A Joint ISPRS - CNES Initiative

In Denver, USA, at the ISPRS Commission I Symposium, it was announced that ISPRS and CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales,
www.cnes.fr) have initiated an HRS Study Team for assessing DEM production with HRS data.
(See also ISPRS Press Release - January issue).
- The HRS-SPOT 5 instrument and the announcement of the initiative
- Selected areas and call for partecipation
- Imagery Provider and Co-investigators: Summarized table,
list of investigators and co-investigators (
- The results of the assessment presented at the ISPRS Congress 2004 in Istanbul.
The Responsibles of the Initiative:
2 place Maurice Quentin
75039 Paris Cedex 01 - France
tel : (33-0)1 4476 7810
fax: (33-0)1 4476 7867
e-mail: alain.baudoin@equipement.gouv.fr
Prof.Dr. Manfred Schroeder
DLR-Institut für Methodik der Fernerkundung
D-82234 Wessling - Germany
tel:+49-(0)8153 282790
fax:+49-(0)8153 281444
e-mail: Manfred.Schroeder@dlr.de