Best Paper 2012
The U.V. Helava Award, sponsored by Elsevier B.V. and Leica Geosystems AG, is a prestigious ISPRS Award, which was established in 1996 to encourage and stimulate submission of high quality scientific papers by individual authors or groups to the ISPRS Journal, to promote and advertise the Journal, and to honour the outstanding contributions of Dr. Uuno V. Helava to research and development in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
The Award is presented to authors of the best paper, written in English and published exclusively in the ISPRS Journal during the four-year period from January of a Congress year, to December of the year prior to the next Congress. The Award consists of a monetary grant of SFr. 10,000 and a plaque. A five-member jury, comprising experts of high scientific standing, whose expertise covers the main topics included in the scope of the Journal, evaluates the papers. For each year of the four-year evaluation period, the best paper is selected, and among these four papers, the one to receive the U.V. Helava Award.
The fifth U.V. Helava Award will be presented at the 23th ISPRS Congress in Prague, 12-19 July 2016. The Jury appointed by the ISPRS Council evaluated the 97 papers of volumes 67-74 (2012) and announced its decision for the Best Paper. The winner of the 2012 Best Paper Award is:
"CityGML – Interoperable semantic 3D city models"
by Gerhard Gröger, and Lutz Plümer
Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation, University of Bonn, Germany
Gerhard Gröger |
Lutz Plümer |
published in volume 71, July 2012, pp. 12–33,
Jury's rationale for the paper selection
This review paper summarizes the new version of the CityGML format approved by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). It describes data exchange facilitates, tools and data availability as well as some issues that are not covered by the OGC specification. It provides many examples of possible applications, giving the paper high practical relevance. The Jury found the paper very well written, well organized and had a very good literature review. The presentation was excellent with many high quality figures and flowcharts.
On behalf of the ISPRS and the U.V. Helava Award Jury, I would like to congratulate the authors for this distinction and thank them for their contribution. I would also like to thank the sponsors of the Award, and the Jury members for their thorough evaluations.
Derek Lichti
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,
The University of Calgary, Canada
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