Table of Contents
- Editorial, by Lawrence W. Fritz, 1st Vice President ()
- ISPRS Society ()
- XX Congress - A Glance at Turkish Architecture (By M. Orhan Altan, ISPRS 2004 Congress Director)
- 2nd Announcement International Workshop on Radiometric and Geometric Calibration
- ISPRS Homepage: Educational Material Available (By Fabio Remondino, ISPRS Webmaster)
- International Policy Advisory Committee of ISPRS (By Ray Harris, Department of Geography, University College London, UK)
- The International Council for Science (ICSU) (By Professor Ray Harris, Department of Geography, University College London, UK)
- Joint ISPRS/WGCV Task Force on Radiometric and Geometric Standards (By Ian Dowman, Secretary General, ISPRS Council 2000 - 2004)
- Obituary Gilbert Hobrough Winner of the 1980 ISPRS Brock Gold Medal Award 2ND GRSS/ISPRS Joint Workshop on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion over Urban Areas (By Paolo Gamba,Technical Chair, URBAN2003)
- 4th International Symposium Remote Sensing of Urban Areas (By Tarek Rashed, San Diego State University, USA)
- Joint Workshop of ISPRS Working Groups I/1 and II/2 Three Dimensional Mapping from InSAR and LIDAR (By Mike Renslow, Chair, WG I/3 (Vice-President, Spencer B. Gross, Inc.) and Dr. Bryan Mercer, Chair, WG II/2 (Chief Scientist, Intermap Technologies Corp.))
- Workshop of Commission V WG 4 Vision Techniques for Digital Architectural and Archaeological Archives (By Gabriele Fangi)
- Report of the International Workshop on Global Environmental Databases:Adaptation to Meet Current and Future Needs (By Ryutaro Tateishi, Chairman, ISPRS WG IV/8 and David Hastings)
- Call for Papers - NG2I 2003 (By Prof. Peggy Agouris, Dept. of Spatial Information and Science & Engineering, National Center for Geographic Information & Analysis, University of Maine)
- ISPRS Workshop WG II/5, II/6, IV/1 and IV/2 Joint Workshop on "Spatial,Temporal and Multi-Dimensional Data Modelling and Analysis" ISPRS Working Group VII/6 (By Yoshifumi Yasuoka, Chairman ISPRS Working Group VII/6)
- The Brazilian Amazon Forest Monitoring by Satellite (By João Roberto dos Santos, National Institute for Space Research INPE, Ministry of Science and Technology MCT, São José dos Campos, São Paulo State, Brazil)
- CBERS Image
- Article and Interview ()
- Intellectual Property, Patents and Web Mapping, (By Carl Reed, Ph.D., Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC), USA)
- Interview: An Obligation to Say What We Think, (By Christiaan Lemmen, Contributing Editor, GIM International)
- Other Organisations: CEOS/WGISS & WGISS/Subgroups Meeting, (By Poul Frederiksen, ISPRS representative to WGISS) ()
- Sustaining Members ()
- Other News ()
- Events Calendar ()