ISPRS registers over 1000 Individual Members in 2024
In 2014, ISPRS Individual Membership was introduced free of charge to everybody. ISPRS particularly strives to make sure individuals in areas, where an active Ordinary Member does not exist, have the possibility to join ISPRS on an individual basis. ISPRS Individual Members receive regular information from ISPRS Headquarters through the ISPRS eBulletin.
On joining the Society, ISPRS Individual Members are issued with a membership certificate and preference will be given to Individual Members who apply for travel grants offered by ISPRS and The ISPRS Foundation. Membership must be renewed annually.
In 2024, for the first time, ISPRS registered 1040 Individual Members, a constantly growing number of people interested in the Society.
The following graphs show an interesting breakdown of the 2024 individuals’ prime interests, type of work, employer, age and country.
Please visit the ISPRS web site https://www.isprs.org/members/individual-membership-policy.aspx for further information on ISPRS Individual Membership.