Journals and Magazines of Photogrammetry, Geodesy, RS and GIS
- ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Editors-in-Chief: Clément Mallet, Qihao Weng
- ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Editor-in-Chief: George Vosselman
- ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information — Open Access Journal, Editor-in-Chief: Wolfgang Kainz
- ISPRS e-Bulletin
- Bollettino SIFET , by Italian Society SIFET
- Photogrammetric Record, by UK Photogrammetric Society
- Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, by ASPRS
- PFG - Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science, by German Society DGPF
- Journal of the Indian Society of Remote sensing
- GEOInformatics, Magazine for Geo-IT Professionals
- The Photogrammetric Journal of Finland, edit by Prof.Dr. Henrik Haggren
- IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, by IEEE
Geocarto International, a multi-disciplinary journal of Remote Sensing and GIS
- Imaging Notes
- The Imaging Science Journal
- GIM International, the global magazine of Geomatics
- Young Geo Professional
- Hydro International
- COORDINATES, a monthly magazine on postioning, navigation and beyond..
- GIS Geography, focus area is primarily in GIS, remote sensing, satellite imagery, analysis, and mapping
Publications & Journals in COMPUTER VISION
Search Engine, Virtual and Digital Library
- ResearchIndex, a scientific literature digital library that indexes Postscript and PDF research articles on the Web
- Web of Science, many reviewed good quality journals (with Info for journals since 1983)
- Scopus, search engine for scientific information
- The WWW Virtual Library, the oldest catalog of the Web
If you have some particular link and you want to include it in this list or you find a wrong address, please
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