nd ISPRS Congress:
25 August - 1 September 2012, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
‘Working together to achieve the best use of Earth Observation data’
Melbourne, Aug 28, 2012
To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of ISRSE
Organised by ISPRS, ICRSE, IAA
There are a number of fora now for bringing together different sectors of the space
industry, these include GEO, CEOS, GGIM and meetings organised by different Societies
and companies. ISPRS has a particular interest in bringing together space agencies and
commercial satellite operators, together with non commercial users, such as environment
agencies and academic researchers to discuss issues such as funding environmental missions,
providing socio economic benefits and legal constraints. A one day Earth Observation Forum
will be held during the ISPRS Congress in Melbourne in August 2012 to commemorate the
symposia on 50th anniversary of the International Symposia on Remote Sensing of Environment.
- Review the current status of international coordination of Earth Observation
- Explore constraints on collaboration
- Discuss legal issues concerning space law and EO satellite data
- Formulate a list of requirements for future collaboration
Session 1: The role of international and national agencies
Earth Science & Applications
Lawrence Friedl, NASA, USA NASA
Presentation File
China's Earth Observing Satellites for Digital Earth
Guo Huadong, CEODE, China
Presentation File
Earth Observation Data Continuity and Dependencies in Australia’s R&D Sector
Alex Held, CSIRO, Australia
Presentation File
JAXA's Earth Observation Programme
Toru Fukuda, JAXA, Japan
Presentation File
The ESA Approach to Sustainable Earth Observation
Stephen Ward, ESA
Presentation File
Session 2: The Business Perspective
The CEOS Role in EO Data Supply
Stephen Ward, CEOS
Presentation File
Commercial EO Industry: A Media Perspective on the Way Forward
Bhanu Rheka, Geospatial Media, India
Presentation File
The DMC International Collaboration and Serving Public Entities with Commercial Data
Gary Holmes, DMC International Imaging, United Kingdom
Presentation File
Collaborative Thoughts in a Competitive World
John Ahlrichs, RapidEye AG, Germany
Presentation File
Session 3: Non Commercial and Legal Issues
A Steppingstone for Global Space Cooperation
Rainer Sandau, International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), German Aerospace Center, Germany
Presentation File
Advances in the Use of Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Technologies in Nuclear Non
proliferation and Arms Control Verification Regimes
Irmgard Niemeyer, Nuclear Waste Management and Reactor Safety, Germany
Presentation File
Australian Government use of Commercial EO Capabilities
Adam Lewis, Geoscience Australia, Australia
Presentation File
Earth Observation for Science and Public Use: Rules, Experiences and Plans
Gunter Schreier, German Remote Sensing Data Centre, Germany
Presentation File
EO Forum Report
Ian Dowman, University College London, United Kingdom
Bhanu Rekha, Geospatial Media and Communications India