Thematic Processing, Modeling and Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data
President | |
 | Wolfgang Wagner
Vice-President | |
 | Juha Hyyppä
Secretary | |
 | Wouter Dorigo
Terms of Reference
- Relationship between spectral, radiometric and temporal properties of objects and surfaces, their physical and chemical properties and their variations;
- Image classification and analysis methodologies;
- Analysis of characteristics of multi-spectral, hyperspectral, multi-sensor, microwave and multitemporal image data for extraction of attribute information;
- Methodologies of computer-assisted interpretation and analysis of remotely sensed data;
- Validation of data and information using laboratory and in-situ methodologies
- Improving atmospheric modelling for radiometric correction;
- Multi-source data fusion and integration techniques;
- Modelling of satellite data derived parameters
- Global databases and determination of indicators of change for global modelling, monitoring and sustainable development
- Integration of remote sensing and GIS techniques;
- Aerosol and particulate detection and identification.
WG VII/1 - Physical Modelling and Signatures in Remote Sensing
Mitsunori Yoshimura
Mathias Kneubühler
WG VII/1 Terms of Reference
- Study the relationship of spectral, directional, temporal and polarimetric properties of objects, as well as their physical and chemical properties and variations
- Research on advanced quantitative, physical based retrieval of biophysical and biochemical parameters
- Research of methods based on full spectral signatures using assimilation, inversion and neural networks
- Study spectrodirectional ('the combination of multiple view angles with imaginary spectrometers') data acquisition potential and subsequent retrieval methods
WG VII/2 - SAR Interferometry
Michele Crosetto
WG VII/2 Terms of Reference
- Generation and evaluation of DEMs derived by interferometric processing of airborne and spaceborne SAR imagery
- Object extraction from InSAR data
- Differential SAR Interferometry and Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
- Ground based SAR Interferometry
WG VII/3 - Information Extraction from Hyperspectral Data
Sabine Chabrillat
WG VII/3 Terms of Reference
- Ground based validation and radiometric calibration of hyperspectral data
- Optical, NIR, SWIR and thermal imaging spectroscopy
- Operationalising and standardising (pre-)processing and methodological approaches
- Atmospheric parameter retrieval and atmospheric corrections
- Data and sensor fusion for improved parameter retrieval (combination with other remote sensing data (lidar, SAR, multi-angular) and a priori information)
- Mixture models for data analysis
- Data compression and band selection algorithms
WG VII/4 - Methods for Land Cover Classification
WG VII/4 Terms of Reference
- Image classification techniques and new algorithms for the extraction of thematic information including pixel-based classification, object-based classification, and artificial intelligent based classification, and synergism between classification approaches
- Image analysis methodologies for thematic information extraction including context analysis, texture analysis, image segmentation, and other analysis
- Advanced and practical methodologies of Computer Assisted Interpretation (CAI) and analysis of remotely sensed data, including expert systems and knowledge based tools to help the human interpretation of images
- Enhanced methodologies for thematic data extraction using emerging sensor data sources, multiple view sensors and thermal sensors
- New methodologies for classification quality assessment
WG VII/5 - Methods for Change Detection and Process Modelling
Jean-Francois Crétaux
WG VII/5 Terms of Reference
- Analysis of characteristics of multitemporal data for extraction of attribute information
- Methodologies of computer assisted interpretation and analysis of multitemporal data
- Temporal pattern recognition and time series analysis and Modelling
- Methodologies for global monitoring, Modelling and prediction
- Methodologies for extracting essential climate variables from long-term satellite observations
- Algorithms and methods for monitoring and tracking changing objects
- Data integration and change detection for updating
WG VII/6 - Remote Sensing Data Fusion
WG VII/6 Terms of Reference
- Automatic registration of images with different sensor, different resolution and different acquisition mode.
- Concept study and methodology development of data fusion at different processing levels, especially at feature and decision level.
- Multi-source/multi-sensor data fusion and integration methodologies, such as fusing laser scanning data with images, fusing high-resolution satellite optical imagery with high-resolution SAR imagery, etc.
- Applications of data fusion to feature extraction, object recognition, classification, mapping, disaster monitoring, change detection, etc.
- Information mining from multi-platform, multi-source, multi-scale, spatial-temperal data, e.g, geometric information, topological information, statistical information, etc.
WG VII/7 - Theory and Experiments in Radar and Lidar
WG VII/7 Terms of Reference
- Polarimetric radar remote sensing for the retrieval of geophysical parameters
- Full-waveform laser scanning
- Radiometric calibration in radar and lidar remote sensing
- Scaling in radar and lidar remote sensing
- Physical radar and lidar backscatter models
- Experiments using both radar and lidar
- Synergetic use of lidar and radar for retrieval of geophysical parameters
- Multitemporal radar and lidar remote sensing
- Terrestrial measurements for validation and calibration