Table of Contents
- Editorial, by Ammatzia Peled, ISPRS Treasurer ()
- ISPRS Society ()
- ISPRS Council Meeting Minutes (By Ian Dowman, Secretary General ISPRS)
- ISPRS Book Series Editor Appointed (By John Trinder, ISPRS President)
- Confusion about Fusion (By Tony Schenk, Ohio State University)
- The U.V. Helava Award (By Emmanuel P. Baltsavias, Editor-in-Chief, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)
- The Brasil Campus-Centre for Space Science and Technology Education for Latin America and the Caribbean-Crectealc (By Tania Maria Sausen, Campus Brasil-CRECTEALC, Minist�rio da Ci�ncia e Tecnologia, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais)
- Illustration
- XX Congress - A Turkish Marriage (By M. Orhan Altan, ISPRS 2004 Congress Director)
- ISPRS Youth Forum
- Prizes for Best Papers by Young Authors
- Determining Sustainability Indicators by Remote Sensing (By John Trinder, ISPRS President)
- World Summit on Sustainable Development (By Allan Falconer, representeted ISPRS)
- From our Members ()
- ISPRS Sustaining Members ()
- Interview and Article ()
- Interoperability: Sharing Data under Open Standards (By Joop W. Blom, Contributing Editor, GIM International)
- Aspects of Spatial Information Outsourcing (By Jacques Sipkes, Contributing Editor, GIM International)
- Book Review - Vegetation Degradation in Central Asia under the Impact of Human
Activities (Book reviewer: Ryutaro Tateishi, CEReS, Chiba University, Japan) ()
- Events Calendar ()