CD ROM.


6.4 One Page Summaries of Each Session at Congress

Following recommendations by the Outgoing Commission Presidents, regarding the preparation of the short summaries for the Congress Technical Sessions, it was decided not to request these summaries for the 2000 Congress. However, for special sessions for which no proceedings may be available, summaries should be prepared.


6.5 National Reports

Discussion of the National Reports was postponed until the next meeting, when Council will have had an opportunity to read the document by Jachimski and Waldhaeusl. The Council considered that the problems with the current arrangement were the lack of standardisation of reports, the small number of submitted reports, and the lack of attention paid to them.


Action Item 96/16: JT to place Members Reports on Seattle CM Agenda

7. ISPRS Membership

7.1 Ordinary Members

The current Ordinary Member for New Zealand has now undergone restructuring and has requested advice on the best option for future membership of ISPRS. John Trinder will contact the Member to resolve the issue.


Action Item 96/17: JT to contact New Zealand to discuss membership


Korea wishes to change its membership to The Korean Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography. JT will send an application form for Ordinary Membership, which should be returned with a letter of approval of the change from the current member.


Action Item 96/18: JT to contact proposed new member for Korea


7.2 Associate Members

SUPARCO (Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Research Commission) has applied for Associate Membership. A postal ballot of Ordinary Members must be carried out to obtain approval of the new member. According to the Bylaws, a mail ballot requires 50% response, with 2/3 of the votes in favour. E-mail can be used, provided it originates from an authorised member of Society.


Action Item 96/19: JT to send mail ballot to all Ordinary Members


Shunji Murai visited Fiji to attend the South Pacific Forum. He will provide addresses of potential island nations that may wish to join ISPRS. Regional Membership is also an option.

Shunji Murai has requested copies of the Silver Book for his visits to Laos and Bangladesh, which may become new members. Copies of the Statutes and Bylaws should be sent to Shunji Murai. Central Asia is also a potential source of membership.

Action Item 96/20: JT to send copies of Statutes and Bylaws and Silver Book to SM

All Council should investigate possible addresses of potential new Ordinary or Associate Members, or follow up inactive Members in their regions. Klaas Beek is asked to investigate membership of the Baltic States and Iceland.


7.3 Sustaining Members

Council has previously agreed to admit GITC as a new Sustaining Member. Open GIS Consortium (OGS) was also admitted as a new member at the meeting. It was agreed that news of new Sustaining Members should be published in "ISPRS Highlights". Council should contact members which owe outstanding dues.

A new application form for Sustaining Members must be prepared by John Trinder. It should include details of discounts for advertisements in "ISPRS Highlights".

It was agreed that each Sustaining Member should be entitled to a 1/4 page profile per year in "ISPRS Highlights", in the July issue. A letter should be sent to all Sustaining Members by the end of year requesting copy. Heinz Rüther will contact all Sustaining Members to encourage them to provide advertisements in "ISPRS Highlights".

JT and HR will liaise to finalise the flyer for advertisements in "ISPRS Highlights".


Action Item 96/21: JT to liaise with HR and MA on flier for advertisements


7.4 Regional Members

South Pacific region is a possibility for further action. President Fritz will contact EUROGI.

8. ISPRS Publications

8.1 ISPRS Journal

The new contract with Elsevier (ESP) was reviewed, based on edits suggested by John Trinder and Lawrence Fritz. Further edits were suggested by Council. It was agreed that if ESP did not agree to changes, then counter proposals would be considered. However, if ESP and ISPRS could not finally agree on the content of the contract, then Item 6.3 in the contract allowed for termination after one more year.

All Council members should obtain advice on issues that may arise from the legal contracts agreed to by Council. John Trinder will write to ICSU to obtain advice on the policy of legal responsibility of its members regarding security of funds, and liabilities etc.


Action Item 96/22: Council to obtain advice on legal responsibility of ISPRS


8.2 "ISPRS Highlights"

Name and Layout
Mauricio Araya presented details of the plans for "ISPRS Highlights", including proofs of parts of the first issue. Council decided that the name should be "ISPRS Highlights". Council discussed in detail the layout. 'ISPRS' on the front cover would include the logo. In other parts of the text, the title would be displayed without the logo. The colour of the front cover will be light blue, the same as SELPER journal.

John Trinder will write to all members informing them of the commencement of the publication of "ISPRS Highlights", and the procedure that will be adopted for its distribution. All Ordinary Members will be supplied with five copies per category of Membership, free of charge. They will also be supplied with copies for distribution to Associate Members, Sustaining Members, Regional Members, and ISPRS officers who are located in their country. The letter to Members should also contain information about the "ISPRS Highlights" being placed on the ISPRS Home Page on the Internet.

Members will be asked whether they wish to receive further copies at a nominal fee, for distribution to individuals. A copy of the relevant page of the Vienna attendees from each country will be enclosed in the letter.


Action Item 96/23: JT to write to all Members describing the method of distribution of ISPRS Highlights


Policy on distribution of "ISPRS Highlights" to members will be as follows -

Mauricio Araya will package each batch ready for posting to each Member or person in each country.

John Trinder will send copies of all labels to Mauricio Araya each 3 months. The distribution list was agreed to.

Publication Schedule

Details of the content of "ISPRS Highlights" will be sent for review to the Secretary General, who will decide which articles will require editing.

The schedule for the publications is as follows:

Mailed to Members   Copy deadline         Proof Deadline   Content
                    by authors to Araya   SG to Araya
End January         7 December            31 December
End April           7 March               31 March         Annual Report
End July            7 June                30 June          SuMem profiles
End October         7 Sept                30 Sep

Advertisements of Conferences
President Fritz will determine the number of free advertisements in "ISPRS Highlights" that Members and affiliated bodies should be entitled to, for publicising activities such as Symposia, conferences, workshops etc. SELPER will request an advertisement for its conference in Venezuela.


Action Item 96/24: LF to determine policy on free advertisements for conferences


ESA, DLR, Lockheed Martin, Eastman Kodak, Japanese Association of Surveyors and Chilean Geographic Institute have purchased advertisement space for all 1997 editions. The Treasurer will invoice SELPER for advertisements.


Action Item 96/25: HR to invoice SELPER for advertisements


Publicity of "ISPRS Highlights"
Forms of publicising "ISPRS Highlights" were considered, such as a reply card in ITC Journal or the inclusion of a copy of "ISPRS Highlights" in the distribution of the ITC Journal. However, the conclusion was reached that this latter proposal would be too costly for ISPRS, and could only be undertaken if ITC paid the cost of printing the additional 6,000 copies. ESCAP may be a possibility for the distribution in Asia.

Home Page Entry of "ISPRS Highlights"
Further tests will be carried out on the transfer of text only for the Home Page entry of "ISPRS Highlights". Also, Mauricio Araya should check costs of placing the ISPRS Highlights on a server in Chile.

Mauricio Araya must inform Council of details of requested start-up expenses of "ISPRS Highlights". A total of $13,000 will be sent to Mauricio Araya every 3 months for the cost of publishing "ISPRS Highlights".


8.3 Brochure

John Trinder will arrange for printing 12,000 copies of the brochure. Heinz Rüther indicated that he may be able to arrange for printing at lower costs in South Africa.

9. Financial Affairs

9.1 Handover to New Treasurer

The accounts for Council for the Congress have been approved by the outgoing Chair of Financial Commission. The Treasurer has received copies of all bank statements from 1 April 1996. The final handover will occur once Heinz Rüther obtains the authorisation of the signatures according to the bank's requirements. Heinz Rüther has requested a list of addresses of all members so that he can inform them of the change of officers.

Lawrence Fritz will provide details of UN per diem rates for each country for Council approved ISPRS travel.

Heinz Rüther will prepare a document recommending the percentage of these rates that should be paid to Council while on ISPRS approved travel. An example of the budget and other correspondence will be sent to the Treasurer by JT.


Action Item 96/26: HR to develop formula for Council travel claims based on UN per diem rates

10. Next Council Meeting

The next meeting of Council will be hosted by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, held during the ASPRS Convention in Seattle Washington USA, from 6-9 April 1997.

The dates of the JM and CM in Brazil will be determined by Thelma Krug in collaboration with Marcio Barbosa.

India may be prepared to host a Council Meeting in February 1998. The 1998 JM will be held in September, following the Commission IV Symposium in Stuttgart. At this JM, the mid-term status of operations of Commission WGs will be reviewed.

11. Other Business


11.1 Guidelines for Sustaining Members

Lawrence Fritz will prepare Minutes of Sustaining Members meeting in Vienna. The "Guidelines for Sustaining Members" must be changed to reflect the new subscription rates. The new file will be provided to the Secretary General for circulation.


Action Item 96/27: JT and LF to prepare new Guidelines for Sustaining Members


Heinz Rüther will write to all Universities associated with ISPRS activities advising them of the changes to the Statutes and Bylaws and suggesting that they should become Sustaining Members of ISPRS.


Action Item 96/28: HR to write to Universities to encourage them to join as Sustaining Members


11.2 IUSM Guidelines for Spending

Council disagreed with the suggested guidelines on expenditure of IUSM funds for travel. Executive Secretary is not a voting member of the Executive Board, and therefore is not entitled to be a member of the Finance Committee. In addition, it is inappropriate for a member of the Finance Committee to vote in favour of expenditure on himself. Item 6 is unacceptable. There is no reason why a vote of the whole Executive Board cannot be made by E-mail.


Action Item 96/29 : LF to respond to Doug Selley on IUSM Guidelines


11.3 Priorities for Future Meetings

Lawrence Fritz suggested that Council should spend time at future meetings to discuss where it should place priorities for contacts with other international bodies, eg ICSU, UN, World Bank. The Statutes and Bylaws should be reviewed as part of the process of setting priorities.

Other matters to consider are:

  • Official languages of ISPRS
  • Simplification of the organisation of the Brock Gold Medal. It will be placed on the agenda of the Seattle meeting, when the ASPRS can be consulted.
  • The establishment of Headquarters for ISPRS, and how it can be supported.
  • Terms of Reference of the Commissions

12. Closing

The meeting closed at 3pm on Saturday 5 October 1996.
     LF = Lawrence Fritz      GJ = George Joseph 
     JT = John Trinder        ID = Ian Dowman
     SM = Shunji Murai        TS = Toni Schenk
     KB = Klaas Beek          DF = Dieter Fritsch
     HR = Heinz Ruether       HC = Hirofumi Chikatsu
     MB = Marcio Barbosa      KV = Klaas Villaneuva
     AG = Armin Gruen         GR = Gabor Remetey-Fueloepp
     TK = Thelma Krug

John Trinder
Secretary General
November 1996



The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is a non-governmental organization devoted to the development of international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. The Society operates without any discrimination on grounds of race, religion, nationality, or political philosophy.

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