Guidelines for Organising ISPRS Events and ISPRS Co-sponsored Events
Version June 2024
1. ISPRS Events and ISPRS Co-sponsored Events
WG officers are expected to organise ISPRS events and ISPRS co-sponsored events during the odd-numbered years between Congresses and Symposia. ISPRS events are events primarily organised by ISPRS, in particular Symposia, Geospatial Weeks and workshops, the latter usually being conducted by one or more working groups. ISPRS co-sponsored events are organised by other parties. Co-sponsorship is granted if it serves the aims of the Society. Regional Members, Associate Members and Sustaining Members are also encouraged to organise ISPRS sponsored or co-sponsored events.
Event Chairs should consult the ISPRS Events Calendar to identify other events with which they can conveniently coordinate dates and locations. All event organisers are encouraged to co-locate ISPRS events and ISPRS co-sponsored events which are of the same or similar topics. If this coordination is not feasible and the proposed meeting topics overlap, special approval must be obtained from the ISPRS Secretary General if the meeting is scheduled within three months of another approved meeting. This approval may only be granted with the agreement of the lead organisers of the affected meeting, in particular, if the affected meeting is a Symposium, the Geospatial Week or the Congress.
2. Approval and Announcement
Both, ISPRS events and ISPRS co-sponsored events need approval from Council. The procedure for approval is as follows:
(a) Event Chairs review the ISPRS Events Calendar and consult with the respective TCP on the topic and date of the event. Then, an application form for hosting the event (see appendix 3), which includes proposed dates, topic, location and organiser (with contact details and names of co-sponsors etc.), is to be completed by the Event Chair and approved by the TCP. The TCP then forwards the application form with his/her signature to the Secretary General for approval.
(b) If the event is approved, the Secretary General will give formal approval to the TCP and the event convenors, in copy to the ISPRS web master,, and, in case of an ISPRS event, to Copernicus GmbH ( If full details cannot be provided at that stage, they should be provided by the organisers to the web master as soon as they become available.
(c) As a result of a contract between ISPRS Council and Copernicus GmbH, a publishing service is available for ISPRS events. The contract is binding for all ISPRS events, including Congress, Symposia and the Geospatial Week, to ensure consistent publication of ISPRS proceedings. The event organisers must contact Copernicus GmbH for publication of the proceedings. A separate agreement must be established between the organisers of each ISPRS event and Copernicus GmbH.
Event organisers are entitled to publish an announcement and a call for participation of all ISPRS events and ISPRS co-sponsored events in the ISPRS eBulletin. The text and 1-2 images for this entry must be prepared by the event organisers and submitted to the Secretary General, Editor-in-Chief of the ISPRS eBulletin.
3. Publication of Proceedings
Organisers of ISPRS events and ISPRS co-sponsored events may opt to publish proceedings of the event.
For ISPRS sponsored events, proceedings appear in the Archives (abstract review) or Annals (full-paper double-blind review) according to the contractual arrangements with Copernicus GmbH. Copernicus also determine the volume number. Review and publication of the contributions are to be carried out according to the ISPRS publication policy, see appendix 4. All contributions accepted for the event must be part of the proceedings.
Proceedings of ISPRS co-sponsored events do not appear in either Archives nor Annals except for in rare cases such as an event organised by an ISPRS Committee, e.g. CIPA, or an ISPRS Ordinary Member. Publication should be coordinated with the main event organiser.
4. Reports
Each event organiser is expected to prepare a summary report for publication in the ISPRS eBulletin which should be submitted by the WG officers to the Secretary General no later than three months after the event.
5. Miscellaneous
Event organisers are encouraged to help The ISPRS Foundation in raising funds by making a donation for the benevolent aims of the Foundation.